How to support this site? |
Do you like this website? Would you like to support it in some way, but don't know how? Here are some tips on how to help continue
to bring you the joy of playing and remembering your childhood.
Tip # 1:
Share your favorite games with friends on social networks. If you are interested in some game, tell about it to your friends by clicking on some of the blue
icons on the left side of the screen. We will be happy for every visitor you bring to us.
Tip # 2:
Add a link to to your website. Do you have your own website? Do you write a blog about computer games? Do you have a youtube channel?
Then consider if you support us by publishing our icon. Just select one and add one of these HTML codes to your site's file:
<a href=""><img
alt=" - legendary videogames online" width="88"
<a href=""><img
alt=" - legendary videogames online" width="88"
Tip # 3:
Please don't block our ads. If you use adblock or similar software to block ads, then consider making an exception for our site. is
and will be always free. Advertising is the only revenue that we use to cover fees for hosting, domain name, or SSL protocol.
Tip # 4:
Support with any financial contribution. We will be happy for any amount you send us via PayPal account.
Just click on the icon below. Thank you very much in advance.