The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Chronicle of the Canons Regular of Mount
St. Agnes, by Thomas a Kempis, Translated by J. P. Arthur

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Title: The Chronicle of the Canons Regular of Mount St. Agnes

Author: Thomas a Kempis

Release Date: September 26, 2005  [eBook #16759]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-646-US (US-ASCII)


This eBook was produced by Les Bowler from the 1906 Kegan Paul, Trench,
Trubner & Co., Ltd. edition.

[Title Page: title.jpg]

The Chronicles of the Canons Regular of Mount St. Agnes
written by Thomas A Kempis.
Translated by J. P. Arthur.


[Dedication in Greek which cannot be reproduced].





I.      Of the first founders of the Monastery at Mount St. Agnes, and
how Master Gerard Groote first pointed out this place to them.

II.     Of the building of the first House on Mount St. Agnes.

III.    Concerning the names of the first Brothers and their labours.

IV.     Of the scanty food and raiment of the Brothers, and how
wondrously God did provide for them.

V.      Of the consecration of the first chapel and altar at Mount St.

VI.     Of the year and place in which the first four Brothers were

VII.    How the monastery was removed from Westerhof to Mount St. Agnes.

VIII.   How John Kempen was chosen as the first prior of Mount St. Agnes.

IX.     How the Burial-ground at Mount St. Agnes was consecrated.

X.      Of the Brothers who were invested by John of Kempen, the first

XI.     Of the death of Brother Wolfard, Priest in the Monastery of Mount
St. Agnes.

XII.    How Brother William Vorniken was chosen to be the second Prior in
the House of Mount St. Agnes.

XIII.   Of the death of Brother Nicholas Kreyenschot.

XIV.    Of the consecration of our Church and of four Altars in the House
of Mount St. Agnes.

XV.     Of the death of the beloved Father John Ummen, the first Founder
of the Monastery of Mount St. Agnes.

XVI.    Of the pestilence that afflicted mankind, and how some of our
Brothers died in this plague.

XVII.   Of the death of William, son of Seger, a Priest in Hasselt.

XVIII.  Of the death of our most reverend Lord Frederic, Bishop of

XIX.    Of the death of Brother John Vos of Huesden, who was the second
Prior at Windesem.

XX.     How Brother Theodoric of Kleef was chosen to be the third Prior
of the House on the Mount.

XXI.    Of the death of Brother Egbert formerly Sub-Prior at the House on
the Mount.

XXII.   How our Brothers and other Religious were driven from the land by
reason of the Interdict.

XXIII.  Of the return of our Brothers from Frisia to Mount St. Agnes.

XXIV.   Of the death of Brother John of Kempen, the first Prior of Mount
St. Agnes.

XXV.    How Theodoric of Kleef, third Prior of the House on the Mount
laid down his office, and was absolved therefrom.

XXVI.   How Brother Henry of Deventer was chosen to be the fourth Prior
of the House of Mount St. Agnes.

XXVII.  How Father Henry, the fourth Prior, resigned his office, and how
Father George was chosen to be the fifth Prior.

XXVIII. Of the ancient Reliquary of St. Agnes, and how it was gotten.

XXIX.   Of the death of Brother Henry, son of William, the fourth Prior
of our House.



I.       Concerning the year in which that reverend man, Florentius of
Wevelichoven, was made Bishop of Utrecht.

II.      Of the death of John Ruysbroeck, first Prior of the Groenendaal.

III.     Of the death of the venerable Master Gerard Groote, a man most

IV.      Of the great eulogy passed upon Gerard by a certain doctor.

V.       How, after his death, the number of the Devout and the Order of
Regulars did increase.

VI.      Of the consecration of the Church, and the investiture of the
first Brothers in Windesem.

VII.     Of the death of John de Gronde, a Priest.

VIII.    Of the death of the most Reverend Florentius of Wevelichoven,
Bishop of Utrecht.

IX.      How Frederick of Blanckenhem was chosen to be Bishop.

X.       How the monastery at Northorn was founded.

XI.      Of the death of that most devout Priest Florentius, Vicar of the
Church of Deventer.

XII.     Of the death of Everard of Eza, a Curate in Almelo and a great
master of physic.

XIII.    Of the death of the Priest Amilius that succeeded Florentius at

XIV.     Of the first investiture of the Sisters of our Order in
Diepenvene near Deventer.

XV.      How the monastery in Budiken was reformed.

XVI.     Of the death of Gerard Kalker, a devout Priest, and Rector of
the House of Clerks.

XVII.    Of the death of Henry of Gouda, a devout Priest, at Zwolle.

XVIII.   How the Sisters in Bronope were invested.

XIX.     The death of Wermbold the Priest.

XX.      Of the death of John Cele, Rector of the School at Zwolle.

XXI.     Concerning John Brinckerinck, a disciple of Master Gerard.

XXII.    Of the death of Gisbert Dow, Rector of the Sisters at Amsterdam.

XXIII.   As to the gaining of Indulgences at the stations in Rome.

XXIV.    The letter of the Cardinal of Bologna.



The Chronicle of Mount St. Agnes is the only work of Thomas a Kempis of
which no English translation has yet appeared, and even in its original
form the book is not readily accessible to readers, since the only text
is that published by Peter and John Beller of Antwerp in 1621.  The
ordinary collections of the works of a Kempis do not contain the
Chronicle, although there is no doubt as to the authenticity of the book,
which is of considerable importance to students of the movement known as
"The New Devotion," and to those who are interested in the Brotherhood of
the Common Life.  The last nine pages of the Latin text have been added
by an anonymous writer, and carry on the chronicle from the year 1471, in
which a Kempis died, to 1477, but since this portion of the book is
included in the first printed edition, and contains a notice of the
author written by a contemporary member of the community, I have included
the addition in the present translation of the Chronicle.

The Mother House of the Chapter to which the Monastery of Mount St. Agnes
belonged, was the Monastery at Windesheim, of which we have a full
account from the pen of John Buschius, a younger contemporary of a
Kempis.  This work is too long to be included in the present volume,
although the Antwerp edition before mentioned puts the two Chronicles
together; Busch's "Chronicon Windesemense" will therefore appear
separately; but as the account of the foundation of the Mother House,
written by William Voern, or Vorniken, supplements the information given
by a Kempis, a translation of it is annexed to this book.  The writer was
Prior of Mount St. Agnes before his promotion to the same office in the
Superior House, and it was under his rule that a Kempis spent the early
years of his priesthood, those years in which he composed the first part
at least of the great work with which his name is associated.  William
Vorniken also tells in outline the story of the conversion of the Low
Countries to Christianity by Anglo-Saxon missionaries, and for all these
reasons it has been thought that his "letter" may be of interest to
English readers.

It will be seen that the spelling of proper names is both peculiar and
variable, but the principle observed in this translation has been to
adopt the spelling given in the text, except in cases where variation is
evidently the result of a printer's error, and in those instances in
which the writer _translated_ names, _e.g_., Hertzogenbosch appears in
the Chronicle as Buscoducis, and Gerard is called sometimes Groote,
Groot, or Groet, and sometimes Magnus.

Further accounts of the lives of some of the Brothers who are mentioned
in this Chronicle may be found in a translation of another work of a
Kempis published last year, and entitled "The founders of the New
Devotion," Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.; and the history of the
other houses of the Chapter to which the Monastery of Mount St. Agnes
belonged, has been treated exhaustively by Dr. J. G. R. Acquoy, "Het
Klooster te Windesheim."  Utrecht, 1880.

For the English reader the best accounts of the Brotherhood and of a
Kempis himself, are the works of Rev. S. Kettlewell and Sir F. R. Cruise.
The former, however, is quite unreliable as a translator, and draws
untenable deductions from extracts whose purport he has misunderstood;
but the latter is both accurate and interesting, being in fact the
leading English authority on the subject which he has made his own.


The pious desire of certain of our Brothers hath constrained me to put
together a short chronicle concerning the beginning of our House, and the
first foundation of our Monastery on Mount St. Agnes, that the said
chronicle may be a comfort to them that are now alive, and a memorial for
them that come after.  Wherefore humbly assenting to their pious desires,
I have gathered together a few things out of many, and these I have seen
with mine own eyes, or have heard from the Elders of our House, or else
have gathered from the writings of others.

Some of the Elders who first dwelt in this House have told us that or
ever there was a monastery builded in this place, and before any man had
yet come hither to serve God, there did often appear to the shepherds and
to them that dwelt near, visions of men in white raiment who seemed to go
in procession round the mount: and the signification and meaning hereby
portended became clear enough afterward as time went by, when the
monastery by God's grace begun in this place by a few Brothers and
afterward finished with much toil came into being and a great company of
Brothers dwelt therein--for then it was seen how the Devout Congregation
of Canons Regular being clad in white raiment did serve God with
devotion, singing hymns and psalms and celebrating Mass; also reciting
the proper Canonical Hours to His praise every day, and praying for our
benefactors, both living and dead, especially for them that are buried in
this Monastery.



_Of the first founders of the Monastery at Mount St. Agnes, and how
Master Gerard Groote first pointed out this place to them_

The House of Mount St. Agnes, which lieth outside the walls of the town
of Zwolle, and on the eastern side thereof, had its origin and completion
in this way.

The place used to be called in the vulgar tongue Mount Nemel and lieth
not far from Zwolle, but one may traverse the distance in the space of an
hour.  Now there were in the State of Zwolle certain faithful men who had
been turned wholly to God by Master Gerard Groote.  These men had builded
them an house, in a suburb belonging to the city, near an ancient Convent
of Beguines, and here they served God humbly and with devotion.  Amongst
these the chief was John of Ummen, a man dedicated to God, and greatly
beloved by Gerard; and with him there abode likewise Wychmann Rurinch,
Reyner, son of Leo of Renen, and two or three others that were well
disposed.  Moreover, a certain Clerk that dwelt in those parts named
Wittecoep, had joined himself to them and lived among them devoutly.
There was also the mother of John of Ummen, named Regeland, a widow of
ripe age, who ministered to the necessities of these servants of God,
giving good heed to the care of the house as a faithful Martha.  Most
gladly would she listen to the Word of God, and, like Mary, was never
sated with the sweetness of the Holy Scriptures that were read.

When any one at meal-time read somewhat incorrectly and stammered over
the words, this venerable woman said to him "Read no more and do not
defile the Word of God lest harm come to holy things and they that hear
be offended in thee.  Let another read that hath better skill thereto,
that we may all understand and be edified."

After no long time this good woman came to the end of her life on the
Thursday in Holy Week after Mass was ended, and she was buried at Zwolle
by her friends and the Brothers.  From that hour and day, for three whole
days, her son John Ummen fasted from every kind of food to promote his
mother's salvation, and he neither ate nor drank aught until the dawning
of the day of the Lord's Passover, and yet was he as whole in body and in
strength as if he had been well fed every day.

And as these servants of God lived in poverty and at the common charge it
came to pass that many men that were in the world, considering their holy
life, came together to them, being eager to serve God and to leave the
world, in the hope of an eternal gain.  Meanwhile it happened that the
venerable Master Gerard Groote came to Zwolle about the beginning of
Lent, and of necessity abode there certain days, since he was anxious to
comfort his poor children, for it was his desire to refresh with the word
of consolation those whom he had drawn to leave the world.  So a very
great company of people came together to his preaching, and many devoutly
submitted themselves to his counsel, for sometimes he would preach two
sermons in one day so as to water the chosen vineyard of the Lord.  And
if he had determined to preach after the midday meal, he would remain
praying in the Church or walking in meditation in the churchyard, taking
no food himself, while he awaited the return of the people.  For this
reason they that loved his holy discourse were unwilling to stay away too
long, but would sit them down in the churchyard or in the Church, and
take beforehand places that were convenient and near the pulpit, so that
at the proper hour they might the more readily hear and understand the
Word of God.  And when Gerard had done his faithful preaching, each would
return to his own concerns rejoicing with eager heart, and praising God
for all the things he had heard.  And they marvelled above measure at the
humble bearing of the Master, and were edified thereby, that he, a man of
so great fame and knowledge, one that had friends great and famous,
should go about the streets with so meek an aspect, and showing little
care for his attire; for he cared not at all about worldly things, and
sought only to gain a great usury of souls for God.  He was well
favoured, kindly in word, and courteous to all, so that any man whatever,
whether a stranger or born in the land, even though poor and unknown,
might speak to him and receive from him some discourse upon the things of
God.  The good saw this and rejoiced thereat, but the froward gnashed
with their teeth and spake evil of Gerard.  A certain man, therefore, one
of the great ones of the State, came near to him, and rebuked his words
and deeds, for the man himself took more pleasure at that time in
worldliness than in the things of God.  "Why," said he, "dost thou
disquiet us, and bring in new customs?  Cease from this preaching, and do
not disturb or frighten men."  But Gerard made answer with wisdom and
constancy: "I would not willingly suffer you to go to Hell," and the man
said again with indignation: "Let us go thither in peace," but the kindly
and good Master replied: "I will not do so; if thou wilt not hear, there
will be some who will gladly give ear"--but we must return to our

When the most beloved Master was sojourning in Zwolle for the purpose of
preaching the Word, some of his disciples aforementioned who dwelt
together there came to him secretly and confessed that they desired to
live a life further removed from that of the world, for they could not
bear to mingle with worldlings without suffering hurt to their spiritual
life; and they said that they would choose to dwell without the City if
he should agree thereto.  They begged him therefore, as loving sons
speaking to their father, to condescend to go with them some little space
outside the City to look for a place convenient wherein to live quietly.
Then Gerard assented to their pious prayers, and when the next day dawned
he prepared for the journey and taking with him the brothers Wychmann,
Reyner, Henry and James Wittecoep, he went with them towards the
mountains of Nemel to a place that was foreordained of God, and separated
from the multitude; for men were seldom seen to come thither or to pass
by, and patches of thorns and nettles grew here and there upon the hills
and valleys.  So as they went forth the wind beat against them, hut
neither rain nor wind could stay the Master from the straight course, and
he went on rejoicing and said pleasantly to his companions: "I will go
before you and shield you from the wind with my cloak."  But as they drew
near to the place, they went up to the top of an hill, and having made a
circuit round the mountains for some little space, they at last beheld a
valley, that was narrow and deep, upon the northern side of the mountain,
and Gerard's disciples asked him a question, saying: "See! most beloved
Master, how good is this place, and how private; here we may hide for the
love of Christ, as of old the holy Eremites did hide in the mountains and
in caves in the earth."  But this they said in simplicity of heart out of
the fervent zeal of their devotion, and their desire for a life more
remote from the world, for they thought there they could be hid, screened
by the thickets of brushwood.  But the Master being most discreet and
wise in counsel soon dissuaded them from this purpose, for a place that
lieth low doth never suit the human complexion, nor would a place so
narrow avail in future for many men to dwell in.  So they withdrew their
feet prudently therefrom and visited another mountain that was near; and
their wise leader saw that on the south side thereof was a level place
fit for crops, and he said to them that stood by: "Place your tabernacle
at the foot of this mountain--then shall ye be able to make a little
garden for your herbs and fruits on the level place toward the south.  If
the Lord grant me life I will be here often with you."  Having visited
this place and walked about it through God's inspiration, they returned
again to the City together, leaving the issue of the matter to the
pleasure of the Almighty.  But in the same year the beloved Master
Gerard, that light and lamp of devotion that shone upon his country of
Utrecht, was taken away from this world to receive the reward of his
labours, and he went up from the vale of our lamentations to the mount of
everlasting bliss.


_Of the building of the first House on Mount St. Agnes_.

But after the passing of the Master, who must ever be held in
remembrance, the new branch of his planting ceased not to bear fruit;
moreover the heaven shed dew upon it from above, as Gerard at the end of
his life had promised, so that our land yielded increase in her season;
and the men above named continued to carry into effect the intention
which they had formed in their minds.  The chief mover in this holy work
was James Wittecoep, the son of one Thomas Coep, a man who had been a
magistrate in the town of Zwolle; and he did all that in him lay to
promote the foundation of an house on the mountain for the servants of
God.  Goswin Tyasen, who afterward became a Canon Regular at Windesheim,
assisted him in this business, for he, relying upon the goodness of God,
and having the ear of his fellows, was eagerly desirous to move them to
choose this place.  There were others also of like purpose, but these two
were the chief men amongst them, and they all relied upon the help of
their friends, but especially upon the co-operation of the mercy of God
by Whose nod all things are determined.  Therefore they besought the
heritors of Bercem and Nemel, joint owners of the farm, to grant them a
portion of the land, and the site where now the Monastery is builded, and
the owners thereof did freely grant their request and gave them the land
for the Brothers to dwell in.  When they had obtained the power to build
upon the spot pointed out to them aforetime by Master Gerard, they set in
order a small house, at the bottom of the mountain, that had been given
to them by a certain matron, and some labourers assisted them in this
work.  This house was builded of logs and earth, but was only roofed in
above with common thatch.  But when this poor little habitation, on an
humble site on the lower part of the mountain was builded, no man dwelt
there, because it lacked household stuff; yet certain of the Brothers
whose hearts were set on the completion of the work would visit it, and
sometimes one or two would sleep upon the straw there, in their clothes,
but for their food they either brought somewhat with them or returned to
their friends in the town.

Scarce have I known of any place or house that was begun in so great
poverty, and yet came, in despite of divers hindrances, to so great an
increase of prosperity; but Jesus our Saviour Himself began in the
deepest poverty, and His lack did make rich Holy Church.  This house
therefore, poor at first, unknown and hidden, did deserve in process of
time to be more widely increased through the blessing of our Father in
Heaven, Who doth ever turn His Face toward lowly things, but doth look
from afar upon the lofty.  For as wealthier persons came and brought
their goods into the common stock, the place whose beginning was so poor,
and its outward appearance so lowly, grew to be a yet fairer vineyard of
the Lord of Sabaoth.  For the tillers of the farm and the country folk of
the land of Bercem and Nemel, seeing that an house was now builded on the
mountain and that devout men had come together there to serve God in
humility and simplicity, gave and assigned to them and their successors
the aforesaid place in honour of Holy Religion, and that prayers might be
offered for them and their friends; which grant they did also confirm in
writing to any others whom God Almighty should see fit to associate with
them.  In regard to this holy gift and this pious request made by consent
of the owners of the place, there was but one deed executed relating to
the first and original foundation.  This is attested by the seals of many
honest men, and in it is given a short description of the manner of the
Common Life and of the wholesome rule so far as this same was applicable
to the conditions of the Brotherhood in the early days.  These things
were done and finished in the year of the Lord 1386 on the Friday before
Palm Sunday, and a year and a half after the death of the aforesaid
Master Gerard.


_Concerning the names of the first Brothers and their labours_.

These are the names of those first Brothers, the devout men who began to
build the House of Mount St. Agnes and to dwell there.  First James
Wittecoep, the chief promoter of our House and the earnest keeper thereof
in all things.  He afterward became a Priest in Zwolle and served the
Altar in the Hospice there, where he died after making a good confession.
Secondly, there was John Ummen, son of Assetrin, whose mother was called
Regeland.  He, though blind and unlettered, was yet the familiar friend
and devout disciple of Master Gerard, and he became the first Rector of
the House, being a good man and a comfortable.  Thirdly, there was
Wychmann Roerinck van Hellender, a pattern of poverty and patience; he,
putting aside his friends, who were many, became an humble hearer of
Gerard, and was Procurator to this poor little congregation.

Other upright men also were joined to these chief Brothers, being drawn
to give up the world by the sweet savour of the reputation of this new
and holy congregation.  Their names are worthy of the fame of a good
memorial, for they were shining lights of holy poverty, obedience,
continence, and daily toil.  The first was Reyner, son of Leo of Renen of
the diocese of Utrecht, who often made pilgrimages out of his devotion;
but afterward became converted by Gerard's preaching and gave up the
world.  The second was Reyner the younger, a man without reproach, poor
and accustomed to toil.  He, too, came from Renen which is in the diocese
of Munster.  The third was called Gerard the cook, for he at the first
was cook to the House, but afterward became the porter, a man fervent in
deed, and devout in prayer, who was born at Deventer.  All these knew
Gerard Groote in the flesh, and often heard him preach the Word of God
among the people.  By these humble, simple-hearted, and devout little
servants of Christ--these who did verily despise the world--was our House
on mount Nemel begun, which House after that it became a Monastery was
called Mount St. Agnes.  Moreover by little and little several devout
clerks and lay folk from the neighbouring towns and from far off
districts came to join these men, and they earned their daily bread by
the labour of their hands.  For none was allowed to avoid his task, none
might go about idly, neither did any dare to talk of worldly matters, but
all were taught to labour for the common good, and to call often upon God
in prayer at the appointed hours after the manner of the holy Fathers in
Egypt: for these, too, did labour with their hands, but during the hours
of toil they never ceased from prayer.  Likewise they had received this
rule from Master Gerard, that none ought to be accepted save such as were
willing to labour with their hands and take part in the Common Life.
Wherefore the clerks were diligent in writing the books of Holy
Scriptures, and the lay folk busied them with bodily labour and tillage.
Some also followed the tailor's craft, others wove wool and flax; others
again made baskets and mats, or did divers tasks for the good of the
community at the bidding of their Superior.  Outwardly indeed they led a
life of poverty and toil for Christ's sake, but the love of the heavenly
life made sweet the present indigence.  If one went forth on any
business, he would first utter some short word concerning the things of
God, or would speak the Name of Jesus, and some other would reply with
"Christ" or "Mary" as his devotion impelled him.  For a great while they
lived together in this companionship, and until the time of the
foundation of the Monastery, all alike, both Clerks and Lay folk obeyed
their first Rector, John of Ummen, a zealous man and well skilled in
spiritual things.  With such diligence did they follow the virtue of
obedience that none dared even to drive in a nail, or do any little thing
without the knowledge of the Rector or Procurator, for they received
fraternal correction by way of warning for the least neglect, nor was
there given any place for excuse, but every man did humbly acknowledge
his fault, and was forward to promise amendment.  But if any were not
ready to obey, or should cling stubbornly to what was good in his own
eyes Father John would chide him more sternly as the manner of the fault
and the quality of the person did demand.  Sometimes fired with yet
greater zeal for discipline and in order to affright the other Brothers
he would say to some that were ill content, or slow to take his Orders:
"Lo! the door standeth open.  If any will go forth, let him go: I would
rather have one that is obedient than many that are disobedient.  By the
favour of God I may readily find others who will cheerfully do what ye
refuse."   Thus by the voice of his authority he would curb the
ill-contentment of some.  Also he used to say that unwilling and sluggish
Brothers were false prophets who thought that naught was profitable save
what was good in their own eyes.

Once it happened that the elder Reyner was sent out with some other
Brothers to guard the reeds, lest the cattle that passed by might chew
and injure them.  But when the time for the midday meal came all the rest
went in, and Reyner alone remained on watch in the fields, and afterwards
he, too, went in to take his sustenance.  Then he was asked wherefore he
had not come in with the others at the appointed hour, and he answered
that he had remained outside thinking to do the more good thereby, and
prevent danger to their stuff.  But Father John replied, "Would that the
beasts had despoiled all our goods so that thou hadst come in with the
rest as in duty bound.  This would have pleased me better."   Then was
Reyner deeply penitent, and groaning he prostrated himself humbly on the
ground asking for pardon, and saying that he would never do the like
again.  But yet John was full of comfort and kindness to those that were
tempted or oppressed with any weighty matter, for he had the gracious
power of consoling all, whatever might be the cause for which they came
to him.  Master Gerard himself often sent divers persons to be instructed
by him in the way of God, saying to them, "Go to blind John of Ummen,
that devout and upright man, and whatsoever he saith unto you, do it."  He
also bore this witness about John, saying "That blind man hath better
sight than all that are in Zwolle," meaning that though he lacked natural
sight, yet was he illumined inwardly by the radiance of truth, and showed
the way of eternal salvation to many that resorted to him, and gave them
the guidance of the true light.

Among these early Brothers so great was the zeal of their love that each
strove to surpass the other in doing work that was humble; and they were
eager in lowly service one to the other.  So while one was asleep another
would rise up earlier than was customary and finish his work; but if any
were somewhat slower in going forth to his labour, some other that was
quicker would take his place, and it was often found that some task was
finished though none knew who had done it.  By this means was charity
shown in deed, and humility of heart was preserved, according to the
saying, "Love to be unknown."

All that dwelt in the House were stirred up by a like devotion to do
menial tasks and fulfil humble offices.  Wherefore the clerks and weavers
would not avoid the work in the fields, but when called thereto at
harvest time they would go forth with the rest to gather in the sheaves
of corn.  Following the rule of obedience, and acting for the common
good, they made the hay, or dug the ground, or planted herbs, whenever
such work must needs be done.  So, too, holy David doth praise them that
fear God, and doth minister sweet words of consolation to them that
labour well, saying: "Thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands, well is
thee and happy shalt thou be."


_Of the scanty food and raiment of the Brothers, and how wondrously God
did provide for them_.

Who can tell how poor was their food while they laboured at their daily
toil?  Their victual was coarse, their drink ungenerous, their raiment
simple and rude, so that naught did minister to the lusts of the flesh,
but the needs of the body were satisfied soberly enough.  They were often
compelled to eat food that was of evil savour through lack of better
victual; but constant toil and hunger made herbs and pulse to be pleasant
to the taste.  Fish was given to the community seldom, and eggs more
rarely still, but yet of their goodwill the Brothers would give these to
the sick, or to strangers, if by any means they could get such things.
Wherefore one hath said, "When the reign of poverty is long, pleasure
doth endure but a little space."

On certain days the rule allowed them to eat flesh meats, but if at such
times a larger mess was set before them, yet was it not more daintily
cooked.  Furthermore, certain amongst them, who while they dwelt in the
world had been taught to love a very different fare, were now content
with scanty and coarse food, doing great violence to their lusts thereby;
but yet they bore all these things patiently after that saying of Christ,
"The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by
force."  Sometimes when supper was ended scarce aught did remain to be
divided amongst them on the day following; at other times there was lack
of utensils or cooking pots, or suitable food would fail; but God the
Maker of all things, who of old did feed the people in the wilderness,
did not desert the Brothers on the Mount.  So it once came about that
when they had consumed almost all their food, Gerard the cook being
anxious for the morrow, made his lack known to Father John, saying sadly
"What shall I set before them to-morrow?"  But John consoled his sadness
with kindly words, and exhorted him to have faith in the Lord, who doth
not fail them that hope in Him.  And when that day had drawn on to
evening, Everard of Eza, Curate of Almelo, came unexpectedly in his
chariot as if sent by God to comfort the poor.  He was received by the
Brothers eagerly and reverently, and they brought him in as if the
Hospice was his own, for he loved the House and all that dwelt therein by
reason of their utter poverty and their simple manner of life, and
because their desire was to hinder none, but to profit all men; moreover
he was united to Father John by a special bond of love.  Wherefore, when
he had determined to travel to Windesem, or had business at Zwolle, he
delighted to come first to the Brothers on the Mount; and being a mighty
shepherd of souls as well as a most skilful physician, he alighted from
his carriage and fed souls that were in want thereof with the fodder of
the Holy Word, and likewise cheered the faint of heart by giving them the
food they lacked.  He had brought with him fine meal, and flesh, and he
gave the same to the Brothers for their common use; and they receiving
the gifts he offered were all comforted by their better fortune, and gave
thanks to God and to Everard that of his bounty he had provided for them
and succoured them in their so great need.  At another time, also, divers
poor Clerks had been called from Zwolle to help them in some work,
wherefore certain of the Brothers went down to fish in the brook Vecht,
whose course is near to the mountain.  So they let down their nets in the
name of Jesus, and by the grace of God, who made all waters, there were
taken of the fish called bream a number equal to the number of their

At that time Gerard Bronchorst, a Canon of Utrecht, and a great friend to
the devout, was in authority at Deventer, and he gave two cows to our
Brothers on the Mount, but forasmuch as God would prove their patience
and increase their faith, one of the cows died, though the other one
remained whole.  And the wondrous goodness of God provided that the one
should give so large a yield of milk as to suffice for all the Brothers,
though they would have thought that they would scarce get enough from
two.  Then was seen the fulfilment of the word of the prophet Esaias, who
saith: "It shall come to pass in that day that a man shall nourish a
young cow, and for the abundance of the milk he shall eat butter."

At the beginning of their common life the Brothers were despised by
worldlings, and they bore patiently the derision of them that passed by;
also they were called by vile names in scorn, and suffered much evil
speaking and many injuries from the envious; but the patience of the good
overcame the malice of the froward, and the freedom of their good
conscience gave them the greater joy because of the scorn that was cast
upon them.  For although men that were ill-disposed would insult these
poor little ones of Christ, and blushed not to speak evil of the
innocent, yet many that feared God would praise their holy conversation;
such men assisted them with kindly deeds and help, being moved thereto by
pious reasons.

One of the community, a Lay Donate and an upright man, was employed in
feeding the cattle, and as he was driving an herd of swine in the field
he met an ancient crone, who began to abuse him and to hurl unseemly
words at him.  And the devout Brother answered her gently, saying, "Good
dame, tell me my faults freely, and chide me sternly, for I greatly lack
such chastisement," but the woman hearing this was smitten with inward
remorse, and said in a changed voice: "What should it profit me to help
you to the kingdom of heaven, but myself to hell!" for she perceived that
by her chiding the Brother earned fresh merit, but she punishment for her

It came to pass that as two of the Brothers were at work together out of
doors, one by mischance did unwittingly hurt the other somewhat, and he
who had done the injury prayed the other to pardon him for God's sake.
But the Brother who was hurt in body was whole in heart, and said: "Even
if thou hadst slain my father I would freely pardon thee," and those that
stood by and heard his saying were edified, and glorified God for the
gracious words that proceeded from the sufferer's mouth.  May these few
things that I have told of the early deeds of our elders be pleasing to
the reader.


_Of the consecration of the first chapel and altar at Mount St. Agnes_.

On the Vigil of the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and in the year of our
Lord 1395, was consecrated the first chapel on the Mount of St. Agnes the
Virgin, and the first altar therein was dedicated in honour of that
saint, and of the most blessed Mary Magdalene, by Hubert, the Suffragan
and Vicar-General for Pontifical Acts to our most Reverend Father and
Lord, Frederic, Bishop of Utrecht.

And after the rite of Consecration, when the Dedication Festival was at
hand, being the Sunday after the Nativity of St. John, Reyner, the Curate
of Zwolle, came and was the first to sing a Solemn Mass in the chapel,
wherein he offered the sacrifice of perpetual praise to God, for he was
friendly disposed to the Brothers, and at unity with them.  So from that
day forward the Holy Mysteries of our Redemption were celebrated there by
Priests and Clerks, and on festivals, hymns to the praise of God were
sung to stir up devotion of heart.

Having made this holy beginning, the lowly band of Brothers was kindled
to a still greater love of the worship of God, but in after time, when
the new and larger church in the monastery was builded and consecrated,
the dedication of this former chapel was transferred to the latter by
licence of the Bishop, but as was more seemly, it was dedicated first to
St. Mary and afterward to St. Agnes.  After this, when nearly three years
had gone by, the desire of the Brothers to build a monastery burned
fiercely within them, and the elder amongst them especially, with their
Rector, were eager to do this work and carry it forward with all speed,
for certain urgent reasons did compel them.  They saw that without
monastic discipline the way of life in the House could not continue to be
ordered duly, and therefore they determined that the habit of an holy
order must be their refuge, for they were instant to make prudent
provision for themselves and those that should come after, and to stop
the mouths of them that spoke evil, because such men did strive with the
cunning of this world to disturb the lowly and simple lives of the
Brothers.  Moreover, though they were still poor and had not things
suitable to their need--either proper buildings or service books--yet did
they try to begin the work, trusting in the mercy of God and heartened by
the help of good men.  And one spake of them and marvelled that men so
poor should wish to build a monastery and to take religious vows, though
they had no hope of increase, but Father John of Ummen, ever a lover of
poverty, answered him, saying: "I have always heard from holy men that
poverty is good, being both the cause of all good and the means of
increasing the same."


_Of the year and place in which the first four Brothers were invested_.

In the year of the Lord 1398, on the 18th day of January, being the Feast
of St. Prisca, Virgin and Martyr, our Right Reverend Lord Frederic of
Blanckenhem, the renowned Bishop of Utrecht, issued his license to the
devout priests, Egbert van Lingen, and Wolfard, the son of Matthias, and
to the other Clerks and Lay Brothers that dwelt on Mount St. Agnes, in
Nemel, near Zwolle, for it was his desire to increase the glory of God,
and to promote the cause of Holy Religion.  By the full authority vested
in him he gave them leave to build a monastery for the Order of Canons
Regular in any fit and proper place in his diocese, so that they might
worthily and devoutly serve as the soldiers of Almighty God in the
Regular Order, following the rule of the blessed Augustine.  So having
obtained this licence in their favour, they chose a place in the freehold
land that is called Westerhof, in the district of Gherner and the parish
of Dalvessen, the curate of which parish, who was an honourable man named
Frederic Denter, giving his assent to their purpose.  They determined to
set their monastery here because they had found no other site that was
fitting, although they sought anxiously elsewhere a place of habitation.
At this time the men of Zwolle would not suffer a monastery to be builded
upon the Mount at Nemel, though this was done in after days by the favour
of God, but Egbert Mulart had given them this land at Westerhof.  He was
a most upright man, and one in authority, being of gentle lineage in
Hasselt, and he was a trusty friend and a special patron of the devout.
Here then they builded for their first need a small chapel, which they
let consecrate in honour of Mary, the most Blessed Mother of God, and
also other buildings of moderate size, and they reverently called the
place "The Garden of the Blessed Mary," in honour of Christ's gentle
Mother.  When these things were done, the day drew nigh on which the
Brothers of this House should be invested there.  Now on the day of the
Lord's Annunciation, which is the solemn Feast of the Blessed Mary ever
Virgin, Mother Church doth celebrate throughout all the world the first
act of our Redemption.  So that when that holy day had dawned with fair
sunshine there came the Reverend Lord Hubert, Bishop of Yppuse, and
Suffragan to our Lord Bishop of Utrecht, for he had been summoned thither
upon that day.  And when the waxen tapers and crosses and the other
ornaments were ready, he there consecrated the burial ground, and the
three altars, and then at the High Altar, which he had dedicated, he sung
Mass with solemn music.

Afterward, in his reverend presence, and in the face of a large company
of other religious, both Clerks and Lay, Brothers who had come together
from every quarter to keep this Festival, the first four Brothers of our
House were invested by that reverend and devout man, John Wale, Prior of
the Regulars in the state of Zwolle, for he had been summoned for this
very purpose.  This number four did mystically signify the number of the
four Evangelists, and the names of these Brothers, which are worthy to be
cherished by them that come after, are here set down.  The first was
Brother Egbert of Lingen, who had been chosen for the priesthood by the
Brothers on the Mount three years before this time.

The second was Brother Wolfard, son of Matthias of Medenblike, a priest
of great age.

The third was John Ummen, a Clerk who came from Campen, a kinsman of John
of Ummen, our first founder.  The fourth was Dirk of Kleef, a Clerk who
came from that state.  These four made their profession on the same day,
and when the Divine Mysteries had been celebrated, and their bodies had
been refreshed, they spent the day in spiritual rejoicing and brotherly
love.  Brother Egbert was the Senior in standing and took the place of
Rector of the House until a new Rector appointed by the Chapter should
come; then he gave place to Brother Wolfard and stood humbly behind him.
The Clerks who were not yet invested with the habit of the Order were
these:--Wichbold, son of John of Deventer, Henry Huetinc of Deventer,
John of Kempen, of the diocese of Cologne, Hermann of Kempen, of the same

After Easter, when a general Chapter was held by the Fathers at Windesem,
these were received into the Order, and their names were set down and
written as members of the Fellowship of Houses belonging to us: the
Fathers also provided them a suitable Rector, and after a little space
that religious and devout Brother, Egbert Lingen, was sent to them.  He
had been a member of the Monastery of St. Saviour, at Emsten, and for
about a year, that is, until the coming of the new Prior, he ruled over
the House, as will be shown hereafter.  Throughout the summer of this
same year the Pestilence was heavy at Deventer, Zwolle, Campen, and the
neighbouring towns and districts, so that it often happened that twenty
or thirty men were buried in one day in the divers parishes of these

About this time and on the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist,
died Reyner, Curate of Zwolle, and two priests that were his chaplains.
He was a good man and pitiful to the poor, and ever cherished a special
devotion to St. John the Baptist.  At this time also died many devout
persons, both men and women.


_How the monastery was removed from Westerhof to Mount St. Agnes_.

In the same year of the Lord 1398, on the 26th day of the month of
August, two days before the Festival of our Holy Father Augustine, did
that most kindly Lord Frederic, by the grace of God, Bishop of Utrecht,
issue a further licence.  He did ever most faithfully promote the
interests of our House, and was our special patron, and he had compassion
upon the Brothers who were invested a short time before at Westerhof, in
that they were ill-content with the place, and ill-provided for there, by
reason of divers hindrances and impediments that were not agreeable to
the religious life.  The Bishop therefore, hearing of these hindrances
and the true causes thereof, gave them licence to transfer themselves and
all their goods from the aforesaid place to Mount St. Agnes, so soon as
might be convenient, and to retain the same rights and privileges as he
had before conferred upon them.  Thus for the second time they obtained
his full and gracious consent to their desires, and Conrad Hengel, then
Vice-Curate of Zwolle, likewise assented to their pious wishes.

Therefore on the eve of the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross they
returned to the place that they had long possessed and where the greater
number of their friends still continued to dwell, with blind John of
Ummen; they left, however, some few Lay Brothers at Westerhof to arrange
their affairs.

Moreover the Bishop of Utrecht had given them a licence for the
consecration of a burial-ground for the use of the monastery that they
should found on Mount St. Agnes.  But when Hubert, the Bishop Suffragan,
came for this purpose and entered into Zwolle, he was not allowed to
continue his journey to the Mount until the Magistrates had first spoken
with the Lord Bishop of Utrecht, for they thought to dissuade him from
his opinion.  From this cause the consecration of the burial-ground was
delayed for the space of a year, until the return of the Bishop of
Utrecht, for the said Bishop during the year had gone to the Curia at
Rome, and he ordered that the cause of both parties should be put off and
await his coming and presence on his return.  But when he had come back
from Rome and entered his own country in safety, certain of our Brothers
came to him and asked him once more to give permission for the
consecration of the burial-ground, and he, yielding to the importunity of
his friends, did freely grant their petition.  So he issued his commands
again and ordered the consecration of this place, for he loved it and
paid no heed to the complaints of the adversaries, since he preferred the
honour of God and the progress of religion rather than the unjust words
of worldlings, who, as is well-known, do often oppose the desires of good
folk.  From that time forward he showed special love to the House on the
Mount, and extended to it yet fuller patronage, so that one day when he
was riding round the mountain on his way to Zwolle, he asked one of his
companions, saying: "What is this place, and what manner of men dwell
here?" and his Vicar answered him: "Beloved Lord, dost thou not yet know
that place?  This is thy monastery, this is Mount St. Agnes, and the
Brothers of the Mount dwell there."  And the Bishop made answer: "It is
well--may God preserve them."

It came to pass in this same year, 1398, in the month of September, when
the Plague was still amongst us that a well-disposed Lay Brother named
John, son of Faber, who was smitten with the pestilence, came from Zwolle
to the mountain, and sought hospitality in the name of God.  And being
received in charity, his disease grew heavy upon him, and he died on the
Feast Day of St. Maurice the Martyr.  But after his death certain of the
Clerks and Lay folk, being infected with the Plague, were taken from this
life after a little while, but several others grew whole of their
sickness, for the Lord had mercy upon them.

Lastly, on the day after the Feast of St. Francis the Confessor died
John, son of Nicolas of Campen, a Lay Brother of great age, who had been
the gardener.

On the day of the translation of our holy Father, Augustine Gerard Bou
left this bodily life.  He was a man of great strength, who had been a
farmer, and his native land was Holland.

On the Feast of St. Calixtus, Pope and Martyr, died Hermann Restikey, a
Clerk of the diocese of Cologne; he was born in the town of Kempen, and
was well learned and skilled in singing and in binding books.  When he
drew near to death he asked that a taper might be lighted quickly and
given into his hands, and holding this above his breast he began to say
devoutly and often to repeat: "Mary, Mother of Grace, Mother of Mercy, do
thou protect us from the enemy and receive us in the hour of death," and
having said this, he breathed forth his soul.

On the day after the Feast of the Eleven Thousand Holy Virgins, John of
Kempen fell asleep in the Lord; he was a devout Clerk of the diocese of
Cologne who had just been received into the Religious Order, but he died
or ever he could take the habit, for death was beforehand with him.  He
was kinsman to the aforesaid Hermann, whom he had persuaded to withdraw
from the life of the world when he was Sublector in the town of Campen.
These greatly loved one another in life and death, they came from one
city and province, they were of one heart in their good purpose, and
alike steadfast therein.  This John, who continued a longer space in the
service of God, was a man of great kindliness and sobriety, and was well
skilled in the work of husbandry.  For at harvest time when all must
labour more than usual he was diligent in helping therein.  And sometimes
at night he would gather in the crops of the poor, and often wearied
himself by this work of piety; but in this year the weather was very
rainy, and the crops were in such danger that he gathered in those that
grew in the watery places, and binding them into sheaves carried them on
his own shoulders out of reach of the waters.

On the Feast Day of the Saints Crispin and Crispian died Wichbold, son of
John of Deventer, a man of good lineage.  For a long time he lived a
devout life in Zwolle, but afterward finished his days yet more devoutly
on the Mount.  Being an eager lover of the Scriptures he edified many by
his holy discourse.  On the Feast Day of St. Martin the Confessor, Henry
of Deventer fell asleep in Christ; he was a Clerk and the companion and
fellow citizen of Wichbold, and likewise a very humble and gentle man.
One day he was plastering the inner walls of the cells in the dormitory
of the Brotherhood with soft mortar in company with another Clerk.  But
it happened that as the mortar was somewhat violently dashed on to the
wall some did come through the cracks of the battens into Henry's face
(for he was standing on the other side of the wall) and befouled him
greatly.  But he who had done the deed, looking to see who had been
bespattered by the mortar, and seeing the Brother who was so greatly
loved with his face befouled, implored his pardon in dolorous wise.  But
Henry was rather merry than vexed, and answered: "There is no hurt done,
be not disturbed.  I care not for it."  So gentle was he that none ever
saw him angered or heard him complain.

The day after the Feast of Brixius, Confessor and Bishop, died Hermann of
Laer, a man of great age who came from Campen.

On the Vigil of St. Thomas the Apostle, died Gerlac ten Water, a Clerk of
the town of Kampen.  He had a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and
was still in the flower of his youth, but in this same year he left the
world and his parents and entered the monastery with joy, and he made a
good end to his life when came the time appointed for him to die.  These
were buried in the Chapel of St. Agnes, which afterward became the
Chapter House, because there was no other consecrated ground in the which
they could be buried.  But as the space was very narrow, some were buried
in a neighbouring spot, because it was hoped that a burial-ground would
soon be consecrated there.

But in the year 1407, in the time of William Vorniken, the second Prior,
and after the consecration of the new chapel, the bones of some of these
Brothers were taken up and buried again in the other burial-ground on the
western side of the chapel, where now several Lay Brothers who knew them
lie buried also.

In the same year, on the Feast day of St. Martin, the Bishop, Brother
Egbert Linghen, the first Rector, invested two converts; their names
being Brother John, son of James of Hasselt, and Brother John Eme of

In the year 1399, on the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, Brother Godefried
of Kempen, who was born in the diocese of Cologne, was invested by the
first Rector.  He was a skilful writer and singer, and he wrote one
missal for the High Altar, and three Antiphonaries, and likewise
illuminated several books.  Also he painted and adorned the altars of the
church most beautifully with the figures of saints.


_How John Kempen was chosen as the first Prior of Mount St. Agnes_.

In the year 1399, after Easter, John of Kempen, one of the community at
Windesem, was chosen to be Prior of the House of Mount St. Agnes.

By the help of God, he, the first Prior, did govern the affairs of the
House, with the many poor inmates, zealously and devoutly for nine years.
Also he added to the possessions of the monastery in laudable wise,
providing buildings and books and other things needful.  He it was that
ordered the building of the chief part of the church walls, and he made
ready much timber for the finishing of the roof.  He began to plant an
orchard on the south side of the cloister, and he set forest trees round
it on every side.  This is that very garden that Gerard Groote, long
before, pointed out to the Brothers that they should grow their herbs
therein.  For a long time wheat was grown, but a great while after herbs
were planted.

In the days of the Prior, mountains and hills were made low, and hollow
valleys were filled up: then was fulfilled to the letter that which is
written in Esaias, a text oft spoken of by the Brothers in the midst of
their toil: "Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill
shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough
ways plain" . . .

It is no easy task to tell with what toil and sweat this mountainous
place was turned into a level plane, and this sandy soil made abundantly
fruitful.  Very heavy and long was the labour of preparing a site for the
burial-ground and church, for here the slope was steeper than in other
places, and extended over the whole face of the ground.  Yet by little
and little and by labour done at divers times this hill was taken away
and the matter thereof thrown outside the boundary wall into a deep
valley toward the north: so that to the wonder of many scarce a trace of
the said hill could be seen.  And the Brothers who worked by turns there
would say to one another: "True is the word of the Lord which He spake:
'If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say to this
mountain, be thou removed from hence hither and it shall be done!'  But
since faith without works is dead, we do firmly believe that if we put
our hand to this work in the name of the Lord, we shall quickly remove
this mountain."  So it was done, not to this mountain only but also to
others that stood round about the monastery when the boundaries thereof
began to be enlarged and to be surrounded by a wall of stone.  Besides
this Prior John set up the following needful buildings: namely, a
Refectory for the Brothers and another for the Lay Folk, a kitchen and
cellar, and cells for guests, also a sacristy for Divine service between
the choir and the Chapter House.  And he himself was the first among them
that laboured, and would carry the hod of mortar, and dig with the spade
and throw the earth into the cart.  When he had leisure he was instant in
reading holy books, and often worked at writing or illuminating.  He
caused several books to be written for the choir and the library, and
because they were poor he appointed certain Brothers to write for sale,
as was the custom from old time.  This many of the Brothers were zealous
to do, but others set themselves manfully to the tasks without.

In the year 1399, Indulgences were granted to the people of Zwolle by the
Apostolic See, and Pope Boniface the Ninth granted these to be gained by
all that were truly penitent at the Church of St. Michael on the Feast of
the Finding of the Holy Cross, and on the Feast of St. Michael.

In this same year, I, Thomas of Kempen, a scholar at Deventer and a
native of the diocese of Cologne, came to Zwolle to gain indulgences.
Then I went on, glad at heart, to Mount St. Agnes, and was instant to be
allowed there to abide, and I was received with mercy.  Afterward, on the
day before the Feast of St. Barbara the Virgin, came William, son of
Henry of Amsterdam, who also, at that time, lived at Deventer with the
devout Clerks.


_How the Burial-ground at Mount St. Agnes was consecrated_.

In the same year, 1399, after the Feast of St. Remigius, the Prior and
Brothers of our House took counsel and aid from their friends, and busied
themselves about the consecration of the burial-ground, which ceremony
had been delayed for a long while because of the hindrances above named.
But when they knew that our Lord of Utrecht had returned from the Curia
at Rome they came to him in Wollenhoven, where he then lived, and readily
obtained their petition through the mediation of their most trusty
friends, the noble Sweder of Rechteren and the priest Henry de Ligno.

So that Bishop Frederic, our most kindly lord, delayed not to send to his
Suffragan bidding him to come with all speed and consecrate the burial-
ground on the Mount, and the Suffragan also when he had read the letter
of his Superior was found eager to perform this pious act; and he came
without delay with the messengers who had been sent to him, and on the
day after the Feast of the Eleven Thousand Virgins, and at about the hour
of Vespers, he consecrated the burial-ground that lieth within the
cloister of the monastery, the Prior, Brothers, Clerks, and servants of
our House being present at the ceremony.  When the rite had been
performed duly, a gentle rain fell and watered the consecrated ground
with the dew of heaven, and all that dwelt thereabout rejoiced with great
joy, for that the place had been consecrated by the Bishop, and that the
mouths of the adversaries who strove to hinder the foundation and
progress of the monastery were evidently stopped.

So when the rite of consecration had been performed by the authority of
the Bishop, he went himself on another day to Windesem and there
consecrated the new choir and the four altars.


_Of the Brothers who were invested by John of Kempen, the first Prior_.

In the days of this venerable man our first Prior and Father, seven
Clerks and three Converts were invested, and the day and year of their
investiture are written below.  Likewise he received the profession of
Brother Godefried of Kempen who was then about twenty years of age.

In the year of the Lord 1401, on the day after the Dispersion of the
Apostles, was invested Brother John Drick of the city of Steenwyck in the
diocese of Utrecht.  He was before a priest, and Vicar of Steenwyck, and
after less than a year of probation he made his profession by licence of
the Prior of the Superior House, on the birthday of St. John the Apostle;
and he afterward was chosen Procurator.

In the same year, on the Feast day of St. Brixius, Bishop and Confessor,
was invested William, son of Henry (who was called William Coman) of
Amsterdam in the State of Holland.  He was now twenty-three years of age
and had lived with the devout Brothers at Deventer, but Florentius
Radewin, before his death, sent him to Mount St. Agnes.

In the same year, on the day before the Feast of St. Catherine the
Virgin, was invested Brother Frederic, a Convert who was born in
Groninghen in the State of Frisia, and lived for a long while on Mount
St. Agnes with the first founders of the monastery.

In the year of the Lord 1402, on the Vigil of the Nativity of Christ, was
invested Brother Gerard, son of Tydeman, who was born in Wesep, a town in
Holland: he wrote divers works for the use of the monastery and for sale.
In the year of the Lord 1403, on the day of St. Pontianus the Martyr, was
invested Conrad, a Convert; he was a tailor and was born in the Countship
of Marck.

In the year of the Lord 1405, on the Festival of the Four Crowned
Martyrs, Brother Alardus, a priest, and John Benevolt of Groninghen were
alike invested: Alardus was forty-six years old and a Frisian by nation;
he had been Curate at Pilsum, which was his native place, and was a good
and devout man.

In the year of the Lord 1406, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, which fell
in that year on the day before the Feast of St. Barnabas, two brothers
that were Clerks, and one that was a Convert, were invested.  These were
Thomas Hemerken of the city of Kempen in the diocese of Cologne, and own
brother to John of Kempen the first Prior.  The father of these was
called John and their mother Gertrude.  The other Clerk was called
Oetbert Wilde of Zwolle, whose father's name was Henry and his mother's
Margaret.  The Convert was Arnold Droem of Utrecht who brought great
wealth to the monastery and was in charge of the Refectory.


_Of the death of Brother Wolfard, Priest in the Monastery of Mount St.

In the year of the Lord 1401, on the Feast of the Holy Martyrs John and
Paul, Brother Wolfard, son of Matthias, died in the monastery pertaining
to our order, which is called the House of the Blessed Virgin in the
Wood, and lieth near Northorn.  He came from Medenblic, a town in
Holland, and was one of the four first Brothers of our House.  He was a
man of great stature and grave deportment, eloquent in discourse, and his
hoary head was comely to look upon.  He took part in the labours of the
younger Brothers, and would perform lowly tasks, such as washing the
trenchers, digging the ground, carrying stones, or collecting wood.  It
was his wont to come early into the choir, to be alert in watching,
enduring in fasting, careful in celebrating the Mass, and devout in
prayer.  Once he was asked by a Religious what he had eaten during
Advent, and whether he had had eggs from time to time; and he made
answer: "Blessed be God, throughout Advent I have seldom taken eggs or
fish, but I have eaten pulse only and have kept the fast in great

So when by the ordinance of God the end of his life was at hand, and the
time when his good deeds should receive a better crown, he made a most
edifying end after the manner and order following:

At that time and in this year there was a notable pestilence in our House
of the Blessed Virgin in the Wood, whereof the Prior and many Brothers
died, and the one priest who survived, Brother John of Groninghen, a
weakly and feeble man, was left desolate save for the presence of one
novice, Brother Honestus.  But our Brother Wolfard, hearing of the death
of these Brothers, and of the grief of them that were left desolate, was
greatly moved with compassion for this House.  One day, therefore, when
girt for labour, he said in a tone of pity to me, as I stood by him, "Who
could deserve to have his portion with these good Brothers of Northorn,
and to earn an end like theirs?"  For he had known divers of these
Brothers, and the place where they dwelt, and he loved their holy
company.  And as he was telling me many good things concerning them,
Brother Arnold, a Convert from Northorn, entered in at the gate of our
monastery to ask for one of our priests and when Brother Wolfard saw him
coming he ran joyfully towards him and embraced him.  But hearing the
cause of his coming, he said that he himself was ready to go with him if
it were pleasing to the Prior, and his obedience should permit.  And
Arnold, seeing his readiness to come, rejoiced thereat, and said: "Most
beloved Brother, how good would it be that thou shouldest do so."  Then
the Brothers were called together and considered who should be sent to
succour those Brothers in their strait, and they determined upon Brother
Wolfard, who was of fitting character and age, and he, being moved by
charity, assented to their resolution.  On the next day at sunrise, he
set forth to Northorn with Brother Arnold, being ready to lay down his
life for the Brothers after the example of Christ, that he might save it
everlastingly.  So he said farewell to the Brothers of Mount St. Agnes,
who wept at his departure, and left the monastery never to return
thither; but he knew not how soon he should be removed to a Higher Mount.
In thus leaving the place and the Brothers he overcame his natural man
and fulfilled the law of charity, following, in his death, the example of
Christ.  Therefore he entered into the Monastery of Mary, Mother of
Christ, which is in the Wood, and within a few days he there made an end
of his life, and was buried by the Brothers of the House aforesaid.  Our
Brother Egbert hath told me that long ago Gerard Groote had said to our
brother: "Wolfard, thou shalt know two conversions," for in the days of
Master Gerard, Wolfard had begun to be well disposed to the religious
life, but afterward he was turned away to the world: yet after many
years, by the grace of God, it came about that he was again pricked to
the heart, and, leaving his pastoral charge, he changed his worldly life,
and was among the first of the Brothers to take the religious habit, and
he thus ended his life with a happy death struggle.


_How Brother William Forniken was chosen to be the second Prior in the
House of Mount St. Agnes_.

In the year of the Lord 1408, on the Vigil of Ascension Day, Brother
William Vorniken, from the Monastery at Windesem, was chosen to be Prior
of Mount St. Agnes.  He was the second Prior of our House, which he ruled
for seventeen years, being a lover of poverty and discipline.  After that
he was taken away from us he was promoted to the Superior House at
Windesem, and became Father General of all our Order.  He it was who
looked to the roofing of the church, the making of new stalls in the
choir, and the provision of fair vestments to be worn by priests and
servers on festivals.  Also he enlarged the borders of the monastery, and
surrounded the whole with a wall of stone; he built a new dwelling for
the husbandmen and placed a byre for cattle near the gate, likewise in
the year of his departure he began to make a mill and to build a brewery.
In several places he planted trees of divers kinds, of which some were
fruit trees; and he made smooth the slopes of the mountain, which for the
most part still remained steep, and this he did by carrying away the
sandy soil.

He ordered the altars to be beautified with pictures, and good store of
books to be written for the choir and the library.  Yet in the midst of
all these things poverty and simplicity were dear to him, and with his
own hand he illuminated many books.  He took divers Lay Brothers to dwell
with him, for he saw with the eye of charity that they would earn the
reward of eternal life by faithfully cleaving to their holy labours, and
living the common life under obedience.  Some of these he received as
Donates, others he invested with the habit of Converts.

During the years that he was Prior he invested fourteen Clerks, whose
names, with the days of their investiture, are written hereafter.

In the year 1408, on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, was invested
Brother Nicholas Creyenschot, a native of the town of Kampen, a youth in
years but upright in character.

In the year 1410, on the Feast of All Saints, two Brothers were invested
together, namely, Wermbold, a priest of Kampen and kinsman to John of
Ummen, and Gerard Ae of Utrecht.

In the year 1411, on the Vigil of the Nativity, three Brothers were
invested together, namely, John the son of Gerard, John Bowman, and
Gerard son of Wolter, a Convert; all these came from Zwolle.  In the year
1413, on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, was invested
Brother John of Lent, a town one mile from Zwolle.  In the year 1418, on
the Vigil of the Nativity, three Brothers were invested together, namely,
Rudolph of Oetmersen in Twenthe, Otto Lyman of Goch in Geldria, and Henry
the son of James of Zwolle.

In the year 1421, on the Vigil of the Nativity, two Brothers were
invested: namely, Henry, son of William, of Deventer, and Deric Veneman
of Zwolle.

In the year 1423, on Easter Eve, two Converts were invested, namely,
Gerard ten Mollen of Zwolle, and Gerard Hombolt of Utrecht.

In the year of the Lord 1424, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, these three Brothers were invested: John Lap of the
town of Neerden in Holland, Christian Anversteghe of Campen, and Helmic
Braem of Herderwijck in the State of Geldria.


_Of the death of Brother Nicholas Kreyenschot_.

In the year 1410, on the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, Nicholas
Kreyenschot died just after sunset.  He was a youth of good disposition,
and sprang from a notable family of the town of Kampen.  He was about
twenty-three years of age, for God dealt pitifully with him so that his
short span of life fulfilled the task of many years, and he escaped
longer struggles in this present life; for eight months and ten days
after his profession he left dwelling in this present world and departed
to the other.  The virtue of obedience shone brightly in him, as was
seemly in a good youth.  Who should say, "Brother, come hither," and
Nicholas would not come straightway, or "Begone," and he did not
straightway depart?  Moreover, a good return came to the monastery
through his means.  It happened in a time that he upset and broke a jar,
and so grieved was he at this mischance and loss, that he wept bitterly.
Once also he made ready a sharp rod, and came to the sub-Prior, saying:
"I entreat thee, Father, for God's sake, to inflict a sharp discipline
upon me, for I do often transgress, nor do I make any progress."  He was
buried in the eastern part of the cloister near the wall of the church
and beneath the steps of our dormitory.


_Of the consecration of our Church and of four Altars in the House of
Mount St. Agnes_.

In the year 1412, on the 8th day of the month of April, being the Friday
after Easter, our church was consecrated, being dedicated in honour of
St. Agnes the Virgin and Martyr of Christ.  The rite was performed by
Matthias of Biduane, the Suffragan of our Lord and Reverend Father in
Christ, Frederic de Blanckenhem, Bishop of Utrecht.  Many religious
persons and priests were present thereat, namely, the Prior of Windesem,
the Prior of Belheem, Conrad Hengel and John of Haarlem, who were priests
at Zwolle.  Many other honourable persons also, both men and women, young
and old, men of the town and men of the country, came together to this
dedication.  There was great joy in the hearts of all, and a general
license to enter the monastery was given to strangers, as our statutes
allow to be done on that day only.  So when the consecration had been
solemnly performed, the Bishop came forward in his mitre to consecrate
the four altars.  First he dedicated the High Altar in the Choir in
honour of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mother of God, St. Agnes the
Virgin, and the Apostles of Christ, and he sang Mass in solemn wise for
the dedication of the church and altar.

Then going out of the Choir into the northern aisle of the church, he
dedicated the Altar in the greater chapel in honour of the Holy Cross and
the Blessed Martyrs, and afterwards the Altar which is in the midst of
the church on the left of the Choir in honour of the Blessed Mary ever
Virgin, and of St. Augustine the Bishop, who is Father of our Order.

Lastly, he dedicated the Altar on the south side of the Choir in honour
of the most Blessed Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine, St. Cecilia, and the
Eleven Thousand Virgins.

This done, masses were celebrated at the several altars, and the Host of
Salvation was offered up in all reverence to God.  But after midday, the
Brothers being gathered together, he consecrated the burial-ground for
the interment of the dead outside the church and on the western and
southern side thereof.

On that day he granted Indulgences for forty days to them that were there
present, and a like grace to all the benefactors of the church and all
that visited the altars, as was set forth clearly in the Bishop's letter
concerning the consecration of the church.  In this same church there
still stand the two altars that were consecrated in Westerhof at the
first foundation of the House in that place; for these, by consent of the
Bishop of Utrecht, were transferred to this church after the return of
the Brothers from Westerhof.  One of these was consecrated in honour of
St. John the Baptist and the Blessed Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul;
this doth stand on the south side of the church.  The other was dedicated
in honour of St. James and St. John the Apostles.

The Sunday after the Feast of the Blessed Gallus the Abbot (which is in
the month of October), was appointed to be kept in every year as the
anniversary of the dedication of this church and the several altars
therein; and on this day also is kept the Dedication Festival of the
House of the Blessed Virgin in Windesem and of the Convent of Nuns at
Diepenveen, to the glory and honour of the most Blessed Trinity.

In the same year, when their General Chapter was held at Windesem, the
venerable Fathers of the Canons Regular in Brabant came thereto, and were
accepted and united to our Fraternity, together with the Houses belonging
to them.

In this year from the Feast of Pentecost onward the Canonical Hours were
sung in our church after the monastic manner.


Of the death of the beloved Father John Ummen, the first Founder of the
Monastery of Mount St. Agnes.

In the year 1420, in the evening of the 1st day of September, the Feast
of St. AEgidius the Abbot, died that holy and faithful servant of Christ,
John Reghelant, formerly a most beloved disciple of Gerard Groote, whose
discourses he used to hear.  He was born of honest parents, and for
several years was educated in Zwolle; but while he was yet a youth he was
diseased in the eyes, and God allowed him to fall into darkness, and he
continued blind to the end of his life; but yet the less he could see the
outer world, the more brightly did the grace of God illumine him
inwardly.  His mother, whose name was Regheland, was devoted to God, and
often went on long journeys to visit the shrines of Saints in company
with her blind son, whom she would lead by the hand, taking him with her
to hear sermons in church, and leading him onward to every good thing.

So when the venerable Master, Gerard Groote, was preaching in Zwolle, and
through God's inspiration was bringing compunction to many, the Lord did
open the heart of this His servant also, and did inflame him, wherefore
he began to love Gerard much, and often sought to be instructed by the
doctrine of so great a man.  For this cause he left wandering about the
world and sought to serve God in quietness, also he exhorted all that
came to him to despise earthly desires, and take hold on that new life in
Christ which Gerard taught by his holy manner of living.

Therefore he took to him certain men that were well disposed, and with
them he began to live the Common Life in Zwolle, but afterward they took
up their abode upon Mount Nemel (which is now called Mount St. Agnes),
because they wished to dwell outside the tumult of the world.  Here they
gathered a larger company, the which he governed for many years with
faithful devotion, assisted by divers helpers, until the monastery was
founded, for he did not fear the many hindrances that met him.  But at
length when the monastery was builded, and a Prior instituted in the
canonical manner, John, being filled with brotherly love, and led by a
yet fuller zeal for souls, took with him certain laymen of ripe age and
began to form a new congregation in honour of the Holy Trinity, in the
field of St. John, near Vollenhoe, which congregation, by the favour of
God, he did enlarge greatly.  And when in the process of time the number
of the Brothers was multiplied, he and many others took the habit of the
Tertiaries, and he continued to his life's end to be the humble servant
of the Brothers and their first Rector.  He was one of the first and
original disciples of Gerard Groote, and had many spiritual discourses
with him, for it was from Gerard that he learned the way of an holy life,
and he submitted himself and his little ones fully to Gerard's counsel
and discretion.  Being prevented in due season by God's grace, Father
John was devout, and is worthy of remembrance, for that going on day by
day he reached forward continually to the things that are before, being a
notable lover of poverty, one that kept lowliness and loved sobriety.  He
was the very beauty of purity, a pattern of simplicity, a strong upholder
of discipline, an enemy of sin, a light of virtue, an ensample of
devotion, strong in faith, long suffering in hope, prodigal in charity,
and one that did convert many from the vanity of the world.  A few things
concerning him are written in the beginning of this book.

So being wearied by his many years, when the day of his release from
captivity was nigh, and he was dwelling in the house of the Sisters at
Almelo, he fell sick; and having fulfilled seventy years of life, he fell
asleep in the Lord and was buried in the chapel of the Sisterhood there.
After his happy departure, John of Resa, a devout priest, was chosen as
the second minister of the House of St. John, and he sought and obtained
for that House certain privileges that were needful, and also the
consecration of the burial-ground, which things were granted by the
Venerable Frederic, Lord Bishop of Utrecht.  After him Christian, a
native of Zeeland, and one that had made his profession, was chosen as
priest to that House, and was the third to administer and rule the same.


Of the pestilence that afflicted mankind, and how some of our Brothers
died in this plague.

In the year 1421 there was a notable pestilence in Deventer, Zwolle,
Kampen, and the neighbouring towns, and during the three months of summer
much people of the land were slain thereby.  In the same year, after the
Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the Cross was preached
against the heretics of Prague, who stirred up a grievous persecution
against Holy Church, the clergy, and the Christian people; and led away
many faithful persons by threatenings and deceits: likewise they
destroyed monasteries and churches, and put many persons to a cruel
death.  In the same year in the month of September the disease laid hold
on certain of our household, for the pestilence did mightily increase,
and on the Octave of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, after High Mass, a
Lay Brother named Nicholas died.  He was born in Drenthe, and had been
our miller, a man of good reputation and life, and well beloved by all
that were in the House.

On the Feast of St. Lambert, Bishop and Martyr, and about the hour of
Vespers, died our Brother Oetbert Wilde, a fervent and devout priest.  The
Brothers were with him when he died, and they offered up prayers after
the accustomed manner.  He was in the thirty-eighth year of his age, and
the fifteenth after his profession: he came from Zwolle, where he was
born of very honest parents, and he loved our patroness St. Agnes the
Virgin with a special devotion.  In the beginning he suffered many
weaknesses and temptations, but afterward, by the help of God, he was
changed into another man, mightily uplifted from pusillanimity of spirit,
and endowed with much grace of devotion.  He died happily after a good
struggle, and on the next day his body was buried next to Brother
Nicholas Kreyenschot on the eastern side of the cloister, and Mass and
prayers were said for him.

On the Feast of St. Michael, after Vespers had been said, Nicholas, son
of Peter, departed this life.  He was a Donate of our House, and a
carpenter, being a man of great stature and mighty strength, and he had
lived for more than twenty years in the House of Mount St. Agnes.  He
came from Monekedam in Holland, and having lived with us from the very
beginning of the monastery, he left a good memorial of his skill and
industry in his craft in the building of the church, and the new stalls
for the Brothers in the choir.  His body was laid in the burial-ground of
the Laics, toward the south part and near the path.

On the day of St. Jerome the Priest, at about the time when the midday
meal was ended, died Riquin of Urdinghen, a Donate of our House who
attended the sick.  He departed after a brief agony, while Litanies were
sung round his death-bed: his native place was in the diocese of Cologne,
and during the twenty-five years that he lived in the House on the Mount
he never visited his friends, nor saw his native land once he had
departed from her.  He loved the Blessed Virgin with singleness of heart,
and on the seventh day of the week he abstained from one portion of
pottage out of devotion to her.  In these three desires he was heard of
the Lord before his death, namely, to die on an high day, and amid the
Brothers--for he greatly loved them--and to have a short death struggle;
which things were so brought to pass by our good Lord even as he had
desired them out of his good and simple heart.

On the Feast Day of St. Luke the Evangelist, at about the fifth hour of
the morning, died Adam of Herderwijck, a Donate of our House, who had
sojourned in this place for twenty years.  He submitted himself to divers
toils and discommodities by his devotion and faithfulness to the business
of the House; he was pitiful to the poor, kindly to the afflicted, and in
this time of stress he ministered with care and diligence to the Brothers
that were sick.  His body was laid in the burying ground of the Laics
near the other Donates, and after his burial the pestilence was stayed,
for God had pity on us, and some that had been smitten by this stroke
grew whole of their disease.

In this year, after the Feast of All Saints, Brother Gerard Ae, once an
inmate of the House on the Mount, died in Frisia in the Convent of the
Nuns at Berghen.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. Lucia the Virgin, Peter
Valkenburrigh the Priest departed this life.  He had lived an humble life
for a long while with the Brothers in the Field of St. John near
Vollenhoe, and he desired to be buried upon Mount St. Agnes, where he had
dwelt in former days, with the first Brothers of the House; for they of
the Field of St. John had not as yet a consecrated burying ground; so he
was laid to rest on the eastern side of ours next to Winald the Priest,
who was once chaplain to our Lord Frederic, Bishop of Utrecht, and a
friend to the Brothers on the Mount.


Of the death of William, son of Seger, a Priest in Hasselt.

In the year of the Lord 1422, on the Vigil of Ascension Day, which was
the day following the Feast of St. Potentiana, died that devout priest,
William, son of Seger, the Confessor of the Sisters of the Third Order at
Hasselt.  He was born in Zwolle, and was buried, as he had long desired,
on the eastern side of the precinct before the Prior's Cell.  There were
present at his burial these venerable men, namely, Father Wessel, first
Superior of Kleerwater, near Hattem, Father John Haerlem, Confessor of
the Sisters at Zwolle, Father Gerard Trecht, and Father Stephen Mulart,
who were priests in Hasselt.  Also many other honourable men, and friends
of the said William, came together to his burial from the aforesaid
towns, and the Prior of the House recited the burial office with faithful
devotion in presence of the Brothers.

After his death Father Gerard Trecht was called by the Fathers of our
Order to rule over the aforesaid Sisters in the room of the departed

In the same year, during the days of Pentecost, peace was established
between the men of Utrecht and Holland, and those of Geldria, for during
a whole year they had been at grievous enmity, and many deeds of rapine,
murder, and arson had been wrought in evil wise on both sides.

In the month of September, on the day before the Feast of S. S. Cosmas
and Damianus, Brother John Pric, a priest and inmate of the House of
Mount St. Agnes, died in Thabor in Frisia.  He was born in the town of
Steenwyck, and had been Vicar of the Church of St. Clement in that place,
but after several years, at the request of the Prior at Thabor, he dwelt
for a time with the Brothers of that House, and in the same year many
died in the pestilence, amongst whom he also fell asleep in the Lord, and
was buried with the other Brothers in that place on the eastern side of
the cloister.  This was his motto for the novices: "He that doth not
accustom himself to exercises of humility at the beginning of his
conversion, and doth not break down his own will, shall seldom become a
good Religious."

In the month of October, on the day of the translation of St. Augustine
the Bishop, there died at Zwolle that honourable dame, Mary, the widow of
Henry de Haerst, our neighbour.  She was truly pious and pitiful towards
the needy, and often came humbly to Mount St. Agnes to hear the Holy
Offices.  Moreover, she abstained from all wordly adornments in her
vesture, and she left a good bequest to our Brotherhood on the Mount,
where also she doth lie buried in the church in the same tomb with
Bartold her son.

In the year 1423 there was such mighty cold and frost that endured from
Epiphany even to the Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Antioch, that the
hardness of the frost brought great masses of ice across the waters.
Wherefore at the beginning of March, when the snow and ice melted
suddenly in the heat of the sun, a great flood of waters followed, and
the dykes were burst by the rushing thereof, so that much of the corn
land was overflowed, and the seeds perished.

In the summer of the same year the boundary wall round our monastery was
finished even from the south to the western side, and a new gate was

In this same year, on Easter Eve, two Converts were invested, namely,
Brother Gerard ten Mollen, and Brother Gerard Hombolt, as is recorded


Of the death of our most reverend Lord Frederic, Bishop of Utrecht.

In the year of the Lord 1423, on the Feast Day of S.  Dionysius, Bishop
and Martyr, which is the ninth day of October, that most reverend and
renowned Lord Frederic of Blankenhem, the illustrious Bishop of Utrecht,
went away out of the light of this world, being about eighty years of

He ruled the diocese of Utrecht strenuously and in honourable wise during
thirty years, for the grace of God Almighty succoured him: his power was
increased by many victories, and he gave the Church peace, his country
safety, and his people tranquillity before his death.  This is he that
was a potentate of renown, a pillar of the priesthood, a guiding star to
Clerks, a father to the Religious, a friend to all devout persons, a
defender of the orphan, an avenger upon the unjust.

This is he that was the glory of rulers, the delight of subjects, that
upheld dignity among the aged, and uprightness amongst the young, he was
a pinnacle of learning, the ornament of the wise; he gave weapons to the
warriors and a shield to them that strove: he inspired terror in his
foes, and courage in his people; he was an ornament to the nobles, an
honour to princes, a glory to the great ones of the land.  Who could tell
his praises in worthy wise, for in his days all was well ordered in the
land of Utrecht!  Prelates were honest, and priests pious in the worship
of God; the religious were devout, the virgins were chaste, the people
were fervent in the faith, judges were firm, and wealth grew abundantly
in the cities.  In these days also, schools for learning flourished,
especially at Deventer and Zwolle, and a vast multitude of learners came
together from divers states and regions, both near and afar off.  And
because the Bishop feared God, honoured Holy Church, and loved and
defended all that served the Lord, therefore the Majesty on High
protected him from the enemies that were round about, making rebellious
nations subject to him, especially those Frisians who had invaded his
territories.  Moreover, God did make his days illustrious by many
marvellous deeds, so that an age of gold seemed to have been granted to
his land of Utrecht.  But this did appear more evidently after the
Bishop's death, when a schism--exceeding lawless and long enduring--arose
and increased among Clerks and people alike.  And this the reverend
Bishop feared should come about, for he was a prudent man and a learned;
moreover, he knew the manners of the cities and the seditious ways of
some of the nobles whose insolence he had been able to restrain and
subdue with difficulty, and the exercise of great valour.  "After my
death," said he, "they will know that they have had a good lord, for they
all wish to be masters, and to have none set over them, wherefore it
shall be ill with them."  And he prophesied truly, for the whole land of
Utrecht suffered grievous loss for her sedition, and shall long mourn the
same, as will be shown briefly in the proper place.

So this illustrious ruler died in his castle that is called Horst, not
far from Utrecht, and his body was brought by a seemly train of followers
to the church at Utrecht where his predecessors were buried, and there in
company with the other bishops in an honoured tomb upon the right side of
the choir he doth rest in peace.


Of the death of Brother John Vos of Huesden, who was the second Prior at

In the year of the Lord 1424, on the Saturday following the Feast of St.
Andrew, being the second of December, the venerable Father John Huesden,
who was the second Prior of Windesem, died in the sixty-first year of his
age.  He had been a disciple of Master Gerard Groote and Father
Florentius, Vicar of Deventer, and on the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, in
the year following the investiture of the first Brothers, he himself was
invested there together with Henry Balveren.  A short time after Brother
Werner, the first Prior, was absolved from his office, this John Huesden
was chosen the second Prior of the House, being then in the twenty-eighth
year of his age.  By the help of God he continued as Prior for thirty-
three years and ruled the House in a laudable manner: also he was of much
profit to the whole Order, being a most comfortable and kindly Father to
all the devout Brothers and Sisters that were in the whole Diocese, for
he was charitably disposed to all alike.  He ordered the writing of many
books for the monastery, being a fervent lover of the holy writings, and
was specially devoted to our Father Saint Augustine, a store of whose
books he collected diligently.  He was also at Constance in the days of
the General Council, whither he went in company with John Wale, the
venerable Prior of Zwolle, and the cardinals and other prelates received
them both kindly and with reverence.

Now it came to pass a few days before his death, and within the Octave of
St. Martin the Bishop, that two Brothers came from Mount St. Agnes to
Windesem to commune with the Prior.  And one of them had a dream after
this wise, which vision did foretell the Prior's death; for he saw the
spirits gathered together in Heaven and hastening as if to the death-bed
of some one, and straightway he heard a bell toll as if for the passing
of a dying man, and the sound hereof aroused him, and he awoke.  So
rising from his bed and desiring to go to see what had happened, he
perceived no man, for it was before the fifth hour in the morning, and
the Brothers were yet asleep.  So, returning to himself, he kept silence,
and the thought came to him that our Father the Prior should soon depart
hence.  Yet he told naught of this vision to any that were in the House,
but to a certain Clerk that was coming from Brabant and journeying in his
company he said privately: "Tell Hermann Scutken, who sojourneth at
Thenen, to come quickly if he would speak with our Father at Windesem,
for if the vision that one hath seen this night is true, I wot that he
shall not long abide here."  So when fifteen days were passed this
Reverend Father died on the day aforesaid after High Mass, and before the
midday meal the Mass of the dead was sung for him, and his body was
buried in the choir before the step of the sanctuary.

On the Vigil of the Epiphany after the death of this venerable Father,
Brother Gerard Naeldwijc, the Procurator of the House, was chosen to be
Prior; but he was greatly grieved thereat, and after a long while he
consented, though against his will.  Being lowly and gentle he might not
bear the honour and burden of this place, and he sought earnestly with
many prayers to be relieved from the care of so great a charge, and when
the next General Chapter was held he sought to be absolved from his
office of Prior, which petition was granted to him.  So after he had been
absolved, and when the Fathers were still gathered together, Brother
William Vorniken, the Prior of Mount St. Agnes, was chosen by the same
General Chapter to be Prior of the Superior House.  And when he knew of
his election he too was stricken with dismay, for he was afraid of the
burden, which is indeed a thing to fear.  So he wept abundantly, saying
again and again that he was unworthy, and striving mightily against this
thing in every manner, yet was he obliged to obey and to take upon
himself for Christ's sake the yoke of so great a burden, being compelled
thereto by his obedience and the determination of the more part.
Therefore, at length, he consented, and after weeping bitterly he was
confirmed and inducted into the office, and all that were in the House
gave thanks to God and were glad; but the House of Mount St. Agnes was
saddened above measure and wept when her faithful Pastor was taken from
her, for she knew none like to him.


How Brother Theodoric of Kleef was chosen to be the third Prior of the
House on the Mount.

In the year of the Lord 1425, the House of Mount St. Agnes bereft of her
Pastor (who had been chosen for and translated to the Superior House) was
instant to provide for herself another suitable ruler in accordance with
the canons.  Wherefore the Brothers were gathered together, and on the
Saturday after Pentecost the Mass of the Holy Spirit was celebrated after
the monastic manner, and all the members of the Chapter came together to
the Chapter House.  When the opinion of each had been heard, Brother
Theodoric of Kleef, our Sub-Prior, was chosen, and those venerable
Fathers, the Prior of Windesem and the Prior of the House of the Blessed
Virgin, near Northorn, took part in this election, and confirmed the same
as an holy act by the authority committed to them.

Brother Theodoric was one of the elder Brothers of this same House, and
had been among those that were first invested: he had a long training in
the good life, and he wrote summer and winter Homilies together with
certain other books.

After his election as Father and third Prior of our House, many evils
befel in the diocese of Utrecht, which same did mightily afflict our
House and all the devout in the land.  This was by reason of a schism
between Sueder of Culenborgh, who was confirmed as Bishop of the diocese,
and the noble Rodolph of Diepholt, and the long continued strife between
these two did disturb many Clerks and citizens of the land.

In the same year, on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, and after Compline, died our Brother Conrad, a Convert.  He was the
tailor, and was born in Scyrebeke in the Countship of Marck, and had
lived at Deventer under Florentius, which devout Father sent him to Mount
St. Agnes when he had learned the tailor's art.  He lived devoutly and
humbly with us for many years, making, cleaning, and mending the raiment
of the Brothers, but toward the end of his life it was his chief delight
to think that he had often cleansed their clothing, for he hoped by his
labours in this regard to have cleansed also the stains of his own sins.
He was a man right pure and modest, and one that loved poverty and
simplicity, and he ardently longed to be released and to be with Christ
Jesus and Mary, whom he often called upon by name at the last: moreover,
it was given him to die a peaceful and an holy death on this day of Her
Festival, and his body was laid in the burying ground within the cloister
of the monastery, hard by the northern gate, toward the wall of the
eastern building.  In the same year Sueder of Culenborgh was confirmed
Bishop of Utrecht by the authority of the Apostolic See, and he was
accepted by the people of Utrecht, and of certain other towns, but by the
States of Overyssel he was not received.  Wherefore these States were
placed under an Interdict, and a great controversy arose among Clerks and
people, for some observed the Interdict, but the chief ones of the States
with those that clove to them, clamoured against it.

Alas! Holy God! on the day before the Feast of St. Lambert we ceased from
our singing by reason of the Interdict that was published against us!  For
this cause the nobles of the land and many of the vulgar had indignation
against us and other Religious, and we suffered many insults, and at last
we were driven to go forth from our country and our monasteries in order
to observe the Interdict.

In the same year, on the holy day of Christ's Nativity, were invested two
Clerks that had been Probationers a long while, and also one Convert
named James Cluit of Kampen who had studied for some time at Deventer
under John of Julich, the famous and devout Rector.  The Clerks were
Brother Gerard Smullinc of Kleef, who had attended the school at Zwolle
under Master John Cele, the excellent Rector with whom he dwelt for some
space as a fellow commoner: and Brother James Ae, a Convert from Utrecht,
and kinsman to Brother William Vorniken who was once our Prior.


Of the death of Brother Egbert formerly Sub-Prior at the House on the

In the year of the Lord 1427, on the day after the Feast of St. AEgidius
the Abbot, and after the third hour of the night, Brother Egbert of
Linghen died at Diepenveen in the House of the Sisters of our Order.  He
was Rector and Confessor of that House, and was buried in the church
there, outside the choir and between the two chancels, the Prior of
Windesem being present at his burial.

This Brother was born in the town of Ummen and baptised in the church of
St. Bridget: but when his parents removed to Zwolle, he being a youth of
good disposition began to attend the school under Master John Cele, and
earnestly to profit thereby.  And when he heard the honourable reputation
of the House on the Mount he came thither eagerly: now the elder John
Ummen then ruled over it, and his wholesome exhortations touched Egbert
to his good, so being now sufficiently advanced in learning he left his
parents, and in humility and devotion joined himself to these
Brothers--the poor little ones of Christ.  Afterward he was promoted to
the Priesthood in this same House, and since the grace of devotion grew
in him, in a short time he, with two others, took the Religious habit.
These three were the first to take it, and Egbert the first amongst them.
Also he was for a time Sub-Prior of our House on the Mount, being a man
of good heart, eloquent in word, diligent in writing, a comforter of them
that sorrowed, quick to forgive injuries, and one that did rejoice with
all his heart at the progress of others.  He adorned many of the chant
books in the choir with beautiful illuminations, and also divers books
for our library, and sometimes those that were written for sale.  He
loved our House on Mount St. Agnes above all places that are on the
earth, and he laboured right faithfully for the building thereof.
Moreover, when his parents were dead, he, their only son, received all
their goods as their lawful heir; and these were given for the common use
of the Brothers who had heretofore lived in great lack.  Wherefore year
by year memorial is made of him and his parents in the monastery for
these benefits, as is justly due.


How our Brothers and other Religious were driven from the land by reason
of the Interdict.

In the year of the Lord 1429, the strife between them that followed
Sueder and them that clave to Rodolph--who had been chosen to be
Bishop--still continued, and heavy threats were made against the Regulars
in that they obeyed the letter of the Apostolic See and the commandments
of Sueder, Bishop of Utrecht.  And since they would not consent to the
appeal of Rodolph, nor maintain his cause, they were driven either to
begin again to sing the services of the church or to depart from the
country, they and all their company.

Then did the Priors take counsel with their congregations, and they chose
rather to give place to the people that were enraged against them, and to
be exiles for justice' sake than to consent to such commandments to the
scandal of all the devout, for these had already gone away from a great
part of the country, leaving their own houses and their native land.

Therefore, when this grievous choice was made known before the Fathers
and Brothers of our House, there was but one opinion amongst all, namely,
that they must prepare to sojourn in a strange land and so keep obedience
to the Apostolic See, but that they should leave in the monastery certain
of their household that were Lay Brothers, Converts and Donates, who
might keep the House.  Thus were the Brothers driven forth, and they
departed publicly before sunset on the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle.
Moreover the Brothers of Windesem with their household went forth toward
Northorn, and they of Bethlehem in Zwolle went over the Yssel to the
district of Geldria.  But the Brothers of Mount St. Agnes abode at
Hasselt for the first night, and on the next day they took ship for
Frisia meaning to go to their Brothers at Lunenkerc, to help and comfort
that House which they had begun to reform.  And by the help of God, while
many of our Brothers sojourned there, the House soon came to be well
ordered.  There were together in the hired ship in which they crossed
over twenty-four of our household, both Clerks and Lay Brothers, and
these abode three years in Lunenkerc for the name of Christ and the
Church of God; and the exile from their own land, which they took
patiently, bore notable fruit.

These are the names of our Brothers and the others of our household, both
Clerks and Laics, who were driven from the land of Utrecht and from our
monastery for their obedience in the matter of the Interdict which they
observed for more than a year by command of the Apostolic See.

First our venerable Father the Prior, who was called Brother Theodoric of
Kleef; the second was Brother Thomas of Kempen, the Sub-Prior; the third,
Brother John Ummen, who was stricken in years and weak; the fourth,
Brother Gerard Wesep; the fifth, Brother John Benevolt; the sixth,
Brother Wernbold Staelwijc; the seventh, Brother John Bouman; the eighth,
Brother Henry Cremer; the ninth, Brother Henry of Deventer; the tenth,
Brother Dirk Veneman; the eleventh, Brother Helmic; the twelfth, Brother
Christian; the thirteenth, Brother James Cluyt; the fourteenth, Brother
Gerard Smullinc; the fifteenth, Brother Cesarius, a Novice; the
sixteenth, Brother Goswin, son of Pistor, a Novice.

Likewise there were two Converts, namely, Brother Arnold Droem and
Brother James Ae; three Clerks that had not yet received the Religious
habit, namely, Hermann Craen, Gosswin ten Velde, and Arnold ten Brincke;
two Donates named Gerard Hombolt and Laurence, and also John Koyte, a
guest and familiar friend of our House.  All of these were received for
the first night as the guests of the Sisters at Hasselt, who showed great
charity and humanity towards us, and they lamented and wept bitterly that
we were driven out with violence.  But since all the Brothers could not
find room nor beds wherein to sleep, these Sisters had compassion upon us
and brought us their own bedding wherewith they prepared a place for us
to sleep in the stable on the hay and straw, and here we all slept
commodiously enough.  Many of the citizens in Hasselt also had compassion
upon us and wept, but certain envious folk that thought ill of us mocked
our Brothers and spake lightly of them, but of these divers did afterward
repent.  On the second day, when morning came, we hired a small ship and
came by way of the sea to Frisia, the land we sought, having taken
sustenance by the way; but we used both sails and oars and gat us across
not without great hazard for the wind was contrary.  Thus we went thither
for the name of Christ and to keep obedience to the Holy Roman Church,
the which we all desired to obey, and we committed ourselves to God Who
showed forth His mercy toward us, and snatching us from the peril of the
sea brought us safely to our Brothers in Lunenkerc.

In the year 1430, on the 19th day of December, being the day before the
Vigil of St. Thomas the Apostle, died our beloved Brother John, a priest
who was born at Kampen.  He was third among the first four who received
investiture, and he died after midday and was buried on the right side of
Brother Oetbert.  He wrote in excellent wise the Chants in the books that
are for use in the choir, for he was a good singer, and a man of modest
character, and showed himself to be able and skilled in divers kinds of
work at harvest time and in the building of the House.  When we were
driven forth he went with the Brothers to Frisia, though he was weak, for
he chose rather to share their exile than to abide alone with a few Lay
Brothers to keep the House.  But afterward he was sent back before the
rest, for his sickness compelled us to do this: so having fulfilled
thirty-one years in the Religious Life, he fell asleep in the Lord.

In the year 1431, on the Feast of St. Stephen, Pope and Martyr, Brother
Goswin Becker died in Lunenkerc.  He was in the beginning of the third
year after his profession, but was not yet in Holy Orders, and he was
buried in the cloister of the monastery there.  He was the son of one
John Limborgh, otherwise Becker, and was born at Zwolle.


Of the return of our Brothers from Frisia to Mount St. Agnes.

In the year of our Lord 1422 (1432), license was granted to members of
the Religious Orders, and to devout Priests and Canons, to return to
their own places and monasteries which they had left in order to observe
the Interdict of our Lord the Pope, but some few were excepted as being
suspected of taking part in the sedition.  Now the Bishop of Matiskon had
been sent as Legate of the Apostolic See to make terms of peace, and to
remove the Interdict that had been pronounced to maintain the cause of
Sueder as against the noble Rodolph, who had been chosen to be Bishop.
Many Prelates and Religious Brothers were gathered together to meet the
aforesaid Legate in the town of Viana, and the Fathers of our Religious
Order and Devotion, the Priors of Windesem and of Mount St. Agnes
together with many others--devout Priests, who had been obedient to the
Interdict--entered into Utrecht rejoicing, after holding friendly
converse with the Legate.  Then the Brothers returned each to his own
House bearing with them sheaves of peace, the reward for their long exile
which they had endured outside the diocese, and so by little and little
they returned to their own monasteries eagerly and with devotion; for
some of the Brothers of our House returned on the eve of the Feast of the
Assumption of the Blessed Mary, and some about the Feast of St. Michael,
while a few were left in Frisia to minister to the needs and preserve the
discipline of the House at Lunenkerc.

Through all things blessed be God who alone doeth great marvels!


Of the death of Brother John of Kempen, the first Prior of Mount St.

In the same year, on the fourth day of November, at midnight, died
Brother John of Kempen, the first Rector and Confessor of the Sisters at
Arnheim, being in the sixty-seventh year of his age.  He had been Rector
or Prior in divers places and Houses that were newly founded, namely, at
the Fount of the Blessed Virgin, near Arnheim, where he was the first
Rector when that House was founded, and here he invested divers Brothers:
afterward he was chosen to be Prior of Mount St. Agnes and ruled the
House for nine years: then he was sent to Bommel, and he began the House
there with a few Brothers.  After this he was chosen to be Prior of the
House of the Blessed Mary, near Haerlem, in Holland, over which he ruled
for seven years.  At another time he was deputed to be the first Rector
of the Sisters at Bronope, near Kampen, and at last he ended his life
happily in a good old age and in obedience in Bethany, which is by
interpretation "the House of Obedience," and he was buried within the
cloister after Vespers.  I was with him and I closed his eyes, for I had
been sent by the Visitors to bear him company, and I abode with him for a
year and two months.  After Easter, in this same year, the House of
Bethany was incorporated into the General Chapter.

In the year of the Lord 1433, during Lent, three Clerks were invested,
namely, Brother Hermann Craen of Kampen, Brother John Zuermont of
Utrecht, and Brother Peter Herbort of Utrecht.  In the same year died
Sueder of Culenborgh, Bishop of Utrecht, and after his death Pope
Eugenius confirmed Rodolph Diepholt, who had been chosen before, to be
Bishop of the diocese.

In the year 1434, on the Feast of the Conception of the Glorious Virgin
Mary, was invested Brother Bero, a Clerk, of Amsterdam.

In the same year, on July 28th, died Margaret Wilden, a matron of great
age and mother of our Brother Oetbert.  She was buried in the broad
passage at her son's head, and on the northern side of the cloister.

In the year of the Lord 1436, on the Octave of the Feast of St. Stephen,
Proto-Martyr, Brother John, the first Convert of our House, died in
Beverwijc, near Haerlem.  He was a faithful man and prudent in business,
wherefore he was sent abroad with Brother Hugo of the same House, and
bound by his obedience he accepted the mission.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. Juliana the Virgin, after Lauds,
died John Benevolt, a Priest of our House, who was born in Groninghen, a
man of great simplicity and innocence; he was buried on the eastern side
of the cloister, on the right of Brother John Ummen.

In the same year, on the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, in the
first hour after midday, died Brother Alardus, a Priest of Pilsum and a
Frisian by nation.  He was well stricken in age, being above seventy-six
years old, and had lived the Religious Life for thirty years.  He was a
man of great gentleness, and in the celebration of the Mass careful and
devout.  He was ever among the first to go into the choir and the Common
Refectory of the Brotherhood until his last sickness.  It had been his
desire to die on this Feast because he had often celebrated it at the
Altar of the Holy Cross, and according to his prayer so it was done unto
him.  He often said to me, "The best dish that is set before me in the
Refectory is the Holy Reading, the which I gladly hear: wherefore I do
not absent myself willingly lest I should miss the fruit of that Holy
Reading during the meal.  I delight also in the presence of the Brothers,
in that I see the whole congregation there present taking their food
under strict discipline."  At length he was weighed down with years, and
though he could not walk alone, he came leaning upon a staff to the
entrance of the choir to hear the Brothers singing; then he took holy
water, and bowed the knee toward the High Altar.  On the days when he
celebrated he often received a special consolation from God Himself.

In the year of the Lord 1438, on the day after the Feast of St. Gregory
the Pope, died Brother Rodolph, a Priest from Oetmeshem, who had been
Prior of the House of St. Martin the Bishop, in Lunenkerc, in Frisia,
near Herlinghen.  He had been sick a long while with dropsy, and on the
day aforesaid he breathed forth his soul between the ninth and tenth
hours in the morning, and he was buried on the right of Brother Alardus.
In the same year, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary
ever Virgin, six Clerks were invested, namely, Brother Henry Becker of
Zwolle, Brother John Zandwijc of Rhenen, Brother Ewic, also of Rhenen,
Brother Telmann Gravensande of Holland, Brother George of Antwerp, and
Brother Arnold, son of Conrad, of Nussia.  In the same year there was a
great famine in divers parts of the land, and in a short space a mighty
pestilence followed; also in that year, on the Vigil of the Nativity of
Christ, and after High Mass, died John Eme, a Convert, who was cellarer
to our House.

In the year of the Lord 1439, on the Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, and
early in the morning, before the fourth hour, died Wermbold Stolwic of
Kampen, who was a Priest before he began the Religious Life.  He was
often sick of a fever, and being weakened thereby he fell asleep in the
Lord, having made a good confession, and was buried after Vespers.  He
wrote the music in some of the Chant books in the choir.

In the same year, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary,
there was an earthquake in divers places, and in the summer following a
great pestilence in divers parts, and many devout Brothers and Sisters
departed from this present world.

In the year 1440 the great building on the western side of the monastery
was set up, to receive guests and the Lay folk of our household, and the
roof thereof was finished in stone on the day before the Feast of our
Holy Father Augustine.  At this work many of our Brothers laboured long
and bravely, while others attended to the choir.

In the same year four brothers died in the pestilence, namely, Brother
Arnold Droem, a Convert, Goswin Witte, a Clerk and Oblate, Dirk
Mastebroick, a Donate, Hermann Sutor, a Novice.  Likewise many of our
neighbours in Haerst and Bercmede died of this plague, and by their own
desire were buried in our monastery.

In the year of the Lord 1441, on the Feast of St. Petronilla the Virgin,
died our beloved Brother Christian of Kampen, the Infirmarius, for he was
smitten with the plague.  He was very attentive to the sick and plague
stricken, to whom he ministered faithfully to the death.  On the same
day, when noon was hardly past, died John Clotinc, a Lay Brother and
Oblate.  He was a man very devout, and a pattern for his long service in
the brewery and the mill, and for his frequent prayers.  These died on
the same day and at the same hour after High Mass when Sext was done, and
after Vespers, when the Vigils had been sung, they were buried in peace.
After their death, by the mercy of God, the plague in the cloister was

In the same year and month, but before the aforesaid Brothers, and on the
day before the Feast of St. Pancras, died the elder Wermbold, a Donate,
who was born in Hasselt.

In the year 1442, on the fourth day of March, which was the third Sunday
in Lent, the venerable man, John of Korke, Bishop Suffragan to our Lord
of Utrecht, consecrated the burial-ground upon the eastern side of the
church, together with the cloister thereof, likewise the passage before
the Brothers' Refectory, and that on the western side that goeth from
before the cells of the Converts to the entrance of the church.  Also on
the northern side the ground to bury strangers in, with the whole circuit
thereof, but the part in the midst of it had been consecrated aforetime
with our church.  Moreover, the Bishop granted indulgences for forty days
to them that walked devoutly round the burial-ground.  Besides these, he
consecrated the precious and fair Image of the Blessed Virgin with the
Child Jesus, that standeth above the altar which is dedicated in honour
of Her and of St. Augustine (this is that altar which is set in the midst
of the church before the choir), and he granted forty days' indulgence to
them that should recite five Aves devoutly and on bended knees before the
said image.  Likewise, he consecrated another small image of the Blessed
Virgin, that is placed before the gate of our monastery, and he granted
forty days' indulgence to them that should recite three Aves there
devoutly and on bended knees.

In the year of the Lord 1443, on the day of St. Prisca, Virgin and
Martyr, and after midday, died our beloved Brother, John Bouman, a
Priest, who was once our Procurator.  He had been sick for a long while
with a quartan fever, whereby his body was wasted, and he finished his
life with a happy agony.  He was born in Zwolle, and for many years
endured labours and divers infirmities, and this saying of Christ was
often in his mouth: "In your patience ye shall possess your souls."  When
I visited him at the end he said to me, "How gladly I would every day go
with the Brothers into the choir if I were strong enough God knoweth!"  He
was full of faith and compassion, and he gladly read and heard of the
Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ; he had, moreover, a special devotion to
the Blessed Mary Magdalene, for he was born on Her Feast Day, wherefore
he often said the Mass for Her Feast, or humbly asked another to say it
for him.  About a month before his death a certain Brother had this
vision after Matins: it seemed to him that the Brothers were singing the
Vigil in the choir, and that a corpse was there.  And after the Vigil the
door of the choir was opened, and certain Lay Brothers of our household
came into the choir and stood round the corpse; amongst these were seen
two Lay Brothers who were already dead that came to the burial, namely,
Brother John Eme and Hermann, son of Wolter (now they had died four years
before this time).  These, with the rest of the household, went forth as
if to follow the corpse going through the gate upon the south side of the
choir, and they went in procession to that part of the precinct where our
Brothers, who are Priests, are wont to be buried--and straightway the
vision disappeared.  Then that Brother held his peace and began to think
within himself: "It may be that some one of our Brothers shall soon
depart out of this world, and we shall sing the solemn Vigils of the dead
for him."  And so it came to pass, for when the month was ended, Brother
John Bouman died, and the things seen in the vision were fulfilled in due
order on his behalf, and he was buried near Brother Christian.  He lived
in the Order of Regulars for thirty-one years and twenty-six days, and he
had friends in Zwolle that were good men and great: moreover, notable
increase of goods came to our monastery from him and from his parents.

In the year of the Lord 1444, on the Feast of All Saints, was invested
Henry Ruhorst, a Clerk, who was born at Kampen.

In the same year, on the Octave of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, the Regulars of Haerlem, by the will of all, took upon them the
rule of the cloister.

After the Feast of St. Bartholomew, three of our Brothers who were
Priests, were sent to found the new House of Roermund.

In the year of the Lord 1445, on the day before the Feast of St. Bernard
the Abbot, our beloved Brother Caesarius Coninc died.  He was a native of
Utrecht, and Prior of Lunenkerc, but he had made his profession at Mount
St. Agnes.  He went on the concerns of his House to Antwerp, where he
fell sick, and having been in a fever for nearly eight days he fell
asleep in the Lord, and was buried there in the Convent of the Sisters of
our Order.  He held the office of Prior for eight years, and he departed
from this world in the forty-sixth year of his age, and many goods came
for the use of the monastery from his parents.

In the same year, during Advent and after, a flood of waters overwhelmed
many lands and drowned the crops in Betua that pertains to Geldria and

In the year 1446, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, two Clerks were invested, namely, Brother James Spaen, from
Geldria, and Brother Henry, son of Paul of Mechlin in Brabant; the former
of these attended the school at Deventer, and had a brother who was a
Religious at Northorn: the latter attended the school at Zwolle.

In the same year, on Palm Sunday in the month of April, there was a great
tempest, snow, hail, and the breath of the storm, and thunder was heard
therewith.  In the night of that day the dyke between Wilsen and Kampen
was broken down, and the cattle and beasts of burden at Mastebroic were
drowned.  In Zutphen the tower of the church was set afire by lightning,
and the roof was cleft above, and certain persons were wounded, and some
were slain by this sudden mischance--in other parts also divers houses
were destroyed by fire.  In Zwolle, after Mass, a mighty terror fell upon
them that were in the church, and the shutters were shaken from the
church windows by a lightning stroke.  In the same year, on the day
following the Feast of St. Odulphus, and at the seventh hour when
Compline was done, died Brother Frederic, son of John, a Convert from
Groninghen.  He was an aged man of about eighty years, and one of the
elders amongst them that first dwelt in this place.  In many things he
was profitable to the Brothers, for he shaved their heads and blooded
them and dressed their wounds, and did other faithful service to the sick
and the plague stricken; at length, wearied with age and having a good
foundation of holy deeds, he fell asleep in the Lord.  He came to Mount
St. Agnes to serve the Lord in the sixth year after the death of Master
Gerard Groote, with the first Brothers that dwelt here, and with those
very poor Lay folk, the disciples of Gerard, of whom I have written
above.  He lived therefore in this place for sixty-six years, reckoning
the years of his conversion from the beginning thereof to the year of his
death inclusively, and Brother John Kempen, the first Prior of this
House, invested him as a Convert on the Feast of St. Katharine the
Virgin, in the year of the Lord 1401, he being the third of the Converts
then invested.

In the same year, on the Octave of the Holy Trinity, and on the night of
the Feast of the Saints Gervase and Protasius, died Brother Arnold, son
of Conrad of Nussia, being twenty-six years of age.  He had been in the
priesthood for one year, and for nearly fifteen days had been sick of a
tertian fever, but God had pity on him that in a brief space he fulfilled
many years, and by the swiftness of his course escaped the hazardous
defilements of the world; now he had finished eight years in the
Religious Life.

In the year of the Lord 1447, on the day before the Feast of St. Agnes
the Virgin, two Clerks were invested, namely, Everard ter Huet of Zwolle
and James Spenghe of Utrecht.

In the same year the Clerks at Alberghen, near Oldenzale, received the
habit of Holy Religion in the Order of Canons Regular of St. Augustine,
and they were invested on the day of the Finding of the Holy Cross.


How Theodoric of Kleef, third Prior of the House on the Mount laid down
his office, and was absolved therefrom.

In the year of the Lord 1447, that venerable Father, Theodoric of Kleef,
third Prior of our House of Mount St. Agnes the Virgin, coming home from
the General Chapter, called the Brothers together, and humbly sought to
speak with them so that when the Visitors of the House came he might be
absolved from his office of Prior.  For twenty-three years he had ruled
the House with fatherly care, and he was weary with many labours.  He
would have made this petition a year before, but that the urgency of
divers concerns of the House had hindered him from so doing, and he
pleaded the weakness of his age and that his senses were clouded.  Hearing
these things the elder Brothers spake with the members of the Chapter,
and thinking to show mercy toward their beloved Father who had long
served them to the best of his power, they gave a kindly hearing and
assent to his petition.  Wherefore the three eldest amongst them, on
behalf of the other Brothers and at their request, came to the Visitors,
for they were sitting in a private room to hear the opinion of each one
of the Brothers, and on bended knees with their hands clasped they
besought them instantly, and with all their hearts, to grant absolution
to this Father for that he was infirm and aged; this they said was the
time to show him pity, and this was what he desired as he had told to
certain of them privately.

The Visitors therefore heard the opinions of all, and finding that the
more part of them that were gathered together demanded this thing of set
purpose, did piously admonish the Prior that he might yield to the
petition of the Brothers and resign his office out of consideration for
his own weakness of body.  The good Father hearing this prostrated
himself humbly before the Chapter, and returning thanks to the Brothers
said that he was ready to resign into the hands of the Prior of the
Superior House the burden of that office which he had long borne.

But since the duty of holding visitations at certain other houses had
been laid upon them, the Priors of Windesem and Zwolle besought our
Brothers that such visitations might be held by the known and former
Prior as the Chapter had ordained, and when these were done, then at a
convenient season the desire of the Brothers concerning the absolution of
the Prior should be fulfilled.

So when the matter of the visitation was finished, the Priors of
Amsterdam and of Hoern returned, and coming to our monastery did a second
time examine the opinion of the Brothers in private, and they found that
the more part were still of one heart, and constant to their opinion that
the Prior should be absolved, though some few of the younger Brothers
dissented from the rest.

Hearing this the Visitors, by the authority to them committed, absolved
the Prior on the day after the Dispersion of the Apostles, thinking
thereby to provide for the peace and usefulness of the House.  Then in
accordance with the statutes of the Chapter they bade the Brothers to
keep fast for three days for the election of a new Prior; then they
returned toward Holland to their houses, since their own needs compelled
them so to do, but they besought the venerable Prior of Windesem to deign
to be present in person at the election when the Brothers should choose
their Prior.  And this was done, the grace of God providing for us, so
that the petition of the brothers, which they had made long since, came
to a good issue in the election of a new Prior, for which election they
did invoke the Holy Ghost and poured out prayers to God instantly both in
public and in private.


How Brother Henry of Deventer was chosen to be the fourth Prior of the
House of Mount St. Agnes.

In the year of the Lord 1448, on the 20th day of June (July), when the
three days' fast was ended, the Brothers came together to sing the Mass
of the Holy Spirit on the day before the Feast of St. Praxedes the
Virgin; but the Mass of the Blessed Virgin had been said in private
because it was the Sabbath.  Then after the end of Mass, and when Sext
was done, the Brothers went forth from the choir to the Chapter House to
choose a new Prior; and the venerable Prior of Windesem, with the Prior
of Zwolle, was there present with them, for he had been called and
besought to hear the election.  So, having held a short conference with
the Brothers, and the manner of election being read, the Prior of
Windesem exhorted the members of the Chapter to choose a fit person to be
Prior following the commandments of God and Canon Law.  There were here
present twenty-one Brothers that were electors, and two who were far away
had written letters wherein they expressed their will.  So the Brothers
that were electors went away a little space outside the doors of the
Chapter House, and the two Priors aforesaid came and stood by the altar
in the Chapter House, the door thereof being open, and with them were the
three elder Brothers.  There they stood to hear the votes of each man
separately, for they could be seen by all, but none could hear what was
said.  Then the votes of each being heard and counted, our Sub-Prior,
Brother Henry, son of William of Deventer, was chosen and nominated to be
Prior, having the votes of the more part recorded for him on the paper,
namely sixteen.  Some there were beside that did not choose him, but of
these three Brothers did not vote at this time, and two chose the
Procurator, James Cluyt.  Then one of the elder Brothers, on behalf of
himself and of the more part, besought the Prior of the Superior House to
confirm the election, who straightway appointed the next day to be the
last for any to oppose.  And when none made opposition to the manner of
the election, nor said aught against the Brother who was chosen, the
Prior elect was called to consent to his election which had been made
according to the canons, so that it might be duly confirmed.  And he
straightway prostrated himself in the midst of the Brothers protesting
that he was not sufficient, and he humbly besought to be relieved of this
burden, but when he could not gain his purpose, and dared not obstinately
to resist, he gave consent in an humble voice, being overcome by the
insistence of the Brothers and compelled by his obedience to his
superior: and he submitted himself to the ordinance of God for the sake
of observing brotherly love and the needful discipline of the cloister.
So when he had been confirmed by the Prior of Windesem he was led in to
the choir in the presence of all the Brothers, and placed in his stall,
and prayers were offered up.  After which done all the members of the
Chapter straightway went into the House, and following the accustomed
manner all the professed Brothers took the vow of obedience to their
Father, the new Prior, and after them the Converts, and lastly the
Donates did the like.  When this was done they spent the day with joy and
giving of thanks, and at last their Fathers, the Priors of the other
houses who had taken part in all that was done, said farewell to them,
and the Brothers left the garden and returned to their cells.  When the
bell rang for Vespers they came together to the choir, and sang the
Vespers of St. Mary Magdalene with cheerful voices.  After three days the
Brothers were called together to the Chapter House, and the Prior
proposed that in accordance with the statutes they should choose another
Sub-Prior, so on the Feast of St. James the Apostle, before the hour for
Vespers, Brother Thomas of Kempen was nominated and elected after a brief
scrutiny.  He was one of the elders, being sixty-seven years of age, and
in past times had been appointed to this office, and albeit he knew
himself to be insufficient and would have made excuse, yet he did submit
him humbly to the assembled Brothers, for his obedience bade him so to
do; neither did he refuse to undergo toil on their behalf for the love of
Christ Jesus, but earnestly besought the prayers of his comrades and
Brothers, for he trusted rather in the grace of God than in himself.

In the same year, during the summer season, the crops were grievously
ravaged in divers places by the mice, which ate the corn while it was
still growing up and when it was in the blade.  Our Lay Brothers,
therefore, dug ditches and put in the ground jars filled with water, and
such was the craft with which they did this that a vast number of the
mice were drowned in these jars, and they slew in divers places many
thousands.  These creatures had caused great loss to us and our
neighbours by ravaging the wheat, the barley, the oats, and the peas, and
also the green crops in the fields that were for the fodder of the

About the beginning of the month of September there was a notable
tempest, and a great flood of waters broke in upon us (for the sea had
burst his banks), and this did overflow our pasture land and destroyed
the grass and the fodder.  By this same tempest many ships that had
adventured themselves upon the sea were overwhelmed with all their crews.

But herein again the good and merciful God did provide for us, for our
fishers took great store of fish by reason of this flood, and these did
suffice the Brothers and their guests for food during many days.

In the year of the Lord 1449, on the Feast of St. Bernard the Abbot, we
received the precious relics of certain Saints and Martyrs who were
companions of Gereon, Duke and Martyr, and of others that were companions
of the Eleven Thousand Holy Virgins of Cologne.  These did the venerable
Abbot of St. Panthalion send to us from the many relics that are in that

Likewise Egbert Tyveren, a Donate of our House, brought back to us from
Cologne, as true relics, certain small fragments that were given to us by
the Carthusians, and by the Regular Brothers of our own order in the
House of Corpus Domini.  The Prior and the Brothers of our House being
gathered together in the choir before High Mass brought these relics into
the church, carrying the Standard of the Cross and lighted tapers in
their hands, and afterward the Prior placed them on the different altars,
having enclosed them in reliquaries in seemly wise in honour of the

In the same year, on December the 16th, our Brother Godefried of Kempen
died in Brabant in the House of the Sisters of the Regular Order that is
called the Cloister of the Blessed Virgin, near Zevenborren.  This
convent was afterward destroyed utterly by fire in the year 14--, and the
Sisters were removed to Brussels with great honour by the Duchess of

In the year of the Lord 1450 many faithful servants of Christ went to
Rome to gain Indulgences, which our Lord, Pope Nicholas V, by advice of
the Cardinals, and moved himself by piety and mercy, had granted by a
Bull in the previous year.  Then did many Christian folk that sojourned
on this holy pilgrimage return whole, but many died by the way, and many
in the city of Rome.

In the same year, in Holland, Utrecht, Amersfoort, Zwolle, Kampen,
Deventer, Zutphen and many other towns and hamlets, a bubonic plague
raged, and many devout persons and religious, as also many worldlings,
departed from this present life.  In the same year the winter time was
very mild, with but little snow and thin ice, but the wind was cold.  In
Lent, and at the beginning of March, our fishers took great abundance of
the fish called smelts, wherewith, during the Fast, our Brothers were
fed, and also many poor beggars at our gates.

In the same year the men of Zwolle builded a great and lofty bridge of
strong wooden timbers across the River Vecht, not far from our monastery,
to serve the necessities of their own folk and the convenience of men
that would come thither; the cost thereof was six hundred Rhenish

In the same year, on the Feast of St. John before the Latin Gate, Brother
Gerard of Deventer, whose surname was Bredenort, was invested.

In the same year, on the twenty-ninth day of August, died James Oem,
Rector of the Sisters at Bronope, near Kampen, who for nine years had
exercised a kindly rule over that House.  After his death the Prior of
Windesem appointed Brother Dirk of Kleef to be Rector and Confessor of
this House.  He had been formerly Prior of Mount St. Agnes, and was the
eldest of the Brothers of that monastery.

In the year 1451, on the Octave of Easter, which was the day before the
Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, died Dirk Poderen, a servant of
our House, a poor man and an aged, being about eighty years old: he had
lived with us for twenty years.

In the same year, on the Vigil of the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle,
and at the ninth hour, when Compline had been said, died Brother Gerard,
son of Wolter, a Convert who was sixty-eight years of age lacking two
months, and had lived the Religious Life for nearly forty years.  The
Prior and the Brothers were present with him at his death: he was
faithful and earnest in good deeds and words, and he was buried on the
western side of the passage with the other Converts.

In the same year a new mill was builded, and finished with much labour
and cost, for the greater convenience of our House.

In the same year the House of the Regulars in Cologne which is called
"Corpus Christi," and standeth in the parish of St. Christopher the
Martyr, was received into our Chapter.  At this time, namely, after the
Feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin, our Brother, Henry Cremer,
was sent to act as Sub-Prior of this House, and Brother Gerard of Kleef
went with him to be the Rector.

In the same year there was a grievous pestilence in Cologne, and as is
reported by many, twenty-five thousand persons are reckoned to have died

In the year of the Lord 1451, our most Reverend Lord Nicholas de Chusa,
Cardinal with the title of St. Peter in Chains, who was Legate for the
land of Germany, came to the diocese of Utrecht, after that he had
visited the upper parts of Saxony and the cities and townships of
Westphalia.  He came likewise to Windesem, where he was received with
honour by the Brothers, and held a conference with them, and by the
authority of the Apostolic See he granted Indulgences on the occasion of
the Jubilee to all that were subject to our General Chapter.  When he was
asked whether one might go to Rome to gain Indulgences without special
license, he replied: "Our Lord the Pope himself hath said, 'Better is
obedience than Indulgences.'"

In the year of the Lord 1452, a great and grievous loss befel the city of
Amsterdam, a famed and populous city in Holland, for a fire broke forth
on the Feast Day of Urban, Pope and Martyr, and the wrath of God went
forth in particular against the congregations of religious persons, both
men and women; so great was the fire that the more part of the city
should seem to have been destroyed, and scarce a third part thereof was
saved.  Fourteen monasteries are known to have burned almost to the
ground, and verily great misery was caused thereby in the sight of all
men, such as had not been heard of from very ancient times until that
day.  Many virgins that had taken the veil, putting aside their maiden
modesty, wandered about the city lamenting and begging for hospitality,
whereby the hearts of many were moved to tears.  Everything was buried,
from the great Church of St. Nicholas to the ancient Convent of the Nuns
of our Order inclusively, and in the other direction from the Church of
the Blessed Virgin Mary to our monastery exclusively, for God in His
mercy spared that House that it was unhurt.

In the same year, on the Feast of the Commemoration of St. Paul the
Apostle, and after Vespers, our beloved Brother Henry Cremer died at
Windesem; on the day following, being the Octave of St. John the Baptist,
his body was brought to our House, wherein, through the mercy of God, he
had lived for nearly thirty-three years in the Religious habit; this was
done that at his life's end he might not lie in a strange land afar from
our House, but might be buried according as he desired amongst our
Brothers.  He was faithful in his labour, in the writing of books, and in
his attendance in the choir; and being zealous for discipline he kept a
watch over his mouth and loved his cell.  Formerly he had been Prior in
Rickenberrich in Saxony for nearly eleven years, and afterward for a few
years abode in Diepenveen with two others his companions, but he was
instant in his petition to return to the Brotherhood, and obtained his
desire; after this he was sent to Cologne, but returning thence he died
at Windesem and was buried in our House.

In the year of the Lord 1453, a strange pestilence fell upon the men of
certain towns and the villages adjacent thereto.  This plague befel after
the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and was notable by reason of the
benumbing of the throat and the pain it caused in the breast and side.  At
this time many of our Brothers and the Lay folk of our Household who were
labouring hard in the fields--for it was harvest--were smitten so
grievously by the benumbing of their throats that they could scarce speak
or eat.  There was a north wind that was very cold at night, but by day
turbulent and dry, and many were chilled thereby and fell sick.  As a
remedy against this, some clothed themselves in stouter garments and
abstained from cold food and drink, and these grew well by reason of
their abstinence and care to keep themselves from too great cold, for God
had pity on them; but some that neglected these matters died after three
days, or even two, being weakened by the numbness.

When this disease first broke forth, our Brother Gerard ter Mollen, a
Convert, fell sick and received the Unction after Compline on the day of
the Translation of St. Martin the Bishop: in the night following, before
the hour for Matins, his sickness grew heavy on him and he died.  He was
a faithful labourer, ever ready to toil for the common weal, and he was
in the sixtieth year of his age, having fulfilled thirty years and three
months in the Religious Life: he was buried in the western path at the
head of Gerard, son of Wolter.

In the same year, in the month of July, and on the Feast of the
Translation of Benedict the Abbot, died Dirk, son of Arnold, a young man
who was a Laic and Fellow Commoner, that came from Bericmede: he had
received the Sacrament of the Holy Unction, and died after High Mass had

In the same month, on the day following the Feast of St. Margaret the
Virgin, when Compline was done, and the Ave Maria had been said, died
Henry Diest, a Donate of our House: he was nearly forty-eight years of
age and had fulfilled thirty years in this House.

In the same month, on the day following the Feast of Alexius the
Confessor, Dirk Struve, a Laic and Fellow Commoner, died after Compline,
having received the Holy Rite of Extreme Unction.  He had lived long in
the House, and on the day following when the first Mass had been said he
was laid in the burying ground of the Lay Brothers.

After him, and on the night before the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene,
before Matins, died Everard Ens of Campen, a good and faithful Laic and
Fellow Commoner, who had lived with us for fifteen years.

In the same year, in the month of August, on the night before the Feast
of St. Dominic the Confessor, and before Matins, died our most beloved
Brother Theodoric of Kleef.  He was the third Prior of our House, and an
old man and full of days, for he was seventy-six years old, and had
fulfilled fifty-five years in the Religious Life.  When the first
Brothers were invested here, he was the fourth to receive the Habit, and
from the very beginning of the monastery, before any of the Brothers had
received investiture, he with the Clerks and Lay folk in this place had
begun to serve the Lord in much poverty and toil.  Moreover, it had
always been his desire that by the favour of the Lord he might end his
life in this same House with the Brothers, and be buried amongst them,
and so it came about, for he was laid in the eastern passage by the side
of our Brother, Henry Cremer, whom he had drawn to the Religious Life,
and whom he had loved with all his heart.  Thus it came about that as
they had loved one another in life, so in death and in the grave they
were not divided.

In the same year and month, on the day following the Feast of Sixtus,
Pope and Martyr, and when noon was past, died Dirk, son of Wychmann of
Arnheim, who had lived here for two years.

In the same year, in the month of August, on the Feast of St. Lawrence
the Martyr, and in the morning after Prime, died Matthias, son of William
of Overcamp, a Donate of our House, who had been overseer of husbandry
for a great while.  He often suffered pain from the stone, and at length
falling sick with a disease in the throat, and being bowed with age, he
fell on sleep in holy peace in the seventy-second year of his age, having
endured many labours; for when the monastery was founded he came hither
with his father, William, a tailor, of great age, and being then but ten
years old, he began that good course which was brought to this happy
issue.  He was laid in the burying-ground of the Lay folk before the
entrance to the broad cloister.  At this time of pestilence in our House
it befel that a certain Brother, while sitting in his cell, heard a sound
at the door thereof as of one knocking twice, but when he arose to open
the door he could not see or find any man there.  And marvelling at the
matter he thought that perhaps some one might be like to die, and on the
next day the bell was tolled for the death of Dirk Struve, a Laic of our
household.  So also before the death of Brother Theodoric of Kleef, once
the Prior of our House, the like thing happened two days before he fell

In the year 1454, on the morning of the fourteenth day of March and after
Prime, died Brother Gerard Hombolt, a Convert, in the fifty-fifth year of
his age.  He had fulfilled thirty years in the Religious Life, and for a
great while was cellarer of the House, in which office he was faithful
and zealous for the common good, so far as our poverty in temporal wealth
and the number of persons to be served did allow.  He was buried in the
western passage before the door of the church with the other Converts.

In the same year, on the sixteenth day of May, the venerable Father John
Lap died in the House of Elisabethdal, near Roremund, of which he was
Prior, but he had made his profession as a Brother of our House of Mount
St. Agnes.  He was in the fifty-fifth year of his age, and being a lover
of discipline and of the Religious Life had fulfilled thirty years and
nearly two months therein.

In the same year, on the day before the Feast of the Exaltation of the
Holy Cross, and about the second hour after noon, died Dionysius
Valkenborch, a Donate of our House, being seventy-three years of age.  He
had lived an humble and holy life with us for a great while, near to
fifty-five years; at first his tasks were to feed the swine and milk the
cows, but when he grew old he was made the gatekeeper, with another to
help him, and ending his temporal life in a good old age he left a fair
ensample to all.

In the same year, in the month of August, on the day following the Feast
of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there was a heavy rain both
in the uplands and the lowlands, and much corn and seed perished thereby,
and we suffered great loss in our farm by the overflowing of many waters.
In the same year, on the Feast of Gallus the Confessor, and at about the
ninth hour, when Compline was ended, died Brother John Zandwijc of Renen,
a Priest of our House, being thirty-eight years old.  He had suffered
long from the stone, and was patient and gentle, and he had fulfilled
sixteen years and near seven months in the Religious Life.  On the day
before the Feast of St. Luke, when Mass was ended, he was buried by the
side of Theodoric of Kleef in the eastern passage of the cloister; here
he rests in peace, freed from the many toils and perils of this life, for
his desire was to be released and to be with Christ.

In the year 1455, on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, two Clerks
were invested, namely, Brother Henry, son of Bruno, and Theodoric, son of
Arnold Wanninck; both came from Deventer, and had honourable parents and
friends, and in the year following they made their profession together
upon the same day.

In the same year, on the Octave of the Feast of the Apostles Peter and
Paul, when Matins was ended, died our venerable Father, William
Voerniken, the fourth Prior of Windesem.  He was buried in the choir by
the side of the venerable Prior John Huesden, for these two greatly loved
one another, wherefore after death they shared one tomb in the church.  He
was eighty-two years of age, and had been the second Prior of the House
on Mount St. Agnes.

In the same year, on the 22nd of April, when Prime was done, died John
Mastebroick, a Laic and servant of our House, who was faithful in labour
and devout in prayer.  He was about seventy years old, and had lived with
us for nearly forty-five years, and he departed to the Lord in holy
peace, desiring an eternal reward for his many labours.  He was laid with
the servants in the burial-ground of the Lay folk and Donates of our

In the same year, on the 9th of October, the day before the Feast of
Marcus, Pope and Confessor, when Compline was done, died Gerard, son of
Hermann, a Laic and servant of our House; he was a stonemason and a
faithful worker so far as his powers did allow, but he was often sick
with the complaint of the stone, from the tortures whereof he died,
though he bore the same with much patience; and he left all the goods he
had as a bequest to the monastery.

In the year of the Lord 1455, on the 17th day of November, within the
Octave of the Feast of St. Martin the Bishop, four altars in our church
were consecrated by Iodocus, who was Bishop Suffragan, Doctor in Sacred
Theology, and belonged to the order of Preachers.  He had received a
general commission from the General Chapter of Utrecht, and he
consecrated the several altars after this wise.  First the altar which is
on the north of the church, and in the upper part thereof, in honour of
St. Michael the Archangel and all the holy Angels: secondly, the altar
which standeth upon the same side, but in the lower part of the church,
in honour of the holy Confessors, Gregory, Ambrose, Jerome, Bernard,
Francis, and Lebuin.  Thirdly, the altar which is in the midst of the
church, in honour of the holy Confessors, Martin the Bishop, Willibrord
the Bishop, Nicholas the Bishop, and Antony the Confessor.  Fourthly, the
altar which standeth on the south side, toward the end of the church, in
honour of the Saints Anne, Elizabeth, Monica, mother of our holy Father
Augustine, and all holy widows.

Likewise he consecrated the Holy Cross that is over the door of the
choir, and certain images of Saints, namely, of St. Augustine the Bishop
and St. Agnes the Virgin: also two small figures, the first of St. Mary
Magdalene, the second of St. Agnes in the Coffer; also the image that is
over the altar of the Holy Cross that showeth the blessed Virgin Mary
holding the Crucified Lord, Who lieth on her breast: also the images of
St. James the Apostle, St. Katherine the Virgin, and St. Barbara, Virgin
and Martyr.

In the year of the Lord 1456, on the Feast of St. Antony the Confessor,
Brother Gerard, son of Dirk, who came from a place near Zwolle, was
invested as a Convert.  He was a man well stricken in age, and had lived
with us in honest wise for thirty years, being a good husbandman; before
his investiture he had been an humble Donate, for we had many of that
degree amongst us.

In the same year, on the day following the Feast of St. James the
Apostle, died John Smyt, a Laic and servant of our House.  He was drowned
in a deep pool that had been filled by the rain, and with him perished
four very good horses that were drawing a cart to fetch fodder.  At that
time the weather was very rainy, so that many crops were destroyed
thereby.  The Brothers therefore brought back this servant of God to the
House, and after Compline laid him in the burial-ground of the Laics.
Moreover, they celebrated Mass for him, and offered up prayers that he
might receive the reward of his labours.  By God's providence, he and the
other Laics of our House had received Communion, as was the custom, on
St. James's day: and he himself had lived with us for one year, being
skilful and diligent in the smith's craft.

In all things blessed be God, Who scourgeth us, and also healeth our
stripes, for though we lost above an hundred florins by the drowning of
the horses, yet did the good Lord save us and our country from the army
of the Duke of Burgundy, who was laying siege to Deventer; for after the
Feast of St. Matthew peace and concord were restored between the Duke and
the cities and people of this land.

In the same year of the Lord 1456, on the Feast day of St. Lucia, Virgin
and Martyr, and in the morning when High Mass for her festival was
already begun, died that fervent lover of discipline, Brother William
Coman.  He was born in Amsterdam, in Holland, and for a great while had
lived an humble life amongst our Brothers, and he was seventy-eight years
and four months old.  On the Feast of St. Brixius, Bishop and Confessor,
he had fulfilled, by the help of God, fifty-five years in the Religious
Life, for this was the anniversary of his investiture, and on this day he
celebrated Mass for the last time, for he was sick from that day forward
until the Feast day of St. Lucia, whereon he ended his life with a happy
agony; and he was buried in the eastern passage by the side of our
Brother John Zantwijc.

This William Coman left many a good ensample of patience, poverty, and
abstinence, for the imitation of them that come after; and in the days of
the venerable Prior, William Vorniken (who was the second to hold that
office in our House) he was Procurator, and afterwards Sub-Prior.  Then
for three years he was Prior of the House at Amersfoort, after which he
was Rector of the Sisters at Bronope near Kampen for fourteen years; but
at last, as age had come upon him, and his hearing failed by little and
little, he returned to our House and Brotherhood, where he died in holy
peace, and he was buried amongst the Brothers after the accustomed

In the same year died Gerard Smullinc, the first Rector and Prior of the
House at Ruremund, who, after that he was absolved from his office, went
to gain Indulgences at the Shrine of St. James at Compostella, in which
place he was buried.

The anniversary of his death and that of his parents is kept on the day
following the Feast of St. Elizabeth, because we know not surely the day

In the year of the Lord 1457, on the day of St. Benedict the Abbot, and
at eleven o'clock at night, Theodoric Herxen, a venerable Father of pious
memory, and a priest of seemly life, died at Zwolle, being seventy-six
years old.  He was the second Rector of the House of Clerks in Zwolle,
and ruled it for forty-seven years; also he was Confessor to many devout
Brothers and Sisters, and his whole life, from the time that he was of
full age, was spent in discipline of character and in virtue.


How Father Henry, the fourth Prior, resigned his office, and how Father
George was chosen to be the fifth Prior.

In the year 1458, on the day following the Feast of St. Matthias the
Apostle, Brother Henry, son of William, the fourth Prior of the House,
resigned his office.  Now he had lain sick for a great while and was weak
from fever; wherefore, prostrate upon his bed in the presence of all the
Brothers, he besought them with many tears and exhorted them to agree to
choose another Prior in his room, according to the lawful statutes of the

Hearing this all the Brothers were grieved, and for three days they
fasted after the accustomed manner, praying for guidance in the coming
election, which was held on the Thursday after the third Sunday in Lent,
for which day the Introit is "Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord."  So
when the Mass of the Holy Spirit had been said and the hours were done,
the election was held in the choir in the presence of all the Brothers;
and that venerable Father the Prior of Windesem was also present with
them to hear the opinion of each one; likewise Brother John Naeldwijc and
Brother James of Cologne, Prior of the House of the Blessed Virgin at
Belheem in Zwolle.

When the opinion of each had been heard, George, who was a Brother of our
House, but at this time Prior of Briel, was chosen by the greater number
of votes.  Some indeed chose Bero, Prior of Beverwijc, but all consented
humbly and peaceably to the judgment of the greater number; so by common
consent Brother George was elected, being a Father most beloved, and
himself a lover of the rule.

In the same year four Brothers were invested, three of them on the day
following the Feast of St. George the Martyr, and the names of these were
Henry Hierde of Herderwijc in Geldria, Hermann Borken of Westphalia in
the diocese of Munster, and Theodoric of Zwolle.  The fourth, namely,
John Orsoy of Kleef, was invested soon after, on the Feast of the
birthday of our Father St. Augustine.

In the same year there was a notable pestilence in Deventer, Zwolle, and
Kampen, the which had raged in Utrecht and the neighbouring places in the
previous year.  Verily this scourge of God was pious and pitiful towards
Christian folk, as hindering them from dwelling long in this world so as
to love it rather than the kingdom of Heaven.  At this time many devout
Sisters in Deventer and Zwolle departed to Christ.

On the day following the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed and
Glorious Virgin Mary died our beloved Brother Henry Ruhorst, the
Sub-Prior of our House, being forty years old, and he was buried in the
eastern cloister by the side of our Brother William Coman.

In the same year and month, on the Feast of St. Jerome and after midday,
died Hermann, son of John, a Laic who was Sub-Infirmarius, being twenty-
six years old.  He was a poor man, who was born in a place near Wessel in
the district of Kleef; and being received by us, he showed himself ready
to do whatever was laid upon him.

In the same year, in the month of October, and at noon on the Feast day
of St. Dionysius the Bishop, Brother Gerard Wessep died in Zwolle.  He
had been sent to the Monastery of Belheem, and of his obedience and
brotherly love he went thither after the death of many of the Brothers of
the House; for of these ten had died, as well as certain Laics that were
of the household.  After the hour of Vespers he was borne to a carriage
and brought therein to our House, as he had desired, and he was buried
with the Brothers in the eastern cloister, by the side of the Sub-Prior.
At the time of his death he had fulfilled almost fifty-six years in the
Order, being in the seventy-seventh year of his age.  He wrote many books
in the Latin and Teutonic tongues for the choir, the library, and for
sale; and he was forward to perform many labours for the common good.
Above all he was very faithful and ready in tending the sick and dying
till the moment of their departure; for he feared not then to tend and
stand by diseased and plague stricken folk, serving them for the sake of
God and brotherly love.  So the Lord willed to reward him also, with the
Brothers that were dead in Belheem; wherefore, when he had spent fifteen
days in Zwolle, he fell sick of the plague, and God took him from the
toil and trouble of this present life and gave him eternal peace and
rest, which things--as oft he told me with clasped hands--he had long

In the same year, on the day following the Feast of St. Martin the
Bishop, at the hour of Vespers, died our beloved Brother James Cluit, a
devout Priest and first Rector of Udem, being sixty-three years old, and
he was buried before the High Altar.  His memory shall continue to be
praised and blessed, for he was beloved of God, an ensample to us all,
and his own stern judge.

In the year of the Lord 1459, on the Feast of the Epiphany and at about
the fifth hour in the morning before Prime, died Everard of Wetteren, the
cook, a devout Donate, who was eighty years of age and over.  He had
dwelt formerly in Deventer with Lambert Gale, a tailor, and in the days
of Florentius, who sent him to Windesem, he was first tailor of the
House; but the Brothers at Windesem sent him on to Mount St. Agnes before
the members of that community were invested with the Religious habit, and
there he helped to sew and make the garments in which those first four
Brothers were habited, whose investiture in the year 1398 is described
above.  After some while spent in this office he was sent to serve in the
kitchen as assistant, and he afterwards became chief cook, in which post
he served all the Brothers faithfully for above thirty years.  At length,
wearied with years, he was relieved from his labours and slept in peace,
being an old man and full of many days.

In the same year, within the Octave of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Mary and on the Feast day of the holy martyrs Protus and Hyacinthus, at
noon died Gerard Hombolt of Utrecht, a Donate of our House, who was fifty-
nine years old.  He was very zealous, faithful, and devout in the service
of God, particularly in the things which pertain to the glory and honour
of the Blessed Virgin Mary; moreover, he procured a most fair image of
her, and a corona of polished brass holding many candles, and certain
other ornaments that are set above the altar of the Blessed Virgin.  These
things he did out of his great devotion, and with a pious intention of
adorning our church in honour of the Blessed Virgin and St. Agnes.

First he was Hospitarius and afterward Refectorarius to the Brothers, and
all things that were committed to his charge he kept honestly and in
cleanly fashion, seeing to the provision of all needful vessels, napkins,
and towels.  On a time when many guests had come to the House he bade the
cook provide all things necessary for them; but the cook, being troubled
at this unaccustomed number, was heavy at heart, for he feared lest he
might not be able to satisfy all as he fain would do, but Gerard Hombolt,
putting his trust in the Lord, said, "Make the sign of the Holy Cross
over the pots and the cooked food and God shall give His blessing and a
sufficiency."  So the cook did as Gerard had said, and blessed the
provision again and again in faith, and behold the good Lord, seeing
their faith, gave them an increase so that all had enough; and when the
meal was done there was abundance left over, insomuch that the fragments
that remained sufficed for a full meal at supper.

In his youth, and before he entered the monastery, Gerard, out of his
great devotion, visited the Holy Land--Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the
other places hallowed by our Saviour; and he was disposed, if it should
be allowed him, to visit them once again before his death.  But the good
Lord changed his love for the earthly Jerusalem to love for the Jerusalem
which is in Heaven, into which he entered (as I hope) through the
intercession of the Blessed and Glorious Virgin; for on all the Vigils
before Her feasts it was his wont to fast, eating nought save bread nor
drinking aught save beer; and it was within the Octave of the Feast of
Her Nativity that he departed in holy peace out of this present world to
the realms of Heaven, having made a good confession, being contrite, and
having received the Unction.  Much wealth also came to our House through
his means, and he died in the fifty-ninth year of his age, having lived
with us for thirty-five years.

In the year of the Lord 1460, after the Feast of the Purification of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, there was a mighty frost.  The bitter cold began on
the Feast day of St. Scholastica the Virgin (which was the first Sunday
in Lent), and endured until the middle of the fast, so that men and
horses heavily laden could walk everywhere upon the frozen waters in
safety, and carry their goods across the same.  Likewise in many places
there was lack of fodder and straw wherewith to feed the beasts, for the
ground was dry and frost bound, wherefore men could not get them fresh
grass to feed the cattle.  For this cause some poor men brake up the
roofs of their houses and gave of the thatch to the beasts: and this lack
of grass endured until the first of May.

In the same year, in the month of April, and on the second Sunday after
Easter, which was the day before the Feast of Vitalis the Martyr, Brother
Gerard Cortbeen was invested: he was a Priest, and a native of
Herderwijc, a good man, honest, faithful, and thirty-two years of age.

In the same year our church was adorned in seemly wise, the roof thereof
and all the flat spaces of the inner walls being painted in fair colours
to the glory of God and in honour of St. Agnes the Patron Saint of the
church.  Amid the bright colours were written these three names Jesus,
Mary, Agnes, which of holy purpose were painted in large and black
letters, and they stand forth clearly to be read by the eyes of all that
enter the church.

In the same year, on the Feast of the Dispersion of the Apostles, between
the hours of Tierce and High Mass, died Deric, son of William, a
carpenter and servant of our household who was a Fellow Commoner.  He was
born in Zwolle and was now thirty years of age, having lived a good,
humble, and peaceable life in this House for nearly eleven years.

In the year of the Lord 1461, on the morning of the Feast of St.
Emerentiana the Virgin, and before the hour of Prime, died Herder Stael,
a very honest man, and a fellow citizen with us at Zwolle, being seventy-
four years old.  He was a special and faithful friend to our House for
many years.  As was his wife also particularly in the troubled times of
Bishop Rudolph, when our Brothers were constrained to leave the monastery
and to go to the House belonging to our Order in Lunenkerc.  At that time
this good man bought our crops as they stood in the fields near the
monastery, and out of an honest purpose bade his servants to reap and
harvest the same.  Afterward he sent the fruits of the ground, and the
provender that had been gathered, to our Brothers in Lunenkerc by little
and little, for they had been sent thither as it were to a place of
exile.  This same Herder Stael lived with us for nearly a year before his
death, being moved so to do by a deep desire, and having a holy and firm
purpose to serve God.  He died as aforesaid in holy peace and in an
honoured old age, and his body was laid in the broad cloister; his
friends from Zwolle being present at his burial.


Of the ancient Reliquary of St. Agnes, and how it was gotten.

In the same year 1461, George, the venerable Father of our House, asked
and obtained from the Canons of the great church at Utrecht the ancient
Reliquary of the most holy Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, and the beloved
Patron of our House, but her relics were not therein contained.  It was
in her honour that our church was consecrated in the year of the Lord
1412, and on the Friday in Easter week, as is set forth more fully above
in the chapter entitled "Of the Consecration of our Church."

Two of our Brothers that were ordained to be Priests, namely, Brother
Henry, son of Bruno, and Brother Theodoric Wanninck, brought back this
holy Reliquary with them, journeying from Utrecht by way of Holland, and
across the sea, not without danger and fear, for the sea was turbulent.
Yet through the help of God, and the merits of St. Agnes the Virgin, they
were protected from these perils and reached an haven of safety.  A few
days afterward, on the eve of the Feast of St. Scholastica the Virgin,
they brought the Reliquary to Mount St. Agnes, and our Brothers, with all
the Laics of our household, hearing this, did rejoice exceedingly.

The Reliquary was borne into the church with all devotion and reverence
and placed in the sanctuary of the choir near the High Altar and beneath
the arch in the northern wall.  The bones of the Saint had rested for
nearly three hundred and fifty years in this Reliquary, which was an
humble one, being of wood and covered with plates of brass and gilded
work.  But at last a new and most fair coffer of silver adorned with gold
was made for her by the Canons of the great Church of St. Martin at

Likewise one should note that it was in the year of the Lord 1413, in the
time of Frederick of Blanckenhem, the Reverend Bishop of Utrecht, that
the relics of this most Blessed Saint Agnes the Virgin were removed with
all reverence from the ancient wooden Reliquary into this new one of
silver fairly gilt.  This was done on the second of December, being the
day following the Feast of AEgidius the Abbot, by that Reverend man
Hermann Lochorst, Dean of the great Church of St. Martin the Bishop.  He
it was, chiefly, who had procured that the holy relics of the Saint
should be removed in this manner; and a great while afterward George, our
venerable Father and Prior, earnestly begged for the ancient Reliquary,
which our House had long desired, and by the insistence of his friends he
obtained the same from the Chapter and Canons of the church.  These
things were done in the year 1461, as is written above.

In the year of the Lord 1462, on the night of the Feast of St. Juliana,
Virgin and Martyr, died our beloved Brother John, son of Hessel of
Zuermont, who came from Utrecht.  He was a timid man, and ready for any
lowly task; moreover, his will was always good to serve the monastery to
the best of his power.  Yet through the weakness of his nature and pains
in his head, he often stayed outside the choir, but by his work without
he redeemed the time which he could not spend in devotion within the

A few days before his death he said to certain of the Brothers that he
should die shortly, and indeed the end came somewhat suddenly to him, for
on the day before the Feast of Juliana the Virgin he was well and
cheerful, but in the night following some weakness, whereof we knew not,
came upon him, and he was found dead before the bed in his cell; being
clad in his under garment he lay prostrate upon the floor with his feet
stretched out and his arms close to his side, looking as though he were
commending himself to God and to the Holy Angels: for no man was with him
at the last to give him comfort, since none knew of his agony, but after
supper-time, because they saw that he was not present, certain Brothers
sought him in the cell where he slept, and they found that he was gone
away from this world, and had fled to Christ as we do piously hope and
believe.  He came of very good and honest parents in Utrecht, and had
many friends and kinsmen that were living the Religious Life.  And so at
length, after many labours and much pain of heart and body, he was taken
away from the miseries of this present life, in the fifty-fourth year of
his age, having spent twenty-nine years in the Religious Life.  After the
office of the Mass had been said duly, and the Psalms and Vigils had been
recited, he was buried in the eastern side of the cloister, on the right
of Brother Gerard Wesep.

In the same year, after the Epiphany, there was a most bitter frost,
which lasted throughout Lent and longer, and the great drought was
hurtful to the pasture lands whereon the beasts were fed.


Of the death of Brother Henry, son of William, the fourth Prior of our

In the same year, and upon the 10th day of March, being the second day
before the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, died our most beloved Brother
of pious memory, Henry, son of William, who was a native of Deventer.  He
departed at the fifth hour after midday, when the Vigils of the dead had
been sung; and our beloved Father George and all the Brothers were
present with him, praying during his happy death struggle, and many Laics
of our household were there also.

He had been the fourth Prior of our House, and having sought instantly to
be absolved from his office because of his oft infirmities, he lived
thereafter for four years amongst the Brothers, being humble, gentle,
exemplary, devout, and reverent to all.  To none was he burdensome, but
to all men kindly, comfortable, pitiful, helpful, cheerful, modest,
peaceable, and silent.  Amid elders and prelates he was lowly and
courteous, towards the young and weakly he was sweet and amiable.  Because
of his good and modest manners, his uprightness, fidelity, and the honest
bearing which he showed (as a Religious ought to do) whether walking or
standing, speaking or keeping silence, he long held the office of
Procurator for the House; for he was chosen for that post in the first
place, and afterward was made Sub-Prior.  But at last, by God's
ordinance, he was promoted to be the fourth Prior of our community, in
which office he was confirmed in all peace and charity.  For ten years he
continued to be Prior, ruling those that were under him by the goodness
and modesty of his character rather than by rough speech; he was instant
in his zeal for reading, for prayer, and holy meditations whensoever such
exercises were possible.  Well might one write and say of him many of
those things that the blessed Bernard doth write concerning Humbert, the
servant of God, who was the devout Sub-Prior in St. Bernard's House.  Him
did Henry strive to imitate, for he too was devout, beloved of God and
man, and a servant of Christ.  He died in the sixty-first year of his
age, having entered upon the forty-second year of his Religious Life, and
he was buried on the right side of Brother John Zuermont.

In the same year, on the day before the Feast of St. Ambrose the
Bishop--this day being the Saturday before Passion Sunday--and at the
fifth hour of the morning before Prime, died Dirk ten Water, an
honourable citizen and magistrate of Zwolle, who had been received as a
Fellow Commoner, for he greatly favoured the devout.

He abode in our House as a guest for six weeks, being sickly the while,
but it was his intention to serve God and to remain with us: also he was
a notable benefactor to the House in his lifetime and at his death; and
he died in peace in the sixty-eighth year of his age, being fortified by
the sacraments of the church.  He was buried in the tomb of his mother,
Swane ten Water, beneath a sarcophagus of stone that standeth in our
church before the Altar of Holy Cross.

In the same year, on the last day of August, and within the Octave of the
Feast of St. Augustine, before Matins, died the humble and devout Laic,
John Bobert, being forty years old.  He came from the diocese of Treves,
and formerly was our shepherd, but afterward he became porter to the
monastery, and he was very faithful and pitiful to the poor.  Having
fulfilled twelve years in this House, he fell asleep in peace, and was
laid in the burial-ground of the Lay folk.

In the same year, during Advent, on the Octave of the Feast of St. Andrew
the Apostle, and before Prime, died an aged man named Gerard Poelman.  He
was a Donate of our House, and was born in Zwolle, but he lived with us
for sixty-two years, having come to us in the days when we were still
very poor, and lacked goods, buildings, books, and holy vestments.  His
parents often succoured us and did us much kindness, for they were
somewhat wealthy, and they gave or lent us money to buy provision,
because they loved their sons who dwelt with us, namely, Henry, and this
Gerard that was the younger brother.  These two had one sister, whose
name was Adelaide, a devout virgin, who for many years ruled over the
House of the Beguines at Nyerstadt, where at length she died amid the
nuns, and she was buried by the Brothers of the Regular Order in

At first this Gerard was the tailor of our monastery, as was also his
brother Henry, but afterwards he faithfully discharged the duty of
fisherman, but when weakness compelled him to abandon this task, he
became the gardener, and was skilful in growing vegetables and herbs of
divers kinds.  At last, wearied with years and overborne with toil, he
fell asleep in a good old age, for he was eighty-one years old, and in
return for his labours received a crown of life at the hands of the King
of Glory.  He was laid in the burial-ground of the Laics and servants of
the House, on the western side of our church, and the venerable, devout,
and holy Father George performed the rites.

In the year 1463, on the day before the Feast of Quirinus the Martyr,
that is on March 29th, and at about the eighth hour when Compline was
done, died John, son of James, a faithful Laic of our House and a good
husbandman; he was an Oblate and Resignate, and was born in Dalssen;
moreover, he proved himself to be useful and skilled in his work among
our husbandmen.  He was well beloved, and lived in this monastery for
twenty-eight years, but having fulfilled forty-six years of life, he
departed in holy peace, and was buried near Gerard Poelman, in the burial-
ground of the Laics, on the Wednesday before Palm Sunday.

In the same year, on the 15th of May, being the fifth Sunday after
Easter, and the third day after the Feast of Servatius, three young
Clerks were invested, namely, Peter, son of Simon, of Liege, William, son
of Peregrinus, of Kampen, and Arnold Wanninck of Deventer, own brother to
Theodoric Wanninck of our community.  Brother Peter, the first of these,
was twenty-three years old; the second, namely, William, was twenty-one;
and Arnold Wanninck, the younger, was twenty.  At their investiture our
Father George performed the ceremony and celebrated High Mass of the

In the year 1464, on the 15th of May, being the Tuesday after the Feast
of the Ascension of our Lord, Hubert, son of Nicholas, of Amersfoort, who
was thirty-five years old, was invested as a Convert of our House.  For
some years he had been town crier, and he was well beloved, being a
trusty friend to the devout Brothers and Sisters in their business.  When
his wife was dead and his sons had received their portions, he chose to
leave the world and humbly to serve God in the monastery; so after a
probation of nearly three years he was invested solemnly as a Convert.

In the same year, and on the day following the Feast of St. James the
Apostle, died Andrew, son of Hermann, of Sichele, a faithful and devout
Laic of our House and an Oblate to God.  He had no possessions of his
own, nor did he leave behind him any private store, no not one mite.  He
came to our monastery on the Feast day of St. Agnes, in the year of the
Lord 1419, being then twenty-one years old; and having fulfilled with us
in the service of God nearly forty-four years, being then sixty-five
years of age, he departed from this world.  His death came about through
a sudden mischance, for having fallen from a horse, he was hurt
grievously, and commending himself to God, he fell asleep in holy faith
and peace.  And he was laid in the burial-ground of the Laics.

In the same year, on the Feast day of St. Matthew, Apostle and
Evangelist, there fell a great tempest of wind, and many trees were
broken and torn from the earth; likewise large ships were sunk in the
sea, and in many parts, as also at Rome, the pestilence raged so that a
great multitude of men that had thought to live long died thereof.

In the year of the Lord 1465, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, a young Clerk named Reyner Koetken was invested.  He
was nineteen years of age, and sprung from an honourable stock, having
good parents and friends at Zwolle: moreover, he had three sisters who
were living the Religious Life as Beguines in the House of Wyron that
lieth near the city without the northern gate.

In the same year, in the month of March, and during the Lenten season,
God succoured our House by granting us to catch a great number of fishes
in the river Vecht, which is near the monastery, and these sufficed for
all that dwelt with us, and likewise for the poor, and for strangers;
also many traders came from the regions of Westphalia and Saxony to buy
these fish which are called smelts.

In the same year a new monastery was founded in Zwolle for the Order of

In the same year, in the month of July, and on the day before the Feast
of St. Praxedes the Virgin, died our beloved Brother Henry Lymborgh, a
Priest, who was born in Zwolle.  He was fifty years old, and he was
buried in the eastern cloister, by the side of Henry, son of William, our
fourth Prior.  Often he fell sick with the stone, and at the end, having
fulfilled twenty-seven years in the Religious Life, he had a slight
stroke of palsy in the face, and he fell asleep in peace amongst the
Brothers.  In the same year, in the month of October, and on the day
following the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel (that is, the night of
the Feast of St. Leodegarius, Bishop and Martyr), died John Tyman, a
native of Holland.  He was a faithful Laic and an Oblate, and when he
finished his course was seventy years of age.

For forty-five years he lived with us humbly, and in obedience working
with the husbandmen, albeit for a long time he had been lame; and after a
long trial by sickness he rendered up his soul with patience, and was
laid in the western burying-ground with the other Laics.

In the same year, and on the day before the Feast of the holy Martyrs,
Crispin and Crispian, one Bernard Irte died at Zwolle, being a citizen of
that city, and son of Lambert of Irten, a magistrate of the State.  He
was a friend to our House, and during his lifetime often visited our
church, in which out of his devotion to St. Agnes the Virgin he desired
to be buried, and he was laid with the Converts in the western cloister
before the door of the church.

In the year 1466, on the night of the Feast day of St. Maurus the Abbot,
and before Matins, died Wolter Eskens, the father of Gerlac, our
cellarer; he was an ancient man, being ninety years old, and he had been
formerly our husbandman on a certain farm pertaining to the monastery at
Windesem, but he was born in the town of Raelten.  In his old age he left
his friends and acquaintance, following his son Gerlac, who was a
faithful Oblate, and he lived in our House for nearly eleven years before
his death.

Long had he been bowed with age, yet he hastened to the church every
morning to hear Mass, leaning upon a staff.  He was very good and patient
in bearing his bodily weakness, and he fell asleep in the Lord, giving
thanks.  So after Mass had been said for him, he was buried with the
Laics and servants of our House, in the burying-place of the Donates.

In the same year, on the Octave of the Feast of St. Agnes the Virgin,
died Christian, a Priest, who was eighty years old.  He was Curate of Ter
Heyne, and a special friend to our House, and out of his devotion he
chose to be buried with our Brothers, so he was laid in the eastern
cloister in the same grave with Hermann Gruter the Priest.

In the year of the Lord 1467, on the third day of the month of March, and
before Compline, died Hysbrand, our tailor, a Resignate and Oblate, who
was born in Amsterdam, a town of Holland.  For thirty years he had lived
with us, and he was laid in the burying-place of the Laics, being seventy-
two years of age when he died.

In the same year, on the Feast day of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
died Tidemann Mulart, a native of Hasselt.  He was a Resignate and an
Oblate, who had long discharged many hard tasks as a servant of our
House, for he abode with us for near of forty-four years, and at length
he departed in peace, being seventy-two years old, and he was laid in the
burying-place of the Laics.

In the same year the Brothers and members of the House at Windesem
builded and enlarged their ancient church to promote the honour of God.

In the same year, after the Feast of Pentecost, our Father George builded
a new kitchen that was greater and more stoutly wrought than the former,
for the old kitchen was roofed with reeds and thatch, and he builded this
new one by reason of the peril of fire, and also to rid us of certain ill
conveniences, and to promote the good of the community.

In the same year, on the night of the Assumption of the Blessed and
Glorious Virgin Mary, and after the Te Deum had been sung, died the
devout Laic, Nicholas Bodiken, who was an Oblate of our House.  He served
Christ faithfully, and showed special devotion in singing the praises of
the Most Blessed Virgin.

A few days before his death he was seized with grievous pain in the head
and his other members, but being purged by this sore suffering in the
body, he gained an happy issue therefrom, for his end was such as he
would have wished, and he met the same with a good will and with complete
resignation on the day aforesaid, which was the solemn feast of the
Blessed Virgin.

When supper was ended, Nones of the Blessed Virgin were sung, and Vigils
recited for him, and then he was laid in the burying-place of the Laics
and amongst the Oblates and Donates of our House; being in the seventy-
ninth year of his age when he died.  He had lived for a great while with
us, but the needs of his mother and grandmother constrained him to take
care of them, which thing he did, having taken counsel with the Prior of
our House, but after that they died in Zwolle, he returned to the
monastery at Mount St. Agnes.  After this he fulfilled thirty years in
complete subjection to our rule, and on the Feast day aforesaid he fell
asleep in the Lord, and all that dwelt in this House bore witness to his
good report.

On this same Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary, our most
beloved Father George took the Ciborium of the Venerable Sacrament from
the altar with all reverence, and the whole body of members, going before
him in procession round the cloister, sang the Response, "Felix namque."
After they had returned to the choir, they bowed the knee before the
Revered Sacrament which was placed upon the altar, and sang the Antiphon,
"Media Vita," with the verse and the Collect proper to times of
pestilence, for at this time the plague had begun both here and in many

In the same year, by the blessing of God, our orchard bare much fruit,
but the fields, though they stood thick with corn, were hurt by the
continued rain that fell at harvest time.  Wherefore frequent prayers to
God for fair weather were made at the time of Mass, and the seven psalms
were recited in the choir.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, died Arnold of
Nemel, an aged farmer, who was a neighbour and a good friend to our
House.  He was laid in the western cloister before the door of the
church, and in one grave with his son.

In the same year, after the Feast of All Saints, and after Compline, on
the day before the Feast of Leonard the Confessor, died Arnold, son of
Gerard of Werendorp, who was our miller, a faithful Laic and Fellow
Commoner of our House.  He was a man greatly beloved and profitable to
the Laics of our household and all the Brothers, and he died after that
he had finished the thirty-third year of his age, having continued with
us for fourteen years.  He was laid in the burying-place of our Laics by
the side of Nicholas Bodiken.

In the same year, 1467, Albert, son of Hubert of Amersfoort, was invested
on the day of the Conception of the Glorious Virgin Mary, being twenty-
three years old, but he had attended the school at Zwolle for four years.

In the year of the Lord 1468, in the month of April, on the day following
the Feast of St. Ambrose the Bishop and in the middle of the night,
before Lauds, died Godefried Hyselhan of Kampen, a Laic and Donate of our
House, being eighty-three years of age.  For a great while he was the
miller of our monastery, and a man faithful and upright in his
conversation.  Afterward he became our porter, and showed himself pitiful
and kindly to the poor; but at length, worn out with years, he died in
peace, for God had mercy on him: and he was laid in the burying-ground of
the Laics.

In the year of the Lord 1469, on the day after the Feast of the Holy
Innocents--which day is the Feast of St. Thomas of Canterbury, and
falleth within the Octave of the Lord's Nativity--died Brother Gerard
that was called Cortbeen, whose death befell after supper, and before the
hour of Vespers.  Before he entered the Religious Life he was a Priest,
and he was born at Herderwyjc, but for ten years past he had lived the
Religious Life amongst us in piety and devotion.  Often he endured much
toil in time of harvest, and in winter also he would cut wood in the
marshland, for he was a strong man and apt for coarse and heavy toil, yet
he neglected not the inner things of God.  At the last he was afflicted
of the Lord with a dropsy in the legs, and after bearing the scourge of
this infirmity he departed out of this world to the Lord in the forty-
second year of his age.  So Mass and Vigils for the dead were said for
him, and he was buried in the eastern cloister.

In the year of the Lord 1470, on the third day after the Feast of
Servatius the Bishop, two Clerks, and one Laic who was a Convert, were
invested.  This was on a week day, so as to avoid the concourse of men,
and the gathering together of a crowd of friends from the world.

Of these Clerks the first was Otto Graes of Deventer, who was twenty-two
years old and had two brothers living the Religious Life as Priests in
the Regular Order: of these one was at Windesem, the other in the House
of Bethlehem at Zwolle.  The second of the Clerks was Rudolph, son of
Gerard, a native of Amersfoort, who was twenty-one years old, and had
sojourned for a while at Zwolle before he entered the monastery.  The
third was Henry Kalker, a Novice and Convert, who came from the region of
Kleef, and was thirty-seven years of age: he lived with us before his
investiture, dwelling amongst the Laics, and he was a good tailor, but
sometimes he served in the kitchen, and sometimes ministered to the sick:
after a while, by reason of his uprightness, he was invested as a

In the same year, on the day following the Feast of the holy Martyr
Maurice and his companions, and after Matins had begun, died our Brother
Peter Herbort, a Deacon who was sixty-five years old.  He was of weak
frame, and by nature very frail, so that he was unable to observe many of
the statutes, yet he often received discipline in the Chapter for his
faults: also he washed the heads of the Brothers when they were shaven,
and rejoiced to serve the others as reader in the Refectory.  At length,
having fulfilled forty-three years in the habit of the Regular Order, the
time came for him to go forth; so being contrite of heart, having made
his confession and received the Communion and the Unction, he fell asleep
in the Lord in good confidence and faith amid the prayers of the
Brothers.  For our Father George, with many of the Brothers, was present
with him, but the rest remained in the choir to sing Matins and Lauds.
After supper Vigils were sung for him and for our other benefactors, and
he was buried in the eastern cloister by the side of our Brother Gerard

In the year of the Lord 1471, that is to say, on the Feast day of Antony
the Confessor, and in the morning after High Mass, died that devout Laic,
Gerlac, son of John, who was born hard by Zwolle, that is to say, at
Dese.  He was seventy-two years old, and for the last fifty-three years
and more had lived with us in great humility, simplicity, and patience.
He bore many toils and privations, and amongst the other virtues that he
showed, he was especially notable for the virtue of silence, so that
through all the day he spoke but very little, and even during the hours
of toil he gave an example of silence to others.

A short while before his death he was smitten with apoplexy, and became
partly delirious and he was laid in our burying-ground with the rest of
the Laics.


In the same year, on the Feast of St. James the Less, and after Compline,
died our most beloved Brother Thomas Hemerken, who was born in the city
of Kempen, in the diocese of Cologne.  He was in the ninety-second year
of his age, and this was the sixty-third year after his investiture;
likewise he had been a Priest for above fifty-seven years.

In the days of his youth he was an hearer of Florentius at Deventer, by
whom also he was sent, when twenty years old, to his own brother, who at
that time was Prior of Mount St. Agnes.  From this same brother he
received his investiture after six years of probation, and from the early
days of the monastery he endured great poverty and many labours and

Moreover, he wrote that complete copy of the Bible which we use, and also
many other books for the use of the House, and for sale.  Likewise he
composed divers little books for the edification of the young, which
books were plain and simple in style, but mighty in the matter thereof
and in their effectual operation.

The thought of the Lord's passion filled his heart with love, and he was
wondrous comfortable to the troubled and the tempted; but as age grew
upon him he was vexed with a dropsy in the legs, and so fell asleep in
the Lord and was buried in the eastern cloister by the side of Brother
Peter Herbort.  In the same year, on the Feast day of St. Lambert, and
after Prime, Brother Hermann Craen the Vestiarius died of the plague,
being sixty-four years old.  In the beginning he was Sacristan, but
afterward, and for above fifteen years, Vestiarius.  Then for thirteen
years he held the office of Procurator, but being set aside from that
office, he was for the second time appointed to be Vestiarius, in which
vocation he gained much praise for that he provided sufficiently for
every man so far as the means of the House did allow.  After that he was
set aside from his office of Procurator he bore himself patiently: and he
had lived the Religious Life with us for thirty-eight years and a half:
but in the day aforesaid, when Vigils had been sung for him, he was
buried after supper-time in the eastern passage.

In the same year, on the day before the Feast of St. Francis, and after
Matins, Wichman Spuelre died of the plague.  He was a young Laic about
twenty-five years of age who was born at Doesborgh, but for above four
years he had lived with us; and being chosen to be Sub-Infirmarius he
served the sick with kindliness and in gracious wise, wherefore he
obtained great praise from all men.  He was laid in the burial-ground of
the Laics, but on the day following, namely, on the Feast of St. Francis,
and just before one o'clock, three Priests and one Lay Brother were
anointed with the oil of the sick.  In the same year, on the day after
the Feast of St. Francis, Brother Henry, son of Paul of Mechlin, who was
a Priest, died of the plague.  He was nearly forty-six years of age, and
was Infirmarius, in which same office he had served the Brothers
faithfully for fifteen years; but he had lived with us in the Religious
Life for twenty-four years and a half, and he was buried in the eastern
cloister beneath the steps, and in the same tomb with Nicholas
Creyenscot, who died before.

It is told of this Brother, as an ensample and memorial of him, that on
the third day after that he was smitten with the plague, seeing that sure
sign of death which is vulgarly called the "Death Spot," and while his
strength of mind and body were yet whole in him, he asked for the habit
to be brought wherein, after the custom of the Order, he must be buried;
and when it was given him he put it on without help from another, and
with his own hand sewed up the forepart thereof lest others might
unwittingly look upon his body.  Then after supper-time was ended, he,
with the Infirmarius who was acting for him, read the Litanies and the
seven penitential psalms for all his negligences; and as an act of
gratitude for all the benefits that God had bestowed upon him, he added
the Te Deum Laudamus.  So at length, about the hour of Vespers, having
made a good confession, he rendered up his soul, Father George being
there present with him, while the Brothers were singing the verses
antiphonally in the choir.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. Marcus the Pope, when dinner was
ended, Peter, son of Nicholas, a Laic of our household, died of the
plague.  He was born in Amsterdam, and was about fifty years old, but he
had lived with us for twenty-five years and a half, being employed in the
brewery.  He was a strong man of great stature, and a pattern to the
Laics by reason of his close observance of the habit of silence, his
regularity in reading the Vigils, frequenting the church, and such like
exercises.  He was laid in the burial-ground of the Laics.

In the same year, on the day following the Feast of St. Dionysius the
Martyr, and before the ninth hour in the evening, Brother Peter, son of
Simon, who was born in Liege, died of the plague; now he had lived with
us in the Religious Life for nine years and a half.  By nature he was
very timid and modest, and at the beginning of his conversion he had
suffered many temptations to cowardice, albeit he was afterwards
delivered from these by the grace of God.  So he yearned for death with
great desire, longing to be released and to be with Christ, and he was
laid in the eastern cloister.

In the same year, on the day following the Feast of St. Luke the
Evangelist, and after Matins, Peter, son of John, died of the same
plague.  He was a Laic and Resignate of about seventy-three years of age,
who was born in Utrecht; but he had lived with us for about fifty-four
years, and was employed in binding books.  By nature he was very weakly,
especially in the head, and he often received discipline for his
negligences, being punished therefore: yet he did gladly serve for the
Brothers at Mass, and at the last, in the time of the plague, he got his
death through ministering to the sick, and died in the presence of Father
George, and was laid with the other Laics in their burying-ground.

In the same year, on the day following the Feast of the Eleven Thousand
Virgins, and in the morning after Prime, died our Brother John Kysendael,
who was born at Orsoy in the land of Kleef.  He was almost thirty-four
years old, and had lived with us in the Religious Life for fourteen years
and nearly two months, being much beloved for his holy conversation and
his virtuous life.  Moreover, he served the Brothers humbly in his office
of sacristan for nearly four years, and so that versicle which is sung
for confessors was apt and fitting for him "who was ever pious and
prudent, lowly and modest, sober and chaste and peaceful so long as this
present life endured in his bodily limbs."  He was buried in the eastern

Two hours afterwards, on the same day, and of the same plague, died
Hermann Crom, a Laic and Resignate, who was born in Utrecht, being now
sixty-four years old, but he had lived with us for nearly thirty-four
years; he was of great service to the Brothers, first in the office of
Sub-Infirmarius, and afterward in making ready the Refectory and
ministering to the other needs of those Brothers that were weak and old.
At length, as he served the sick, he was smitten with the plague, and was
laid in the burying-ground of the Laics.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, and after
supper-time, Laurentius died of this same plague.  He was a Laic and
Donate, and his native place was Alsen, a town near Tyel in the parts of
Geldria.  He was seventy-three years of age, and had been barber to the
House, having lived with us for near forty-five years.  A great company
of strangers resorted to him hoping to be cured by his skill as a
surgeon, for he had some good knowledge of that art.  He was laid in the
burying-place of the Laics.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. Martin the Bishop, and before the
tenth hour in the evening, Ludolph the miller died of the plague.  He was
born at Delden in Twenthe, and was nearly thirty-seven years old, but he
had lived with us for three years and a half.  He fell sick through
tending the plague-stricken, for he was at this time their faithful
servant; and having made a good confession, and being filled with a
fervent love of God, he died and was laid in the burying-ground of the

In the year of the Lord 1472, on the Feast day of St. Ambrose, which fell
on the Sunday after Easter, died Brother Everard ter Huet, a native of
Zwolle, and Prior at Bergum, where for ten years and more he had ruled
the Brothers in laudable wise.  Having fulfilled forty-three years of
life, twenty-five of which he had passed as a member of our Order, he
died at last, being smitten with the plague, and was buried in the church
of the aforesaid monastery.

In the same year, on the fourth day after the Feast of St. Ambrose, and
when Prime was done, died our Brother John Lent that was a native of a
place near Zwolle, being nearly eighty years old; but he had lived with
us in the Religious Life for about fifty-nine years.  He was very strict
in his observance of the rule, and a pattern to the Brothers, but at
length, being worn out with the disease called stone, he died, and was
buried in the eastern cloister.  By his writing he was of much profit to
the monastery, for he attained great excellence in this art, wherefore he
wrote many books for sale, and many for the choir and the libraries,
wherein he left a notable example for others to imitate.

In the same year, on the day of St. Potentiana the Virgin (which was the
Tuesday after Pentecost), and when Vespers were done, Johson of Tric died
of a rupture.  He was a Laic and Resignate, a native of Zwolle, and
seventy-five years old; but he had lived with us for fifty-one years,
being a pattern to the Laics by the toils that he bore, and his obedience
to discipline.  By reason of his trustiness he was often set over the
husbandmen at Lunenkerc at the time of our exile, and also at home, that
is, at Mount St. Agnes.  But at the last he died suddenly and without
making confession, for death was beforehand with him; howbeit he received
the Unction, and he had made his confession two days before he died, and
had received Communion with the others on the Feast of Pentecost.

In the same year, on the fourth day after the Feast of St. Lucia, died
Gherard, son of Hermann, a Laic of our household, who was born near
Albergen in Twenthe.  He was nearly fifty years old, and had lived with
us for twenty-three years.  His stature was small, but his mind great,
and he directed our husbandry with all diligence; but at length he fell
into a consumption owing to a kick from a horse, and having lingered a
long while, he died, and was laid in the burying-ground of the Laics.

In the year of the Lord 1473, on the 28th day of June, two Brothers were
invested as Clerks.  The first was Stephen Putselaer, who was born at
Doesborgh, and had attended the school at Deventer; he was now twenty-two
years old.  The second was John, son of Tric, a native of Amsterdam, who
had sojourned at the school of Zwolle for nearly four years, and at the
time of his investiture he was at the beginning of his eighteenth year.

In the year of the Lord 1474, on the day before the Feast of St. Agatha,
Virgin and Martyr, and in the morning between the sixth and seventh
hours, died Brother Otto Lyman, a native of Goch, being nearly seventy-
six years old, but he had lived with us for fifty-five years and a little
more.  He was very zealous for discipline, and most strict in observing
the rule of silence; also it was his custom to attend all the services in
the church, each in its season, so much so that although weakened by old
age and an apoplexy, he did not forgo this custom to the very end of his
life.  Besides this he carefully observed a voluntary poverty both in the
matter of his clothing and with regard to the furniture of his cell.
During his life he wrote many books for the library; but at length his
infirmities grew upon him, and he fell asleep in the Lord in the presence
of the venerable Prior and the Brothers, and was buried in the eastern

In the year of the Lord 1474, on the day of St. Urban, Bishop and Martyr,
brother Martin, son of Nicholas, was invested.  He was nineteen years of
age and was born at Amsterdam, but he had attended the school of Brussels
for three years.

In the year of the Lord 1474, on the second day after the Feast of the
Conception of the Virgin Mary, and after Matins, died Brother Theodoric
Veneman, who was born near Zwolle, being now seventy-two years old; but
he had lived a laudable life with us for fifty-two years, lacking two
months.  He was of ripe character and a pattern Brother; moreover, he was
zealous in observing the rule of silence and quietness, but at length he
fell sick and slept in the Lord, and the venerable Prior George and the
Brothers were with him at his death.  He was buried in the eastern

In the year of the Lord 1474, on the day of St. Agapitus the Martyr, died
Goswin ter Beeck, a Laic of our household, who was born in Zwolle, being
-- years old, but he had lived with us for about fifty-three years; his
life was a very pattern, and well ordered, both in word and deed; he had
been our miller for more than forty years, and was very faithful to the
House.  In that he greatly feared that death should come suddenly, he
made his confession to the venerable Prior after due preparation, and a
short time afterwards he met that death which he had feared, for God
ordained it so.

In the same year died our beloved Brother Gerard, son of Tric, that was a
Convert.  This befell on the second day after the Feast of St. Lucia,
Virgin and Martyr, and after Matins.  He was eighty-two years old, and
for many years had been a Donate, but having lived honestly amongst us
for more than thirty years he was invested as a Convert, for so it seemed
good to the Prior and the whole Brotherhood.  He was most strict in
observing discipline, weighty in word and character, austere toward
himself, and a lover of poverty.  Moreover, he directed our husbandry,
and that of two other Houses of our Order, to wit, the Houses at Anyhen
and at Lunenkerc, also that of the monastery belonging to the Order of
St. Benedict which is called the House of Kleerwater, near Hattem; for
out of charity to the Brothers of that House the venerable Prior lent
Gerard to them.  So having lived with us for nearly fifty-four years in
this honest and devout wise, he fell asleep in the Lord and was buried in
the western passage which is called "The Strangers' Passage," together
with the other Converts.

In the year 1475, on the fourth day after the Feast of Maurice and his
companions, and about the fifth hour in the morning, died William Brant,
a Laic of our household, but a Clerk in regard to learning.  He was born
at Kampen, and was now nearly seventy-five years old; but he had lived
with us for nearly sixty years.  Although he was notable for knowledge,
yet he desired to continue humbly, modestly, and in quietness unto his
life's end in the condition of a Laic, and specially to avoid the sin of
detraction.  Beside his unceasing labours in other matters, he awakened
the Brothers for Prime during forty years.

In the year 1473, on the third day after the Feast of St. Matthias the
Apostle, and in the morning, died Encbert of Tyveren, a Donate and Fellow
Commoner of our House, being eighty-three years old.  Amongst other
virtuous habits, he had one that is specially worthy to be remembered,
namely, that if any did him a wrong, he would easily and without
hesitation grant full forgiveness for the same, whenever the offender
showed any sign of charity toward him.  Being fired, moreover, with
charity and love for God and his neighbour, and with a zeal for souls
that ceased not night or day, he strove for their good whenever he had
opportunity; and of this many can bear witness, both men and women, for
whom he obtained places fit for them wherein they might serve God.

In the same year and week, namely, on the fifth day after the Feast of
St. Matthias, John Bodien (?) died at Deventer.  He was a Laic of our
household, and being oppressed by infirmity he went to Deventer to take
counsel of a physician, and there died in his brother's house; and since
he was born of a good stock, his body was brought back to us with honour
by his friends, and laid in the burying-ground of the Lay folk.  For a
few years after his conversion he served in the kitchen, and coming to
his life's end he fulfilled the toils of many years in a short space.

In the year of the Lord 1477, on the Octave of the Feast of the
visitation of the Blessed Mary, and after Nones, that is at about the
eighth hour, died Gerlac, son of Wolter.  He was a devout man and very
trusty; a Laic and Resignate that was born at Ralt, and he was nearly
seventy-one years old.  On the day before his death, and after Compline,
he took his supper in the kitchen according to his custom (for he was
cellarer) and by a mysterious visitation of God he suddenly was deprived
of all sense and strength.  He lost the power of speech, and he lay until
next day struck down with apoplexy without speaking or eating, and died
after Nones at the hour aforesaid.  He had lived with us for nearly forty
years, during twenty-three of which he had fulfilled the duties of the
aforesaid office with faithfulness and care, being almost always in his
cell and ready to carry out the wishes of the Brothers.  He was laid with
the other Laics in that burying-ground of ours that pertains to them of
that condition.

In the same year, on the Feast of St. AEgidius, and after Compline, that
is to say about the middle of the seventh hour, died that devout Laic,
Albert, son of Florentius.  He was a Resignate and about seventy-three
years old, but he had lived with us for nearly forty-five years, and for
a long while served the Brothers patiently in the kitchen.  But
afterwards he was very serviceable to the sick, and to the Infirmarius,
by catching and bringing them fresh fish.  He was laid with the others in
the burying-ground of the Laics.



_Concerning the year in which that reverend man, Florentius of
Wevelichoven, was made Bishop of Utrecht_.

In the year of the Lord 1479, Florentius of Wevelichoven, aforetime
Bishop of Munster, was enthroned as Bishop of the Church of Utrecht on
the Festival of St. Willibrord, first Bishop of that See.

He was a prudent man of honest life, ripe age, and a lover of religion,
and under his rule, which was during the reign of our Lord Pope Urban VI,
Gerard Groote flourished, that venerable master who was truly great by
reason of his life, his learning, and the words of his preaching.


_Of the death of John Ruesbroeck, first Prior of the Groenendaal_.

In the year of the Lord 1381, and on the second day of December, being
the Octave of St. Katherine, Virgin and Martyr, the venerable and most
devout Master John Ruesbroeck died in the district of Brabant.  He was
the first Prior of the Monastery of the Groenendaal near Brussels, which
Monastery pertains to the Order of Canons Regular; he was then in the
eighty-eighth year of his age, and he was buried before the north end of
the High Altar in the choir.  He took the Religious habit in the
aforesaid place amongst the first who were there invested, being then
sixty years of age; and, by the help of God, he fulfilled the office of
the Priesthood for sixty-four years.  His holy and glorious doctrine was
published far and wide over the land of Germany, and giveth light
thereto.  This was he whom Master Gerard Groote visited, together with
John, a scholar from Zwolle, for he thought that his writings were worthy
to be compared with those of the greatest doctors.  Moreover, he had put
forth many books that were most devout, touching matters of the higher
understanding, which books, of his wisdom, he wrote in the Teutonic
tongue; and he poured forth in liberal abundance that grace of heavenly
sweetness which he had received from God, for the use of his neighbour
and them that should come after in the Church.  There are eleven books
which he composed either before or after his entrance into the Religious
Life; and less the tale should be incomplete, the book of his letters
doth make that number up to twelve.

There was in the same monastery, under this venerable Master, a Convert
whose name was John, a man very devout, who did humbly devote himself to
his life's end to serving in the kitchen, and he was illumined with
special grace for divine contemplation.  He compiled a great and notable
book, filled with high and heavenly doctrine, in the which he doth
commend his most beloved father, John Ruesbroeck, in most excellent wise.

In the same monastery also were certain other most devout Fathers and
Religious Brothers, eminent for their life and wisdom, as their holy
works that have come down to us do testify.

Concerning the life and writings of John Ruesbroeck and Brother John
Cocus, more is told in a little book that hath been put forth of late,
and that is entitled "Of the Origin of the Monastery of the Groenendaal."


_Of the death of the venerable Master Gerard Groote, a man most devout_.

In the year of the Lord 1384, on the Feast day of the blessed Bernard the
Abbot, and at the fifth hour, after Vespers, Gerard, surnamed Groote,
died at Deventer, in the time of the pestilence; he was a venerable man
and beloved of God, and the forty-fourth year of his age was nearly done.

His body was borne to the Parish Church of the most Blessed Virgin,
Mother of God, and therein was laid with due honour not far from the
sanctuary.  His father's name was Werner Groote, and he was a Schepen and
magistrate of the same city; his mother was called Heylwige, and both her
husband and she were of high place and mighty in honour and riches,
judged after the measure of worldly dignity; but Gerard, by God's
inspiration, put aside the burden of riches and despised the pomps of the
world on the which he had relied carelessly for a long while, and for the
sake of an humble Christ took upon him a garb of humility.  Suddenly he
was changed into another man, so that all wondered, and he became a rule
of life to Clerks and Lay folk alike.  Hereafter, by the pattern of his
good conversation and the exhortation of his holy preaching, he withdrew
many persons from the vanities of the world and laid upon them the gentle
yoke of Christ.  Likewise he resigned all his ecclesiastical benefices,
but he kept some small portion of his father's goods to provide for his
own necessities.  Much he gave to the Religious, and his dwelling-house
and homestead lie bequeathed for ever to the poor Sisters, or Beguines,
whom he had gathered together in that same place.  Of his humility he
took upon him the rank of a deacon so that he might be able to preach,
but he would not take priestly orders because of the awe in which he held
the same.

On a time he went toward Zwolle in company with Peter, Curate of the
Church of Deventer, and his companion questioned him with friendly
boldness, saying: "Beloved Master, why wilt thou not be made Priest,
since thou art well lettered and fitted to rule others?"  But Gerard made
answer: "I would not be Curate of Zwolle, no, not for a single night, for
my cap full of golden florins."  And Peter being astonished said: "What
then shall we feeble and wretched folk do, for our knowledge and our life
are less worthy than thine?"  And this word of Master Gerard had so great
weight that this same Peter did afterward renounce his pastoral charge
and did maintain himself upon a single benefice, and that one to which no
cure was attached.  Gerard, moreover, wrote profitable treatises, and
many letters to divers persons, and from these writings one may see
readily enough how great a zeal for souls was in him, and how deep an
understanding of the Scriptures.  He translated two books of John
Ruesbroeck from the Teutonic into the Latin tongue, and these are
entitled: "Ecce Sponsus" and "De gradibus amoris."  Likewise he
translated "The Hours of the Blessed Virgin," and certain of the Hours
from the Latin into the Teutonic tongue, so that simple and unlearned
Laics might have in their mother tongue matter wherewith to occupy
themselves in prayer on holy days; and also that the faithful, reciting
these Hours, or hearing them recited by other devout persons, might the
more readily keep themselves from many vanities and from idle talking,
and so, being assisted by these holy readings, might make progress in the
love of God and in singing the divine praises.  Once a certain man who
was united to him in the bonds of friendship, asked him, saying: "Most
beloved Master, of what use are all these books which you carry on so
great journeys?"  And Gerard answered: "For good living a few books are
enough; but we must have all these for the instruction of others and to
defend the truth, so that if any might not believe me yet they may assent
to the authority of the saints."  Many other good things also Master
Gerard did in his life, as certain worthy records of him tell us, so that
from the small band of his disciples there grew at length a great company
of devout persons.


_Of the great eulogy passed upon Gerard by a certain doctor_.

Master Gerard of holy memory, he who was called "The Great," has passed
happily to the Lord.  Truly he was "The Great," for in his knowledge of
all the liberal sciences, both natural and moral, of civil law, canon
law, and of theology, he was second to no one in the world, and all these
branches of learning were united in him.

He was a man of such saintliness and gave so good an example in his
mortification of the flesh, his refusal of temporal advantages, his
contempt for the world, his brotherly love for all, his zeal for the
salvation of souls, his effectual preaching, his reprobation and hatred
of wickedness, his withstanding of heretics, his enforcement of the canon
law against those that broke the vow of chastity, his conversion to the
spiritual life of divers men and women who had formerly lived according
to the world, and his loyalty to our Lord Urban the Sixth--in all those
things I say he gave so good an example, that many thousands of men
testify to the belief that is in them that he was not less great in these
virtues than he was in the aforesaid sciences.  Master William of
Salvarvilla, Cantor at Paris, Archdeacon of Brabant in the Church of
Liege, an eminent doctor in theology, compiled the above eulogy from that
which he heard from the lips of men worthy of credit, and from his own
knowledge of Master Gerard, and he believed beyond all doubt that it was


_How, after his death, the number of the Devout and the Order of Regulars
did increase_.

After the death of the venerable Master Gerard Groote, the devotion of
faithful persons in Deventer, Zwolle, Kampen and the neighbouring towns
began to grow mightily in the Lord, so that in a short time there arose
many congregations of men and women that served God, dwelling together in
common and in chastity of life after the manner of the primitive Church
and that laudable custom of the holy Fathers that was introduced by the

Some of these who could ill abide the concourse of people in the cities,
sought habitations that did befit them far from the places where men do
congregate, and having builded them poor little houses, determined to
lead a hidden life therein after the example of the ancient Fathers; but
in process of time, as their numbers and their goods increased, they took
upon them the habit of holy religion, for God so ordered it, and
converted their houses into Monasteries of the Order of Canons Regular,
thinking thereby to be the more profitable.  This same memorable Master,
inspired with a spirit of prophecy, foretold this thing, namely, that the
number of the devout should increase mightily, for to a certain Priest,
who was his friend, and afterward became a Canon Regular at Zwolle (from
whom also I heard the saying), he said: "Behold, beloved, this good thing
which by God's help hath been here begun, shall be increased yet more,
and this little spark shall kindle many fires throughout all Holland and

Thanks be to God that as we have heard, so have we seen with our own eyes
the fulfilment of this prophecy, and that not only in the regions round
about, but also in the parts afar off and in the upper provinces.  He had
it likewise in mind to found, with the help of certain friends, a
monastery for Regulars who should take the habit which he had seen in
Brabant in the house of John Ruesbroeck, but this purpose he committed to
the followers whom he had made firm in the faith of Christ, that they
should fulfil it, for death was beforehand with him, and this was,
indeed, fulfilled effectually by these same disciples in after days.


_Of the consecration of the Church, and the investiture of the first
Brothers in Windesem_.

In the year of the Lord 1387, on the day before the Feast of St. Luke the
Evangelist, the first Church of the Monastery in Windesem was consecrated
in Honour of the glorious Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

This place received the name Windesem from the village that lieth near to
it, and it is one mile from Zwolle, toward the south; near the eastern
side thereof is the River Yssel; also some space away is Hattem, the
strongest fortress in Geldria.

On this same day six Brothers made their profession and were invested
with the habit of the Order of Canons Regular, who observe the rule of
Augustine, the glorious Bishop and Father of our Order.  The names of
these are as followeth:

Brother Henry of Huxaria, a Priest.

Brother Werner of Lochem, in Geldria, the first Prior of the house there.

Brother John of Kempen, in the diocese of Cologne, who was afterward
Prior at Mount St. Agnes.

Brother Henry Wilde of Hertzogenbosch, in Brabant.

Brother Berthold ten Hove, a native of Holland, who conveyed to us his
patrimony and the place where the monastery standeth.

Brother Henry Wilsem of Kampen, a man of great probity, who was formerly
a great one in the world.  He was eloquent in discourse, humble and
earnest in the service of God.

With these and others that loved holy religion, this new foundation of
the Order of Canons Regular in the diocese of Utrecht had its beginning
after the happy death of Master Gerard Groote, and under the rule of
Florentius, Bishop of Utrecht, it increased by little and little, but in
process of time it began to grow yet more fruitfully in divers places.
All the men above named, save only one, had been disciples of Master
Gerard, by whom they, with many other Clerks, were drawn to the amending
of their lives, being imbued with his wholesome exhortation.


_Of the death of John de Gronde, a Priest_.

In the year of the Lord 1392, on the 17th day of May, being the day
following the Feast of St. John before the Latin Gate, and at the fourth
hour in the morning, John de Gronde died at Deventer, in the house of
Florentius.  He was a devout Priest and a mighty Preacher of the Word,
and it was in the fortieth year of his age.  The town of Octmesheim, in
the district of Twent, and the diocese of Cologne, was his native place,
and he was a man adorned with modesty and eloquence, and the venerable
Master Gerard let summon him from Amsterdam in Holland to hear the
confessions of the devout, likewise Gerard committed to him the
governance of the Sisters of his House.  For awhile he abode with the
first Brothers in the ancient House of Florentius, and rose up with the
others in the morning to recite the Hours; and when the time for rising
came, he awoke straightway and went forthwith to arouse the other
Brothers, knocking and saying: "Arise, watch and pray, that ye enter not
into temptation."  Of this thing Master Gerard maketh mention in the
letter which he wrote to the priests at Amsterdam, what time he besought
that John should be sent to him, for this alacrity did especially please

As his death drew on, Father Florentius, who earned the love of all the
devout, stood by him to comfort and console him; to whom John spake,
saying: "Lo! the adversary doth strive to disquiet me, and would confound
me at the last."  But Florentius answered: "Fear not but trust in the
Lord, and keep silence as to those things that are cast up against thee."
Then John, as one truly obedient, said: "In the name of the Lord," and
these were the last words that he spake before his death.  He was buried
in the Church of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, by the side of Master
Gerard and in the same tomb, for it was in this church that he had oft
proclaimed aloud the Word of God.  Likewise from time to time he would
preach at Zwolle and hold colloquy with the Brothers on the mount, urging
them to hold with constant mind to the course they had begun.  So these
two on earth are covered by one stone, and one Stone, that is an
heavenly, did make them firm in the true faith; as they loved one another
in life, so in death their bodies are not divided.


_Of the death of the most Reverend Florentius of Wevelichoven, Bishop of

In the year of the lord 1393, on the Feast day of St. Ambrose the Bishop
(which in that year was Good Friday), while the Holy Office of the Lord's
Passion was being said in the church, our most Reverend Lord Florentius
of Wevelichoven, Bishop of Utrecht, departed from the light of the world.
He died in the city of Hardenberch, having ruled his diocese for twelve
years and five months in laudable and glorious wise, and his body was
taken to the Church of the Blessed Martin at Utrecht, and was buried with
honour in the choir beneath the steps of the sanctuary.  Here a taper is
kept lighted as a memorial of his good reputation, for verily he was a
lover of the true light, and a defender of his country.  In discipline he
was very strict; and spent naught needlessly or to any unprofitable end,
but all that was justly owed he paid honestly, repaying loans, restoring
buildings that were decayed, setting up new ones, fortifying towns and
castles.  He loved the things of God and prudently disposed of worldly
matters; by his servants he was beloved, to the poor he was pitiful; he
cherished all devout persons, and was accepted of Clerks and people.


_How Frederick of Blanckenhem was chosen to be Bishop_.

In the same year, the noble and famous Lord Frederick of Blanckenhem,
formerly Bishop of Strasburg, was chosen to the See of Utrecht and
confirmed by the authority of the Apostolic See.  He was one of lofty
mind, famous for knowledge and prudence, and by the help of God he ruled
the diocese for many years with great glory, and guarded his country by
his victorious might.  Beneath his rule the Order of Canons Regular and
the devout multitude of Brothers and Sisters spread far and wide, and
rejoiced in their prosperity in all regions that lay beneath his

In this year also three monasteries were founded in Holland, near
Amsterdam.  One belonging to the Carthusian Order, one to the Canons
Regular, and one to the nuns of that same order: this last lieth within
the city and near the ditch.


_How the monastery at Northorn was founded_.

In the year of the Lord 1394, about the time of the Feast of the
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Clerks belonging to the
household and congregation of that venerable Priest, Master Everard of
Almelo, a Bachelor in Physic or Medicine, began to prepare a place for a
monastery; for of their own free will and by his council they had
determined to build an house in Vrensueghen upon an hereditament that is
called Enoldint.  So having obtained license from that Reverend Lord Otto
ten Hoye, Bishop of Munster, and having the consent of the Dean,
Archdeacon, and Chapter, which was given on the 1st day of May, a small
Oratory was consecrated in this same place during the Advent following
and on the Feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle.  This Oratory stood where
now the church is builded, and there on this same day four Priests of the
household of Everard were invested with the habit of the Order of Canons
Regular; they were admitted by Wenomar, Bishop of Sebale, a member of the
third Order, and Vicar-General for Pontifical Acts to Otto, the Reverend
Bishop of Munster: now the names of the Brothers by him admitted are

The first was Henry Kyndeshof of Deventer, and there were also Herpe of
Lippe, Hermann Plectenberrich, and John of Julich.  Of these Hermann
Plectenberrich was chosen to be the first Prior, and the four abode by
themselves under the authority of the Bishop of Munster, because their
founders would not have them subject to any other, but in the year of the
Lord 1400 they were placed under the authority of the Chapter-General of
Windesem, which is in the diocese of Utrecht, and lieth near Zwolle, as
it were one mile distant.


_Of the death of that most devout Priest Florentius, Vicar of the Church
of Deventer_.

In the year of the Lord 1400, on the day before the Feast of the
Annunciation of the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and when it was now late,
and the Ave Maria had rung, there died in his own House at Deventer the
Priest Florentius Radewin.  He was a man of holy life and the beloved
Father of all the devout, an humble Vicar of the Church at Deventer, a
Master of the University of Prague, and he was now in the fiftieth year
of his age.  He was born at Leerdam that is subject to the Count of
Arkel, but when he heard of the fame of Master Gerard, he left his native
land and became his devout follower and disciple, and in a short space he
was a Father to many devout persons, and the first founder of the
congregation of Clerks in Deventer.

His garb was simple and gray in colour, his bearing was composed, his
bodily presence full of grace, and his aspect lovable.  His hair was
black, but his beard somewhat gray; his face was thin and had but little
colour, his forehead was bald and his gait and bearing were full of

Once he came on a visitation to Mount St. Agnes, and the Brothers were
glad at his coming, and the elder amongst them asked him to deliver some
discourse, so he spoke a few words to them on humility and charity, and
at the end he added: "See now, ye may be sickened of these words that ye
have heard from me," for he did not think that he could say aught worthy
to be heard.  Nevertheless he was mighty to comfort the devout, and it
was a pleasant thing to see him and hear his words.  Also the words
wherein he confessed that he was not skilled to speak were received as
very edifying, and some of the Religious wrote what he said on their
tablets and in their books.

This most holy man of God flourished in the days of that venerable Lord
Florentius of Wevelichoven and the illustrious Frederick of Blanckenhem,
the two famous Bishops of Utrecht.

When his death was announced to them of the city, the Canons and Clerks
came together to attend the burying of so great a man, and a vast
multitude of people followed as far as to the Church of St. Lebuin,
wherein he was buried before the altar he had served, which is dedicated
in honour of St. Paul.  His life that was adorned with virtue is more
fully set forth in the DIALOGUS NOVITIORUM.


_Of the death of Everard of Eza, a Curate in Almelo and a great master of

In the year of the Lord 1404, on the first day of the month of April,
died that reverend man Everard of Eza, the Curate of Almelo and a great
master in physic.  He often gave the benefits of his healing art without
price to many that were sick, but especially to the poor.  Likewise he
founded and in a special way provided for the Monastery of the Blessed
Virgin in the Wood near Northorn, in the Countship of Benthem, and he
procured that some of the Clerks who lived with him should be invested
there.  Amongst physicians he had a great reputation; of the nobles he
was honoured, by worldlings he was feared, by the religious he was
beloved, and for a long while his fame was good in the land.  Moreover,
he had been a close friend to Florentius, the Vicar of the Church at
Deventer, and rejoiced to visit him; and he often succoured him in his
infirmities and expended anxious care upon him; likewise he said of
Florentius that it was a thing above human nature that a man so weak
should live so long, unless it were that God preserved him.

But let it not be a marvel to any how it came about that these two
reverend Fathers and Masters were thus of one heart in the service of
God, for He who brought together the Blessed Peter and Paul to preach in
Rome did also unite Florentius and Everard in Deventer, to be as it were
two bright lights in the world, to dwell together as Brothers like minded
in the House and there to comfort themselves and others.

But the conversion of this reverend Master Everard came about after this
manner, and was brought by the co-operation of God to an wholesome
effect.  When the venerable Master Gerard, of whom mention is made above,
was preaching the Word of God to the people outside the walls of
Deventer, Everard hastened to come to his preaching, for he had heard
Gerard's fame and was puffed up with the wisdom of this world; so he came
not of brotherly love, but out of a curious mind, desiring to know
whether the Master's teaching was consonant with his fame, for he did not
hunger for uprightness but rather would catch him in his talk.  Yet he
stood not openly among the common and simple folk, but behind a pillar,
as one that hideth; and behold Almighty God Who knoweth the heart,
neither can any hide from His face, did fill the quiver of the preacher
with sharp arrows wherewith in secret he pierced through the heart of
this curious hearer, who, being pricked thereby, laid aside all the
naughtiness of his former vanity, and became a devout disciple of the
preacher.  For when the preaching was done, he came near to the man of
God, and made known how the Lord had dealt with him by means of the
preaching, and how this had befallen him as if the preacher had traversed
all the hidden places of his heart and seen all the secrets thereof.  So
Master Gerard received him and confirmed his charity toward him, and at
length Everard became his companion and helper in preaching; but not long
after his conversion Master Gerard departed to the Lord.  After his
departure the old enemy stirred up no small enmity against the devout
disciples, but God was present with them, giving to them patience and
constancy.  Now many of the devout were ignorant of Master Everard's
conversion, but he wished to join himself to the disciples of Christ that
dwelt in Deventer in the House of Florentius; the Brothers, however, when
they saw him were afraid, and began to flee from before his face as lambs
from before the wolf, and they gat them into the hidden places of their
cells; yea, and Florentius himself was fearful, for he knew not what
Everard might mean, who aforetime had been harsh enough and had opposed
the devout Brothers.

Everard therefore said to Florentius: "Wherefore do these Brothers flee
away?" and he answered: "They know not with what mind thou art come," but
Everard said, "I am come to amend my life," and when he was still held in
suspicion of Florentius, he said after due thought and protesting his
innocency: "If ye will not believe my words, at least believe mine acts--I
pray you give me a cell for a season, and prove me therein of what spirit
I am."  Therefore they took him and assigned to him a cell where he lived
long and was wholly converted; for as once he had gained great knowledge
of medicine, so now he received no small light in the law of the Lord and
in the holy Scriptures.

After this he accepted the dispensation of God towards him, namely, to be
still and attend to his heavenly calling, and also following herein the
example of Florentius, to gather together into his own house at Almelo
certain Clerks and Lay folk, with whom he lived for many years under due
discipline.  Moreover, lest they who were so gathered together should be
scattered abroad after his death, he began to think of a fit place where
they might serve God together, and by His help he found such a place as
he desired for the founding of a monastery, and here those Brothers whom
he had formerly invested in an humble manner were placed.  To them he
distributed gifts out of his own substance, namely, gold and silver,
books and other things for their use, for building and for needful
expenses.  As regardeth the foundation of this monastery see above, under
the year of the Lord 1394.  He was buried in his own church at Almelo,
where he had governed his people for many years, and he left a good
memorial among the devout whom he cherished and loved as a father.  On a
time when I attended the school at Deventer, I fell sick, and with such
care did he tend me that by the mercy of God a like sickness fell not
upon me for many years after.

In the same year, on the Feast day of St. Gregory the Pope, the building
of our church was begun by brother John of Kempen, the first Prior.


_Of the death of the Priest Amilius that succeeded Florentius at

In the year of the Lord 1404, on the day before the Feast of St. Barnabas
the Apostle, Amilius the Priest died at Deventer; he was a mighty zealot
for souls, kindly in feeding the poor, austere to himself, compassionate
to the sick, comfortable to the troubled, and he was about thirty-two
years of age.

He came from the parts of Geldria near Tyele, and coming to Deventer he
attended school there for a while, but when he was amongst the foremost
of the students he left the school and clave to Florentius, for it was
his desire to serve God.  Afterward Florentius procured his promotion to
the priesthood, and before his death placed him over the whole
congregation, likewise he did commit to his charge the governance of the
House as being his beloved disciple.  This burden that was laid upon him
Amilius undertook with much sorrow, and though he was not minded to
disobey the command of so great a Father, yet with weeping eyes,
lamentation and sighing, he professed himself unworthy of this
preferment; likewise in his secret prayer he mourned bitterly, for he
desired rather to have the tasks of the kitchen laid upon him than to be
preferred to the honoured post of governing men.  For in the kitchen he
ever rejoiced in his servitude, being safer therein, and having a good
conscience; but in the other office a thousand dangers met him, bringing
no small care with them.  Yet God did not long delay to answer the
prayers and sighs of his humble servant, for his burden on earth endured
but a short while, and having fulfilled four years and near to three
months in the care of governance, the Lord rewarded his faithful labours
with eternal rest.  His body was laid in the burying-ground of St. Lebuin
the Confessor, near that of Lubbert, a Priest of his own House.  There
also was John of Viana buried, and there Reyner Haerlem the acolyth and
many other devout Brothers and Clerks of the House of Florentius rest in
peace.  After the death of Amilius, John Haerlem succeeded as ruler of
the House, but he was afterwards chosen to govern the sisters at Zwolle,
and Godefred of Wesel filled his place, for the Fathers in their prudence
did so ordain it.


_Of the first investiture of the Sisters of our Order in Diepenvene near

In the year 1408, on the Feast of St. Agnes the Virgin, the Sisters of
the Order of Canons Regular in Diepenvene near Deventer were first
invested.  This investiture was done by Brother John Huesden, the
venerable Prior of Windesem; and there were present also the Prior of the
House of the Fount of the Blessed Virgin near Arnheim, Brother John of
Kempen, Prior of Mount St. Agnes, and many other devout persons, both men
and women, who came together eagerly to be present on so notable a day.
So then there was great joy for the heavenly marriage of many devout
matrons and virgins; but the sound of much weeping ascended to heaven
also.  The number of them who took on them the habit and the order that
followeth the rule of the Blessed Augustine the Bishop was forty-three,
and of these three first made their profession the same day, but the
others remained Novices for a year.  Many of these Sisters were gathered
and brought from Deventer from the house of Master Gerard Groote, after
that the numbers there began to be increased, and John Brincerinck
governed and guided them for a great while.


_How the monastery in Budiken was reformed_.

In the year of the Lord 1409, William van den Berg, Bishop elect of
Paderborn, began to reform the monastery at Budiken, transferring it from
the rule of Canons Secular to that of Canons Regular; and he published on
this occasion the licence for their transference, at the end of which are
the words following: "To the honoured John Wael, Prior of the Monastery
at Zwolle, that is in the diocese of Utrecht, we do by these presents
grant, concede, and allow the privileges hereafter following, namely,
that he may attach to the Church and Monastery at Budiken a suitable
congregation of men devoted to God, when opportunity doth offer, and that
they be under the Order of Canons Regular, conforming to the rule
observed in the Monastery at Zwolle so far as the rule there obtaining
doth permit.  We are led to grant this licence for this special reason,
namely, that St. Meynulsus, the founder of this monastery, is believed to
have belonged to the Order aforenamed; let the said John Wael therefore
set over this same congregation a Prior or Superior as may seem expedient
to him."


_Of the death of Gerard Kalker, a devout Priest, and Rector of the House
of Clerks_.

In the year of the Lord 1409, on the Vigil of the Nativity of Christ,
Gerard Kalker died at Zwolle.  He was a devout Priest and Rector of the
House of Clerks in the said town, and his age was thirty-six years.  The
town named Kalker in the district of Kleef was his native place, but when
he was attending the school at Zwolle he joined himself to the devout
Brothers, and himself became one of their congregation.  Afterward he was
chosen to dwell in the new House that had been built for a congregation
of Clerks by Meynold of Windesem, a rich citizen of Zwolle, and after a
while was instituted as Rector of the same House, being held worthy of
that office by his Elders.  He was one of great stature and innocency of
life.  In word kindly, in counsel wise, in bearing composed; to the poor
compassionate, to strangers courteous, and the citizens loved him;
moreover, he burned fervently with divine love to gain the souls of many.
He was a zealous follower of Florentius, whom he esteemed with all his
heart and loved as his dearest Father; likewise he left behind him many
devout Brothers whom he had built up to the highest virtues.  He was
buried in our monastery at Windesem, and Theodoric Herxen, his disciple,
succeeded him as Rector.


_Of the death of Henry of Gouda, a devout Priest, at Zwolle_.

In the year of the Lord 1410, on the day of St. Gregory the Pope, Henry
of Gouda died at Zwolle.  He was a devout Priest and Confessor to the
Sisters in that place, having been of old one of the disciples of
Florentius, and he was born in Holland near Schoonhoven.  Being learned
in the Scriptures he was a mighty preacher, and one that did truly
despise the world and its riches; he feared not to reprove the vices of
sinners, and in his frequent preaching he strove for the salvation of his
neighbours; moreover, he kept a strict watch over his own conscience, and
guarded his good reputation and humility of life.  On a time, as he was
passing through the street in a city that is far away, some boys whom he
knew not seized him from behind by his cloak, and mocked him with jests
because it was his wont to go clad in very simple attire, and a long sad-
coloured cloak, for he seemed to take no thought of any outward thing,
nor to desire honour.  So being thus entreated and disturbed he looked
back and said to himself: "Here ought we to dwell, for at Zwolle they say
unto us, 'Sir, sir,' yet what merit do we gain thereby?"

Likewise he came sometimes to Mount St. Agnes, and sought to speak with
the Brothers in their cells, and as he was holding converse with a
certain one of them, he said, amongst many other good things, "Very good
is the life that ye pass here, and the more safe is the road that ye
traverse in that ye abide in the cloister afar from the multitude of men.
I, who almost every day do traffick with worldlings, what can I learn
thereby save the acts of worldly men?  I am a man untaught, neither have
I knowledge of the life of contemplation, nor do I seek to take hold on
lofty matters--but sometimes I can preach in simple words to untaught and
common folk--yet henceforth I purpose to amend myself with more
diligence, and by God's favour to apply myself to things of greater
moment."  When he said this, that Brother was greatly edified at the
humble words that proceeded from his mouth.  It is said also in his
preaching he uttered this notable saying: "Why should I say more?  Words
do beget a multitude of words--and acts beget their kind.  The fruit of
the Word is its fulfilment in deed."

He was buried in the church at Windesem, where also certain other devout
Brothers and Priests do sleep, and after him John Haerlem was preferred
to rule over the Sisters in Zwolle, since the well-being of the House so
determined it; he was one that was sufficiently skilled in sacred
learning, and he had lived long and devoutedly in Deventer, and moreover
had ruled the House of Florentius for several years.


_How the Sisters in Bronope were invested_.

In the year of the Lord 1411, on the day of the Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, the Sisters of the Order of Canons Regular in Bronope were
first invested.  This House lieth outside the town of Campen, which town
is near the bank of the Yssel where that river runneth down to the sea.
This investiture, with indelible and perpetual vows to live the life of
the cloister, was conferred by the Reverend Fathers and the Priors of our
Order, namely, John Vos of Huesden, Prior of Windesem, and William
Vorniken of Utrecht, Prior of Mount St. Agnes near Zwolle.  To these the
care and visitation of the House, and likewise of the house at Diepenvene
that lieth without Deventer, were afterward committed by the General
Chapter.  But the number of these Sisters who were first invested in this
place was fourteen, of whom ten became nuns, and four Converts; and of
the ten nuns four did make their profession on the same day; the other
six, and the four Converts remained for a year as Novices.

In the year of the lord 1412, a General Chapter was holden and the houses
of the nuns at Diepenvene and Bronope were incorporated as members of the
said Chapter.


_The death of Wermbold the Priest_.

In the year of the Lord 1413, on the Vigil of Pentecost, being the night
of the Festival of Barnabas the Apostle, and at the eleventh hour, died
Wermbold, a devout Priest of laudable life who was Confessor to the
Sisters of the third Order in the House of St. Caecilia.  He came from
Holland, from a place near Gouda, and for long had stood as a burning and
shining light in the city of Utrecht, enkindling many by the word of his
preaching and drawing them to the path of right living by his good
example and his wholesome counsel; for he was a zealous lover of the holy
Scriptures, and an eloquent preacher to the people, one well beloved for
his eminent continency of life, and honoured by great folk.  He procured
that divers books of sacred theology should be written, and translated
divers sayings of the Saints into the Teutonic tongue so as to profit the
faithful Lay folk who were earnestly desirous to hear the Word of God.  At
length, when his pious labours in the service of God had been fulfilled
with many trials, the good Lord of His great kindness favoured Wermbold
with a most sweet consolation in a vision that was revealed to him.  His
body was taken for reverent burial to the choir of the Church of St.
Caecilia, and the last words he spake as life departed were: "For Thou
Lord only hast set me in hope."


_Of the death of John Cele, Rector of the School at Zwolle_.

In the year of the Lord 1417, on the ninth day of May, which in that year
was the fourth Sunday after Easter, the reverend Master John Cele died at
Zwolle in the diocese of Utrecht.

He had ruled the scholars there strictly, being an excellent instructor
of youth, a zealous lover of the divine Name, and one that closely
attended the choral and other offices of the Church and taught others so.
This most faithful man, eminent for his honest life, ruled the school for
many years, and with discernment taught many of his pupils to love holy
religion and the following after God.  What Order that is illustrious for
its life or reputation hath not had monks that were his pupils?  Although
above others the Canons Regular, the Cruciferi, and the Cistercians have
gained many adherents to the Order from among his students, and of these
some, being endued with the grace of virtue, have become fathers of
monasteries and rectors of churches.  For the pupils who were under his
rule learned from their good Master to despise for Christ's sake the
glory of this world that vanisheth away, and that in the whirlpool of
this mortal life nothing is better and holier than to spurn the
enticements of the world and to fight for the Lord of Heaven.  In his
days it was a lovely thing to enter the town of Zwolle and to see the
chosen multitude of scholars that did attend the school.  Who could tell
in worthy wise with what fatherly care he strove to instruct all in
learning and character, and to the leading of an upright life, and the
holding of a good repute?  For this purpose he often set before them and
quoted the authority of the holy Scripture, and strongly encouraged them
to copy sentences from the writings of the Saints.  Furthermore, he gave
them regular instruction in singing, taught them to attend the church
assiduously, to honour Priests, to love religion, to hold converse with
devout and learned men, to pray yet more often, and gladly to take their
part in singing the praises of God.  He himself was there present with
cheerful countenance, directing the whole choir in their harmonious
melody; and likewise on feast days he often played on the organ,
rejoicing greatly in this task, and being herein a true imitator of
David, that holy king who played upon the harp and danced before the ark
of God, singing His praises.  In process of time the fame of John Cele's
goodness went forth to the utmost parts of Germany, and his sayings and
opinions reached to the ends of the earth, borne thither on the lips of
his pupils.  The men of Brabant with the Flemings, they of Holland with
the Frisians, they of Westphalia with the Saxons came in crowds to study
under him, and having borne themselves studiously in the school, returned
with their learning to their native places, men of Treves and Cologne,
Liege and Utrecht, Kleef and Geldria were found here; and youths that
were apt for learning gathered together from other villages and castles
and made great progress in knowledge.  The richer paid their own expenses
out of their sufficiency, the poor gathered in bands to beg, giving
thanks to the hands that helped them.  These did the Master instruct
gladly and without price when besought so to do for God's sake, for he
was a true father of the needy, and he exhorted them to strive to turn
their studies to God's service; but wandering and froward fellows he
would not admit nor endure, but either by correction changed them to a
better mind or drove them forth from his presence, lest the naughtiness
of such presumptuous persons might work ill to them that were well
disposed to obey, and disturb the peace of the studious flock and their
Rector.  So he was a rod of fear to the idle, but a staff of protection
and safety to them that were well disposed to learn.  Many of his
hearers, when they had laid fitting foundation of knowledge, flew higher
to loftier studies, and those who bore them diligently were promoted to
the degree of Masters in a short while, and certain of these applying
themselves to yet fuller knowledge were found worthy to be counted in the
number of the Doctors.

The great city of Paris doth know, holy Cologne and Erfurt do confess,
and the Curia at Rome is not ignorant of this, namely, the number of
learned men whom the school of Zwolle sent forth while Master John Cele
ruled her with all diligence, which thing he continued for a great while,
even until his hair grew white, for they say that this venerable Master
governed the scholars here for more than forty years.

This is his great glory, that so vast a multitude of his scholars speak
well of him, so many illustrious Clerks praise him, so devout a company
of monks still remember his name.

All things were well at Zwolle beneath his rule; they of the world were
not at enmity with the scholars, the devout might serve God freely where
they would, the Religious were under good supervision, and Priests of
honest life were accepted of the citizens.

They who governed the people feared God and were endowed with wisdom and
riches; moreover, amongst them were many learned magistrates who had been
of old disciples of John, and as was fitting, they ever held him in love
and reverence.  He had collected many books for his own use, both of
philosophy and divinity, and he directed that after his death these
should be distributed for pious uses; for some he left as a pious
bequest, and for the good of his own soul, to churches, some to
monasteries, and some to the poor.  So this is that revered and justly
praised Master John Cele, a native of the town of Zwolle, a man well
taught, learned, not puffed up by knowledge, sober, chaste, humble, and

Once he had gone to the country of Brabant with the venerable Master
Gerard Groote to see face to face that man most dear to God, John
Ruesbroeck, one that was illustrious for his life and doctrine, for he
had known him from afar, since his fame was noised abroad, and this
journey he made out of love for his devout and holy life.  John
Ruesbroeck received them both in fatherly wise, and after a few days they
returned to their own habitation, greatly refreshed by the words of his
mouth and by his living example.  This is more fully set forth in the
book of the life of that memorable Father.  From this time forth the
flame of brotherly love burned yet more vehemently in the heart of each,
and, indeed, John Cele did wondrously love Gerard from the very beginning
of his preaching, ever holding him dear, and a man of one heart with him
in Christ, one that did treat well of the Word of God before the people,
showed a pattern of life in his own conduct, and was very fervent in his
zeal for souls.  For this reason Master John bore the reproach of men and
much evil speaking from the froward, who never fail so to entreat them
that do well; and this befell him because he encouraged and praised the
acts of the Master and the glorious words of his preaching, yet was he
not overcome by the snarls of envious folk, nor ceased greatly to extol
Gerard, but before the magistrates and the people he spake freely on
behalf of the Religious.  To him did Gerard address certain friendly
letters, and John, who loved the Master's words with all his heart, did
collect the whole number of his epistles, because of his delight in
reading them.  Likewise he did often mention the venerable Master by name
to his scholars, as one whom he knew well, and in his own pleasant voice
did recount his deeds for an example to them.  This is the end of the
life of John, that faithful servant of Christ Jesus, to whom may God
grant to enjoy the glory of heaven with all the saints.  His body was
buried at Windesem, in the ancient cloister, near the door of the church.


_Concerning John Brinckerinck, a disciple of Master Gerard_.

In the year of the Lord 1419, on the 26th of March, that is to say, on
the day following the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, John
Brinckerinck died at Deventer.  He was a man beloved of God, a devout
Priest and Rector, and Confessor to the Beguines in the House of Master
Gerard Groote.  He was born of good parents in the city of Zutphen, in
Geldria, and in the years of his youth he began the devout life through
the preaching of Master Gerard, for in a short while he became a disciple
of the Master and was adorned with special grace; moreover, he heard many
good things from him, and received from his mouth words of heavenly
wisdom, for he oft held converse with him in the House, and yet more
often without when they journeyed.

After Gerard's happy death, John was ordained to the priesthood, and when
John de Gronde, the first Confessor of the Sisters at Deventer died, he
ruled the said Sisterhood which Gerard had founded, being set up as the
second Rector thereof, in which office he was a zealous minister, and he
governed the Sisters in most excellent wise for many years, for God
helped him.  Sometimes he preached the Word of God in church to the
people, and he drew many to the service of God as handmaids of Christ;
and when the congregation of Sisters had begun to grow in merit and to
increase daily in number, he began to build a monastery for the Nuns of
the Order of Regulars outside the city of Deventer towards the north, a
work done with great and daily labour, and he ruled the same most
strictly with all diligence.

Through his example and his counsels, which promoted the salvation of
many, a great number of other Houses for Nuns were begun in divers parts,
of which some were under the discipline of the Canons Regular, while
others professed the rule of the third Order and were incorporated

His body was taken to his own monastery at Diepenvene, and there buried
in the choir before the High Altar, and after his death John Hoef was
preferred to be Rector of the Sisters in Deventer, but the care of the
Nuns was committed to the Prior of Windesem.


_Of the death of Gisbert Dou, Rector of the Sisters at Amsterdam_.

In the year of the Lord 1420, on the day before the Feast of the Nativity
of the glorious Virgin Mary, Gisbert Dou died in Holland.  He was a
Priest of reverend life and Rector and Confessor to many Sisters in
Amsterdam, and he did also promote and found two monasteries for the
Canons Regular.  This man of God, from the beginning of his conversion,
was very familiar with Gerard Groote, and his close friend, for he knew
his inmost thoughts better than did any other mortal man, both the good
thoughts and the bad alike, and whatever Gerard did in his life, for he
was his Confessor and his most faithful confidant in those things which
pertain to the examination of the conscience.  He held with him,
therefore, most devout colloquies, frequently conferring with him as to
the condition of the Brothers or Sisters, and the things needful to
preserve the devotion which had begun in many places.  But through the
bounty of God he lived safely for many years to comfort the good, and he
often preached the Word of God publicly in the church to the people.  He
was kindly and liberal in hospitality to all who came to him, a faithful
helper of the poor, a sweet comforter to the sad, a staunch friend to the
Religious.  The mighty looked favourably upon him, the simple folk and
the community loved him, and learned men and prelates heard him
reverently; and so having fulfilled seventy-five years of life, he died
in a good old age amongst the Fathers of his House, and was buried in the
Convent of the Sisters of our Order.

In the year of the Lord 1450, Peter de Mera, Chamberlain to our Lord
Eugenius IV, obtained a letter granting Indulgence to our House, namely,
to the Prior, the Brothers, the Converts, the Donates, and the Oblates in
the House on Mount St. Agnes; and the purport of his letter was as

"Most blessed Father and most holy Lord, This petition is made to further
the salvation of the souls of your devout servants Theodoric the Prior,
the Canons or Brothers, and the other members of the community who dwell
in the Monastery on Mount St. Agnes, near Zwolle, following the rule of
the Order of Canons Regular, which monastery is in the diocese of
Utrecht: likewise on behalf of the servants of this same House, and of
other Priors, Canons, Brothers, members of the community, and servants,
who shall dwell from time to time in the aforesaid monastery; wherefore
that in future they may be ordered in more wholesome wise we beseech your
holiness to deign of your grace to grant them Indulgence to the effect
following, namely, that as long as they continue in the verity of the
faith, the unity of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience and in devotion
to your holiness and your successors, the Chief Pontiffs of the Holy
Roman Church, who shall be canonically elected, so long a suitable
Confessor chosen by them shall have power under the authority of the
Apostolic See to grant to them when in articulo mortis full remission of
all sin which they may have confessed with contrition of heart.  Provided
always that they presume not to do any unlawful thing through their
reliance upon this Indulgence, and provided also that so soon as they are
notified of this Indulgence they keep fast on every Friday for one whole
year, or do some other act of piety: but if they have neglected to fast
or been unable to do so, or if it hath been their custom heretofore so to
fast on every Friday, then they shall be bound to perform some other
special act of grace in accordance with the directions of the aforesaid

"The privilege desired in this petition is granted to all professed
Brothers, Converts, and Oblates, under perpetual vows, so long as they
live in the observance of the rule.

"Given in the presence of our Lord the Pope,

                                    "C. ARMINIENSIS.

"It is asked also that the aforesaid licence hold good without letters
Apostolic to confirm the same.

                           "Granted.  C. ARMINIENSIS."


_As to the gaining of Indulgences at the stations in Rome_.

To the venerable and devout Priors at Windesem and Mount St. Agnes near
Zwolle, and to the Priests and Fathers unfeignedly beloved in Christ
Jesus, these, from Brother Everard Swane of the House of the Blessed
Virgin in the Wood near Northorn, your unprofitable servant, good
Fathers.  Venerable Fathers, most beloved in Christ Jesus, my love is
ever ready to serve you, and I was desired by divers persons, yea, and
besought, as I understood, by some of your Brothers also, to write to the
Curia to enquire as to the virtue and extent of the Indulgences granted
at certain stations in Rome by our most Holy Father Pope Eugenius IV, the
granting of which Indulgences was promoted by my Lord the Cardinal as ye
do know.  I was required to ask the virtue of such, and how they might be
obtained; this thing, therefore, I did long since, and I have received a
reply to this effect, namely: "That no man may know fully the virtue and
extent of these Indulgences, because from the time of St. Peter onward,
Indulgences beyond number have been given and granted by divers

I have spoken likewise on this matter with certain persons that are about
the Court, and to put the matter shortly, these also are unable to give
any certain decision in the matter, but, arguing it amongst themselves,
some said that the remission of all sins may be obtained at any station;
others held and said that all Indulgences granted throughout the whole
city may be obtained at any one of the stations.  Which is the truer
argument I dare not to say, beloved Fathers, but this I know full well of
mine own knowledge and experience, that Cardinals, Prelates, and others,
both men and women, throughout the whole city, are wont to be zealous in
visiting each several station; neither is it the usage there to make any
reference to the virtue or extent of the Indulgences, even inwardly, but
every man doth commit this matter to God Who alone doth know the tale of
the same, and we too ought to follow this custom.  But as concerning the
gaining of the same, of which I have made mention above, the Chamberlain
of my Lord Bologna, who returned to this country a short while ago for
divers purposes, hath told me thereof by word of mouth, and he saith that
he himself was present when the Indulgences were granted.  Every man that
hath made his confession and is contrite, and hath fulfilled the
conditions laid down in the letter wherein the Indulgence was
granted--that is, living in common and in the observance of the rule--may
gain the same in the church of his own monastery.  And these conditions
are that he enter the church with the same intention that he would have
in Rome were he present there on the proper days for visiting the
stations; that he prostrate himself before the altar which he would have
chosen there, and pour forth his prayers or certain repetitions of the
Pater Noster as devoutly as he may: that he celebrate Mass: or visit the
several altars saying the Pater Noster or other prayers after the same
manner as that which is customary in the aforesaid city.  In short, if
any man doth as is aforesaid, there is sure hope that he will gain the
Indulgences just as if he were actually present in Rome, as is set forth
also in the said letter.  Therefore, beloved Fathers, ye may, if it
please you, tell these things to the Brothers of your House, or to any
others ye will that desire to be informed as to the matters set forth
above, and in this do as may seem expedient to you.  As for our Lord
Eugenius the Pope, aforementioned, who hath granted and given us
Indulgences so freely, and my Lord of Bologna who procured the grant, and
others who have laboured in what manner soever to this same end, ye will
(as they do trust) make mention of them in your prayers, especially on
the days proper for the stations, committing them to God for the sake of
Jesus the humble.  And may He see fit to keep you, and all that are
committed to your charge, safe in His holy service.

Written on the day following the Feast of St. Philip and St. James, in
the year of the Lord 1443.


_The letter of the Cardinal of Bologna_.

Antony, by the mercy of God, Bishop of Ostia, Cardinal of the Holy Roman
Church, and commonly known as the Cardinal of Bologna, to all and each of
the Canons Regular, our beloved in Christ, and to all other persons that
are Converts or Lay Brothers in the House of the Blessed Virgin in the
Wood, and in the Houses elsewhere that belong to the said Order of St.
Augustine in whatever diocese they may be, and who live in the observance
of the rule, and to others who shall see these presents, greeting:

It is a just thing, and one consonant with reason, to bear witness to the
truth; wherefore by the tenor of these presents we do notify your whole
society, and bear witness that our most holy Father and Lord Eugenius IV,
by divine providence Pope, by his Apostolic authority hath granted to
each and all of you Indulgence and Concession following at my prayer and
instance, the same being delivered by word of mouth and needing no
further confirmation by letters Apostolic.  Ye are not bound in any way
whatever to avoid any man, even though he be for the time being held
under sentence of excommunication, either at the time of the celebration
of the divine Mysteries or at other seasons (unless indeed there be any
in your churches that are publicly denounced as excommunicate), nor shall
such intercourse be held to impute guilt to you or to any one of your
company.  Likewise and by similar authority he doth grant to you, that
those among you that for the time being do suffer infirmities in the body
be not bound to say or recite the Canonical Hours during the time of such
infirmity, nor be deemed to be under such compulsion so that they be
excused by the counsel of such suitable Confessors as may be chosen from
your body.

Likewise that each Prelate of your several churches shall have authority
with regard to vows to make pilgrimage across the seas, to the shrine of
the Blessed Peter and Paul, or other places of pilgrimage which ought to
be paid by you, or any one of you, from time to time, to commute the same
to other acts of piety.

Furthermore and by the authority aforesaid he doth grant to the followers
of your devotion this concession:

Whereas Indulgences have been granted by the Apostolic See to faithful
persons all and sundry who from year to year devoutly visit certain
churches in the which "stations" are appointed for certain days--and of
these churches some are within, and some without the city--and whereas
these Indulgences are granted to persons who visit the said churches on
the days for which stations for this purpose are appointed;

Now therefore he doth grant that each and all of you, being truly
penitent and having made confession, may and ought to enjoy the benefits
of such Indulgences just as if ye had actually and in person visited the
churches aforesaid.

And this concession shall avail both for the present and time to come for
ever, so that it hold good for those of you only who shall continue to
live in common, and in your own community (that is under the General
Chapter), and shall persevere in the observance of the said rule.


Here beginneth the preface to the work following: with the whole
affection of my heart and mind, and with the service of my voice do I
exalt God, the Invisible, the Almighty, and His only begotten son our
Lord Jesus Christ.

My most beloved Brother of old, when I told the tale of the former state
of this House, of the Fathers and Brothers thereof, and their blessed
deeds, and when I related also the origin of this foundation, thou didst
seem to lend an ear somewhat readily thereto.  Furthermore, thou didst
make request that some memorial thereof should be committed to writing
(for so it seemed good to thee), because they who saw and knew the former
members of the House and the fervour of their lives, are now almost all
dead; and I am as it were the dregs of the cup, the very last of all; and
being already worn with age, it is like that I shall not be suffered to
abide long with thee.  For this cause thou dost affirm that it should be
profitless and wasteful that by the lapse of time things that might
perchance serve as an example and tend to the edification of some, should
pass over to forgetfulness.

Wherefore I have fulfilled thy petition, though mayhap not thy full
desire, since my manner of writing is coarse and ill-kempt; for which
reason I have made no mention of thy name, nor of my own; and this is of
set purpose lest if this poor letter fall at any time into the hands of
another, he might be offended on the very threshold and so not care to go
forward any further.

II.  _The history of the origin of the New Devotion_.

Now in the days of old the land of the English did abound in men great
and holy, by whose saintliness and doctrine (as saith the venerable Bede)
that land was watered like the Paradise of the Lord; and so it was that
certain rivulets of that water, through the mercy of God, flowed down to
this our land to make it fruitful.  For this country was up to that time
truly parched and ill-tended, inasmuch as doing service to idols, and
being ensnared in the errors of the heathen, it was held captive of the

III.  _Of them by whom this land was turned to the Faith of Christ_.

As for the first and chief of these spiritual rivulets, namely that great
man and true saint, Willebrord, we know the tale of how he appeared here
by sure testimony.  For in the time of Pepin, King of the Franks, and his
son Charles the Great, and when 700 years more or less had elapsed since
the birth of the Lord, Willebrord with eleven others did irrigate the
said land with the waters of their holy preaching.  Moreover, with the
help of his companions he did busy himself with breaking up the ground
with the ploughshare of discipline, yet not without much difficulty; and
in a short space the task of spreading the faith did prosper wondrously
beneath their hands; for God worked with them, and did confirm their
words with signs following.

Of a truth how great a fervour of faith and devotion flourished in this
our land under their guidance, and for a long while after their days, is
shown to this day, not only by the testimony of the books which we have
read, but also by those countless churches and monasteries which, as we
see, were builded on every side where the temples of idols had been

IV.  _A lamentation over the waning of the aforesaid fervour_.

But, fie upon it, this first fervour and regular observance of discipline
did in process of time grow so lukewarm and feeble, that the outward
framework thereof alone remained, and as for the fruitfulness of the
truly spiritual life, the devil might seem to have said in the words of
Esaias, "and with the sole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers of

A certain aged man and an honoured priest spake in my hearing of this
drouth and failure of devotion, and referring to the time of which I
tell, he said that in the days of his youth and in these parts of the Low
Countries, all things pertaining to devotion and charity were so brought
to nothingness, that if any were touched inwardly by a desire to amend
his life, he would scarce find one single man from whom to ask counsel;
nor scarce one spot where he could put these fledgling desires into a
place of safety, unless it were among the Carthusians; for amongst them
Religious observance and the vigour of spiritual life did flourish at
that time, but scarce amongst any others.

V.  _Of the rise of the New Devotion in our land_.

Since, therefore, there was such drouth throughout the whole land (as
hath been said before) that there seemed to be no trace anywhere of the
ancient devotion, the good Lord looked down from Heaven upon the earth
with the eye of His mercy, and made rise a little fount in these failing
days and in our land that was desert, pathless, and unwatered; which
fount grew by little and little to be a river (as is said in the Book of
Esther), and after a while into much water to irrigate not trees that are
corruptible, but souls, which truly are the plants of that garden which
is of the Spirit and faileth not.

VI.  _Of Master Gherard Groet_.

Master Gherard Groet was this memorable fount, and not unworthily is he
thus typified, having been small in his lowly esteem and abnegation of
himself, but as his name doth signify, in the sight of God mighty to
overthrow by the sword of this word of the Lord the foes that rise up
against the salvation of His elect, so that he and his beloved sons might
gain the inheritance of Israel.  One may say fitly enough of this man
what St. Augustine saith of Paulinus, who from being very rich became for
God's sake very poor and yet with full store of holiness.

Moreover, like Anah, he found the hot springs in the desert, namely, the
sweetness of divine love beyond common measure, together with abundant
zeal to gain souls, and an hatred of wickedness.

Having these things before his eyes he spared not while he lived either
toil or cost, for he went about preaching everywhere in hunger and
thirst, in cold and nakedness.

VII.  _Of his death_.

At length after much strife, and having converted many to Christ, this
most blessed Father passed happily to the Lord in the year of the Lord
1384; and he left the residue of the work, of which he himself had done
enough, to his little ones, those whom he had gathered under his wings
that they might promote the salvation of many and be their pattern, whom
also he had nurtured with the milk of his goodness and his sweet-savoured
doctrine; for it was his intention that through them should be finished
that work which he had ever in mind, and had striven to carry into effect
so far as he could; namely, to snatch souls from the jaws of the devil
and restore them to their Maker.  This work his followers in their time
were not backward to do, neither have their successors to the present day
ceased to fulfil the same task.

VIII.  _Concerning Florentius and his companions_.

Of these primitive disciples of Master Gherard, the first and chief was
that Florentius, son of Radewin, who was wonderful in all holiness and
honesty of character, and whose name that House, which was the first of
all the congregations of Clerks only, doth still retain.  In like manner
one House at Deventer still hath its name from Gherard Groet, because it
was the House wherein he dwelt, and afterward this was the first of all
the congregations of women.  This Florentius with his companions that
were men of light, and whose names and deeds are of record, made no small
gain of souls for the Lord, especially amongst the scholars that were
Clerks, and by their labours the monasteries of divers orders were
propped up in no slight degree and reformed also, the Lord working by
their means.

IX.  _How like things were done in other cities_.

Florentius seeing that this was good, and that indeed no sacrifice could
be more acceptable to God than zeal for souls, sent devout and learned
men to other cities also to do a like work, especially to places where
there were schools largely attended, such as Zwolle, Doesborch,
Herderwijc and the like; and these men lived a common life like that in
the congregation already founded, and gained their livelihood by writing
books.  They studied most of all to draw to Christ such scholars as were
Clerks and when they were so drawn and converted, to send them to the
several monasteries and congregations, there to serve the Lord.  Moreover,
the conversion of these and their conversation was a cause and means of
salvation to many, as we found out afterward in the case of divers of
them.  So much of their calling Clerks to Christ.

X.  _Of the names of the Fathers and Rectors of the first congregation_.

Furthermore, with regard to the Fathers of the former congregations (to
go back a little to my former subject), I, in the hearing of Christ
Jesus, without whom nothing can be begun or founded duly, do say as

"Through what act of grace or miracle came it to pass that as Master
Gherard Groet was preaching and sowing the seed everywhere, there were
added to him so suddenly and unexpectedly men of such kind and so great,
for these were of one mind with him, and every one of them in each city
and place burned with the zeal with which he also burned to exhort and
convert a people that was stiff necked.  Yet with all diligence they set
them to the task of gathering together virgins as pearls from the shells
and most pure lilies from the thorns.  These were in their days true
bridesmen and friends of the bridegroom, who hear and rejoice because of
the bridegroom's voice: who strove with emulation in God's behalf to
present the whole body of plighted virgins whom they had gathered
together as one chaste virgin to one husband, even to Christ.

Thou dost ask, perhaps, "Who are they whom thou dost so commend, and what
are their names?"  Hear then:

In Deventer, John Brinckerinc ruled over the virgins that were first
gathered together there, and from these in after days sprang the House at
Dyepenween, which was under the same Rector.

In Zutphen was Henry of Huesden; in Doesborch, Tric Gruter; in Zwolle,
Henry of Gouda; in Kampen, Tric of Gramsberch; in Utrecht, Werembold.  In
Amersfoort, William son of Henry; in Leyden, Peter of Poel; in Harlem,
Hugo Goltsmit; in Amsterdam, Ghijsbert of Oude; in Horn, Paul of
Medenblic.  Likewise in Enchusen, Paul of that city; in Pormereynde,
Nicolas of that city; in Almelo, Everard of Eza; likewise in Schutdorp,
Henry of that city.  These are the holy men whom the Lord chose with love
unfeigned to carry on and complete His work which Master Gherard Groet
had begun in wholesome wise by His inspiration, as hath been set forth
already.  Holiness made them priests, learning made them doctors,
diligence made them profitable rectors of many congregations, and zeal
for the gaining of souls made them notable preachers as hath been found
in the case of many of them.  O happy day on which that great Gherard was
born amongst us, for he was the fount and source whence flowed the waters
of salvation to our land, so that what before his time had been parched
became a pool, and the thirsty land, springs of water.

XI.  _Of the multiplication of the devout, especially of virgins_.

From this time forth the fount that once was small began to grow by means
of the rivulets aforesaid into abundant waters, that is, monasteries
without number and congregations also which fed them, so that it should
seem that the saying in Exodus was fulfilled which saith of the sons of
Israel how that when Joseph died his seed was multiplied exceedingly and
filled the land.  Thus it came to pass that the people, both men and
women, loved a life of virginity, and in chastity emulated the dwellers
in Heaven.  But above all there was a vast band of women that were
virgins who despised the thought of motherhood, and spurned this flowery
world with contempt, ever showing by their thoughts, their deeds, and
their bearing, that they desired rather to be united to that Spouse Who
is in Heaven.  What state is there to-day, what township or city in the
whole province of Cologne but rejoiceth to have known the savour and
scent of these same lilies?  Yet was there diversity in their lots, for
as Paul doth testify of himself, so too was it with them; some having a
savour of life unto life, and some a savour of death unto death.  But in
this the matter of their election is most clearly shown, and likewise the
fact that they were not of the world, because they ever bare the world's
hatred and persecution, sometimes suffering at the hands of parents and
kindred, sometimes from rulers and the common folk of the cities and
towns, beneath which persecution they bore themselves with all patience
and humility; yet they suffered most greatly from false teachers and
preachers who were zealous to assail with mad words, and to persecute a
manner of life that they knew not, yet did not they not prevail.

XII.  _How a certain monk of Cologne was put to confusion_.

For example, one such was preaching in Cologne at the time of the Prague
heresy, and he said among other matter: "Ye do go to Prague to contend
with heretics whom ye might find readily in your midst--even in St.
Gereon's Street"--by which he signified the Sisters of the congregation
who dwelt in the said street.  But the great ones of the city took the
word very ill, saying that such a thing was never heard, namely, that
heretics should dwell in the fair city of Cologne.  But why should I say
more?  At length the matter was referred to the bishops and to the
university, and, save that the monk had somewhat speedily sought refuge
by flight, it would have conduced to his own detriment that he ever
preached that word in Cologne.

XIII.  _How the Sisters were examined_.

Forthwith Master Henry de Gorinchem was sent to enquire into the charge
of the false preacher aforesaid (for this Master Henry was held in the
highest esteem among theologians at that time), and he did skilfully
perform the task assigned to him, examining the affairs and condition of
those Sisters with all diligence, and when he understood clearly their
sincerity in the Faith; their obedience in all things to Holy Church; how
that they had given up all personal property both in goods and in their
own will; their chastity and how in all things they did imitate the
Mother of Christ; their patience in watching, fasting, and in seeking to
gain their whole sustenance by the labour of their hands, he was
astonished thereat and returning to those who had sent him he spake
openly, saying, "If this life be not that in which every Christian ought
to follow Christ, then have I never read the Scriptures."  And from that
time he bore such goodwill toward them, that very often he would help
them in their suits, and likewise by his will he distributed notable
gifts amongst them.

XIV.  _Concerning Master Bernard de Reyda_.

Next in order there was the disciple and successor of this doctor,
namely, Master Bernard de Reyda, who may fittingly be reckoned amongst
the most illustrious, and he ruled over the Sisters aforesaid until the
present day, being also their Confessor and Fellow Commoner.  But whither
have we come?  Verily it was our purpose, according to thy petition to
say somewhat of the first members of our House at Windesem for thy
delectation: but I do confess I have been led further than I thought by
my desire to bring forth into the light the names of the Fathers
aforementioned who were well known to me, fearing lest in process of time
they should be hidden altogether in the darkness of silence, which thing
God forbid.  But in the second place, the savour of these sweet-scented
lilies that were now spread far and wide amid the monasteries and
congregations, did compel me to bear some testimony as to their number
and their most holy conversation, while the breath of life is yet whole
in me.  For unworthy though I be, I have conversed with them for these
many years past, visiting and holding colloquies with them, and I have
ever found them firm in the faith, and in deed effectual; wherefore let
any man say what he will of them, but I say with Balaam: "Let me die the
death of the Righteous, and let my last end be like theirs"--but let us
return to the purpose whence we have wandered.

XV.  _Of the origin of the House at Windesem_.

So under Florentius and his companions there grew a great company of
devout persons, both Clerks and Laics, who either wished to dwell with
them or at least relied upon their wholesome admonition and counsel.

Amongst these were two men of no mean rank according to worldly dignity,
sagacious in mind and sufficiently learned for their degree, namely Henry
de Wilsen, a citizen of Kampen, and Goswin Tyasen, a citizen of Zwolle.
These two, being prudent men and well skilled in worldly matters, were a
strong stay to Florentius and his companions, and ever present helpers in
all the work that the Lord had ordained should be done through them.

But when they saw how, that after the death of Master Gherard Groet of
holy memory, the heavens continually dropped honey, and how that from the
seed which Gherard had planted and the skies bedewed from above, many
congregations of men and women began to spring up on every side, they
rejoiced with exceeding joy; also they began to hold many colloquies
amongst themselves, as to how this good beginning that had its wholesome
origin from God might continue unshaken for a yet longer space to His
glory, and the salvation of many souls.

They found by God's inspiration that this might be done by the means
following, that is to say, if a monastery of some approved order, but
preferably of the Canons Regular, should be founded, under whose shadow
all the devout turtle-doves might have a secure refuge from the swoop of
the falcon.  But where might a place be found, and the other things also
that were needful for the carrying out of such a work?  For, as saith the
Apostle of the calling of the primitive Church, so amongst these also
there were not many rich, not many noble--save them that their virtue did
make noble and them that voluntary poverty did make rich before God.

Wherefore these Converts prayed to the Lord with all their hearts, that
He, without whom no good thing is begun, carried forward, or ended, might
deign effectually to show them what might be His good pleasure in this
business; and they remembered likewise that Master Gherard Groet ever
kept the same purpose in mind, although he could not carry his desire
into effect, for death was beforehand with him.

XVI.  _Concerning Brother Bertold, and the site of this monastery_.

The Lord therefore, that He might show how He was the cause and the
beginner of all these things, stirred up the spirit of a young Clerk
named Bertold ten Hove, who was the owner of broad meadows, and
particularly of an estate that is called "Hof to Windesem"--where by
God's aid we now do dwell--and he, coming to Florentius and his company,
did of his own act and free will offer to give himself and all his
possessions into their hands for the service of God, and he desired
earnestly that a monastery might be builded in the aforesaid place, if
this might be done.

When they knew this, all betook them to praising God, reaching up their
hands toward Heaven; for they held it as a most sure sign that He had
heard their prayer, and had promised to be, by some means or other, the
promoter of this cause.  Straightway so many of them as were owners of
houses or lands sold them and put the price into Florentius' hands, or at
least resigned the same for the use of the monastery that should be

XVII.  _Of the goodwill and consent of Florentius the Lord Bishop_.

Forthwith they began to be instant with the venerable Lord Florentius of
Wevelichoven, who was then Bishop of Utrecht, for his consent to the
founding of a monastery, and for the privileges needful for this
business; and him they found most gracious in all things, for he had a
special love of virtue.

This was done in the year of the Lord 1386, and by the co-operation of
God (good men also reaching forth an hand to help them) the affair so
prospered that in the year following, that is in 1387, on the day
following the Feast of St. Gallus the Confessor, an humble church and
burial-ground and also four altars were consecrated in due order by
Hubert, the venerable Bishop of Yppuse, in honour of the Holy Trinity,
and the Blessed Virgin and others.

XVIII.  _Of the first Brothers of this monastery_.

But since it is written, "Not the people for the place's sake, but the
place for the people's sake," we must see who were the first to dwell
here; since indeed these were the founders and the pattern of all who did
afterwards come under the Chapter of Windesem.

In the first place there was Henry of Uxaria, at that time the only
priest amongst them, and he was appointed Rector by the Bishop, by whose
commission the said Henry received the Religious habit from the

Next there was Henry de Wilsen and Goswin Tyasen, who were invested as
Clerks, that did devote themselves, for they would not be promoted to
holy orders by reason of a stain that did unfit them under the rule.  Also
there were these following: Brother John of Huesden, Brother Henry Wilde,
Brother Werner Keencamp, Brother Bertold ten Hove, Brother John Kempis,
and Brother Henry Balveren.  All these were sons and disciples of
Florentius, from whose breast they sucked in abundance the milk of all
goodness, which same they poured forth without stint for their posterity
in after days.

These men and certain others of the community, whose will was good
thereto, were marked out by Florentius to build the monastery in the
place aforesaid, and to take the habit of Holy Religion therein to the
Glory of Christ; which task they were forward to fulfil with wisdom and
all speed; also to the men above named there were added, a short space
afterward, certain persons of like intention and fervour, namely, John
Otto of Zoes, Henry Loder, Arnold of Kalkar, Gherard of Naeldwijc, John
of Broechusen, and others.

XIX.  _The praise of the early Fathers_.

O Windesem, these are they by whom thy first foundations were laid,
through whom was kindled that bright light, namely, the rule of the truly
Regular life; so that thou who wast then as a grain of mustard seed, the
least of all herbs, wast enabled to grow into a great tree, beneath the
shadow of whose branches fowls of heaven, without number, might take
their pleasant rest.

XX.  _How the Brothers aforesaid were promoted in other monasteries_.

At last when many houses that sprung from the same stock had been founded
on all sides, both for men and women, there was scarce one of them but
desired that a pastor might be provided from amongst the aforesaid
Brothers of Windesem.

This we did see with our own eyes and hear in after days, how Brother
Henry of Uxaria was appointed by the Bishops to be the first Rector of
this House, which office he held for but a short time; then we did see
Brother John of Huesden, a young man in years but hoary in mind, who
ruled this church of ours for above thirty-three years in wholesome wise,
to the great increase of our goods, both spiritual and temporal, and was
beloved of God and man.  When he died Brother Gherard Naeldwijc was
chosen by all the Brothers to take the place of the departed Prior, yet
scarce for half a year could he bear the honour and burden of this care
by reason of his exceeding lowliness, but he renounced the office of
Prior and cast off the burden thereof in presence of all the Brothers,
though this was contrary to the opinion of the whole community, and
likewise to that of the Fathers gathered together in the Chapter.

Likewise we have seen how Henry Wilde was chosen to be Prior at Eemsteyn,
Brother Werner at Horn, Brother John Kempis at Mount St. Agnes, Brother
Arnold Kalkar at the Fount of the Blessed Mary, Brother John Otto at
Amsterdam, Brother Henry Loder at Northorn, Brother John Broechusen at
Leerdorp, and so forth.

XXI.  _Of the pattern of virtue left for us by the Fathers_.

And now, in the last place, one must see how virtuous were these men, and
what an example they left for us to imitate.  But no one amongst men
knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of a man which is in him;
yet by considering his outward deeds one may guess what lieth hidden
inwardly in him.

XXII.  _Of their simplicity and poverty_.

One may know by the humble plan of the former House which they builded
how greatly these men loved simplicity and holy poverty.  For the inner
walls thereof were small, and the House was covered in with reeds or
thatch; so at that time what is now the part behind the church was the
whole church itself; and the chapel that is now was then the refectory;
the brewery was the kitchen, and the old brewery was our mill house and
infirmary.  Moreover, the bounds of the monastery were so narrow that the
present inner wall on the north of the barn was then the extreme outer
wall of the House.  So the whole was lowly and small, being arranged to
receive but few inmates.

XXIII.  _Of their Victual_.

They kept a frugal and poor table, not so much of necessity, or through
lack, as out of love of poverty, and the habit which was implanted in
them, which same they had acquired together with the disciples of

So on a time I heard Brother Gherard Naeldwijc say in pleasantry that in
those times on fast days they would sometimes divide one fig into four or
six portions that so the great quantity of the bread they consumed might
be seasoned by those fragments.  On a time also there come to us, I know
not whence, half a jar of salted salmon, and as the Brothers were
doubting what should be done therewith, Brother Henry de Wilsen, being
ever greatly zealous for discipline, persuaded them that by all means it
ought to be sold lest such new and unaccustomed dainties should begin to
be brought in.

At this time they had no flocks of sheep, nor any fishery, nor fishers,
but so piously and soberly did they live that Gherard of Bronchorst, a
Canon of St. Saviour's, who once sojourned for a while with the Brothers
at Windesem, was wont to say in his own pleasant manner, "None fare
sumptuously in Windesem unless it be the swine and the guests."  So also
to drink wine and eat roast fowls were held in Windesem to be matters
that should be referred to the Bishop.

XXIV.  _Of their Vesture_.

Their vesture and their utensils were notable examples of their true
lowliness and simplicity, so that I remember to have seen those venerable
elders, Brother Henry of Uxaria and Brother Henry de Wilsen, wearing
garments that were altogether worn through by constantly rubbing against
the seats as they leaned back, and these were botched about the elbows
with great patches of rough cloth.  But if men of their quality wore such
vesture what wonder if the younger men in those days were not more
freakish than they in the matter of clothing?

Indeed, I lie if I have not seen some of our household that were Laics
wearing sad-coloured garments made of bark fibre, in providing which and
like garments also Brother Henry Balveren, the Vestiarius, showed great
zeal, as did the tailor, Brother Herbert, a Convert who was formerly a
disciple of Gherard Groet.

They had likewise certain hair shirts which were lent from time to time
to divers of the younger Brothers for the taming of their vices and
concupiscence, and one of these was as rough as those hair cloths with
which the brewers' cauldrons are wont to be dried.

XXV.  _How they avoided all occasion of scandal_.

One may see how greatly they preferred their own good report and the
edification of all men before all worldly good, by this tale; namely,
that on a time two young men of Deventer came to Windesem, of whom one
was called Goswin Comhaer (a man who was afterward a great example), but
the other was Conrad Mom.  These earnestly sought to be received here,
but the members of the House made answer saying that in this region there
would be too much talk if this were done, and if they remained in this
place, for their parents dwelt hard by: let them rather go to Eemsteyn.
And receiving this reply the men took it ill enough, so that I heard one
of them exclaim in a sad voice: "May God pity us in that we cannot obtain
or know any place of rest for this cause, namely, that we are rich."  And
they went obediently to Eemsteyn.

XXVI.  _Of their Charity_.

These men also were wondrous charitably disposed toward all that did
lack, especially toward new Houses of our own order that were begun in
poverty.  These they desired to help to an extent even beyond their
power, by transferring to them both goods and men, as is manifest not
only in the matter of the two youths aforementioned, but also in the case
of divers others that were rich and desired to dwell with them.  These
they did often direct to other monasteries to relieve their needs, for
they sought not what might be profitable to themselves, but rather what
should be so to others.  Thus they sent Arnold Droem to Mount St. Agnes,
Stephen Wael to the Valley of Peace, and Brother Nicholas Bochorst to
Nazareth, and so forth.

In like manner it was agreed by the community with regard to Brother John
ten Water that he should be sent to the Fount of the Blessed Mary where
there seemed to be notable scarcity; yet by his lowliness and his great
importunity that he should by no means be parted from the Brothers, he
did overcome this resolution.

But the well spring of their goodness ceased not with these, rather it
did flow forth and reach all men, especially poor Clerks and members of
the Houses of the New Devotion.  What man did ever return from them empty-
handed? for if the petitioner were rich, he brought back counsel, if he
were poor he received help.

XXVII.  _Concerning Gherard of Renen_.

There was in those days, that is, amongst the first Fathers, a man of
great age, who was by no means the least of his own folk, and his name
was Gherard of Renen.  He would sojourn for long spaces of time with the
Brothers at Windesem, for he was bound to them by an exceeding love: and
being on a time in the House at Utrecht wherein I dwelt, and in the
presence of a certain honourable matron who was his kinswoman, he began
to speak of the aforesaid Brothers, their manner of life and their
virtues, and I myself was there present also.  So then this woman was
suddenly kindled to so great fervour by the things that she had heard
that she suddenly burst forth with these words: "Ah, if I were a man, and
mine own master, no one should hinder me from going to such a community."
And I verily believe that until this man told his tale I myself had never
heard mention of Windesem.

XXVIII.  _Of the privileges obtained for the binding together of the

After a short while it came to pass that three daughters were born to the
House at Windesem, namely Eemsteyn, the House of the Blessed Virgin, and
the House of the New Light near Horn.  And when in this manner the number
of the monasteries had grown to four, by the advice of Florentius and the
other Fathers aforenamed, they sent to the Curia at Rome in the time of
Boniface the Pope, who granted them leave to gather together a General
Chapter together with authority and fitting privileges and so forth; for
up to this time they had agreed to remain directly under the rule of the
Bishop.  Gherard of Bronchorst, who hath been named above, did take upon
him this mission with all devotion, but Reyner Minnenbode, the founder of
the monastery at Eemsteyn paid, as it is said, all the expenses thereof
in most liberal wise.

XXIX.  _Of their manner of holding the Chapter_.

But when the Fathers and Brothers of these four Houses held a Chapter in
their humble fashion, the Fathers of the congregations whose names are
given above would come together, or at least some of them, and sit them
down to deal with matters concerning not the acquiring of worldly wealth,
but the conversion of souls and the maintenance of the common good.  And
at that time all were as it were one fold and one flock, and in very deed
one body in Christ.

XXX.  _The Conclusion_.

What sayest thou to these things now, Brother most beloved, remembering
that thou wast a wild olive, and meet for eternal fire, and seeing that
thou art now grafted, in despite of nature, on this fair and fruitful
olive tree, and art become a partaker in its fatness?  Canst thou do
aught save proclaim with the whole inward love of thine heart, "Great is
thy mercy to me, O Lord, and Thou hast snatched my soul from the
nethermost Hell"?  For it is written of Catho that he would praise his
gods mightily--he being but an heathen--and extol his own good fortune,
in that it had been permitted to him to be born in that land, and at that
time when he could see Rome and her Empire flourishing in the height of
their prosperity; and if this is true, Brother most beloved, what return
wilt thou make to the Lord thy God for that it was given thee to be born
and to live in this time of His Most abundant Goodness, and in a land
which He, the Lord, hath blessed?  Hadst thou lived in the days of thy
fathers, before our land was illumined by the light of Grace of which so
much hath been said already, what else could have befallen but that thou
shouldest have done even as they did?  From which it doth follow that
thou also wouldest have gone even whither they went, there to abide for

O happy days in which were born the leaders and chiefs of this new army
of ours, I mean Gherard Groet and Florentius, and their son's sons also,
and they that are born from them continually! and so it shall continue to
the end of time.  Amen.  May the Mother of Grace grant thee to follow
their footsteps and to hold fast their doctrine.

* * * * *

Here endeth the letter concerning the first institutors of the monastery
at Windesem, which letter was written by the venerable Father William


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